Additional services REES46. How to write a description of an online store product card

Everyone who launches an online store almost immediately faces the following question: how to write a product description and what should be written to make the product want to buy? And the very first thing that comes to mind is to look: what do competitors write there and pull off the descriptions from them. But you can’t do this, because the description of the product is one of the key issues that affect the effectiveness of the online store. In this article, you will learn what functions a product description performs and how the right description can make you a market leader. And also you will find detailed instructions with examples for compiling descriptions.

Compiling product descriptions is the most time-consuming process when: for each product you need to come up with a title, a short description, a detailed description that should be selling and. If there are a lot of goods, then the task seems overwhelming. Therefore, the majority follows the simplest path - they order a rewrite of descriptions from a competitor's website. At first glance, this is a very attractive idea, because it will allow you to launch your online store in a short time.

But think, will such an approach allow you to solve the main task facing your online store - to survive in the battle with competitors and bring you maximum profit? Compiling product descriptions just for the sake of quickly filling the area of ​​​​the page on which the description is displayed is initially the wrong way.

Just imagine how a person feels when they are assigned to rewrite content from another online store in their own words, in which, for example, there are a thousand products. This is the scariest job for a copywriter. And if you order such work, then you will get dull and not very unique content.

If you want to achieve a result, i.e. effective sales, then you must write product descriptions strictly according to certain and predetermined rules. You will learn about such rules later in this article. It will be more time consuming, but worth the time: as a result, you will get unique and interesting descriptions that you want to read, and after reading, buy the product.

If you follow the simple rules described below, then your descriptions are guaranteed to help you:

    After reading, buyers will more often switch to a purchase, even if the price seems high to them;

    Buyers will stop at your store, and will not go looking for this product to competitors;

    Customers may even decide to buy those goods that they did not even think about buying before entering your store.

Good descriptions are like a good seller who knows how to sell a product to a buyer. But if the seller is looking for, then the descriptions are created. And your task is to create the most effective descriptions. Here are some practical tips on how to do this.

Preparing to develop product descriptions

Before you get really into the job of writing descriptions, you need to do some sort of homework. You need to prepare 2 documents: Buyer model" And " Requirements for writing descriptions". These documents should always lie on the table of the person who will be entrusted with their compilation. " Buyer model» guarantees that the descriptions are strictly client-oriented, they will be interesting and understandable for most of your buyers. " Requirements» will guarantee uniformity of descriptions and a clear correspondence to the tasks of your store.

Even if you change the contractor, the work will continue in the manner that you have previously outlined and recorded in these two documents.

The buyer model allows you to understand and understand who he is - your buyer? Of course, completely different people will buy from you, but if you, for example, are not a family hypermarket, then most likely you will be able to create some kind of average model of your buyer. Perhaps this is a young mother of 30 years old or pensioners who have their own dacha. You need to create a buyer model: describe in detail who he is, what problems he has, where he works, what he does in his spare time, what he dreams of, etc. Looking ahead, when you connect to the site, you can even better understand who visits your site, their age, interests and much more. Next, on the Internet, you need to find a photo for your model, place a text with a description under the photo, print it and put it in a frame on your desktop. When writing product descriptions, you should always think about your buyer.

Description requirements ensure that descriptions are consistent and fit your purpose. You should have clear requirements according to which all descriptions must be written. Their requirements may be the same for individual groups of goods. " Requirements” must be written in detail so that you can give them to any person along with the product, and he would be able to write the description you need.

You must make the requirements yourself based on the specifics of your store. The list of requirements might look like this:

    Product header template. The template could be, for example: creative description + The material from which the product is made + Benefit .

    Description text template. You can use one of the standard schemes or come up with your own. For example: Buyer problem + List of main specifications + Description of how this product solves the buyer's problem.

    List of important product features that can be used in the description. For example, is it possible to use the material from which the product is made in the description.

    Text volume. For example, 400 to 600 characters.

This is an approximate list of points, but the meaning should already be clear: you need to simplify the work for the copywriter as much as possible and exclude unnecessary creativity. As a result, you will get the descriptions you need, which guarantee effective sales.

Let's now look at the process of writing descriptions. So, you have in your hands a product, a buyer model and requirements for writing descriptions. What's next?

    How can this product improve his life?

    What customer problems can it solve?

    What positive emotions can it deliver to the buyer?

At this point, you should understand this thing: the first thing the buyer sees is the picture, the name of the product and the price. If he likes the product, but not the price, then a war starts inside the buyer and he starts looking for arguments BEHIND And AGAINST purchases. He carefully reads the description of the product, studies the reviews until he finds a compelling argument either in favor of the purchase or against it.

Therefore, you must write the description very carefully. One mistake of yours can scare off the buyer.

Also, your description should keep the attention of the buyer, not let him get distracted, not let him switch to other things.

You must by all means not let the argument win. AGAINST.

Still not sure how to create an effective product description for an online store that can arouse interest, not frighten away and keep attention? Then, we give sincere advice. You must adhere to the following rules:

    The text should not contain spelling, punctuation and stylistic errors! Having found an error in the text, the buyer is likely to leave your online store because he will lose confidence in him.

    The text must be well-formatted! The buyer, before reading any text, first looks at how it is designed. And if the design suits him, he will start reading. Use lists, bold, italics, etc. The main thing is not to overdo it.

    It is always more interesting to know the advantages of a product! Comparing goods by pluses is much more convenient. After all, the advantages of the product clearly formulated and listed in the list are information that is already ready for analysis. Sometimes it is more effective to simply list the main pros in the product description than to describe in detail.

    Always think about the buyer! What problem does this product solve? What emotions can the product deliver? You need to sell not the product itself, but the solution to the problems of the buyer!

    Give the most complete description of the product! This is especially critical if you do not have an online consultant or it is not always available. After all, if the buyer still has questions about the product, he will not be able to make a purchase from you, then most likely he will go to another store.

    Use the style of your customers! If your typical customer is a young mother, then in the product description you can use, for example, emoticons, and product descriptions can be made more emotional. On the contrary, if you are selling products for hunters and fishermen, you need to keep it short and clear.

To facilitate the writing process, you can use pre-prepared questions. The bottom line is that first you find the answers to all the questions on the list, write them down, and then proceed to the description itself.

Questions might be:

    Who is the buyer of this product?

    What customer problems does this product solve?

    What exactly will the buyer do with this product?

    When will this product be used?

    Why is this product better than similar products?

    Why is it better to buy this product in your online store?

Such a questionnaire will help you when writing the first descriptions, then you will already get into a rut and will be able to work without a questionnaire.

How to protect product description from copying

When did you first ask yourself the question: how to write a product description, and the first desire was to copy texts from the site of competitors, you hardly thought that you would have to be on the "other side" and already protect your content from copying. Now that you know how to write product descriptions yourself, you will need to protect your description. How to make sure that your text is not copied, you can read in the article (). In addition to technical solutions, there is one more piece of advice. Be sure to add each unique text to Yandex.Texts in your Yandex.Webmaster's personal account (How to add a site to Yandex.Webmaster) in this case, if your content is on another site, Yandex will know that you were the first to write this text, and display it higher in the search results.

You can write the perfect product description for your online store, but if you don't keep SEO in mind, your descriptions won't bring buyers from the search engines!

You may not be able to take a place on the first page of Yandex issuance for the query " Buy a vacuum cleaner» ( such a request is called high-frequency), but you are quite capable of getting there by requesting " Buy vacuum cleaner SAMSUNG SC885H in Tula» ( such a request is called low-frequency).

Here are some simple tips to help you make your product pages SEO effective.

    Use unique content. Content copied from other sites is not only ineffective, but also harmful.

    Intrigue your customers! Write the title and description of the product in such a way that visitors want to learn more about the product. After all, even if the page with the product gets on the first page of Yandex issuance, you still need to make it click on the line with your site. Few people will click on an uninteresting description.

    Use meta tags: title, description,keywords and html headersh1,h2. Meta tags allow you to tell search engines more information about a page. Tag content title And description search engines can be used to format information about your product page in search results. Tag title can be used as a title, and a tag description as page description. We say "may" because search engines are not required to do this at all. They can use information from the tag for the title h1 or even h2. For the description, they can use the fragment of text that they consider necessary.

As you can see, the advice is not tricky. Write titles and descriptions that are clearly relevant to the product. In addition, any piece of the product description should be so interesting that when you see it in the Yandex search results, you would like to click on it.

Composing a product description in the Moguta.CMS engine

As we have already said, the description of goods is one of the main tools for organizing the process of effective sales. To work effectively with this tool, you need a convenient and functional text editor. You can find such an editor in the Moguta.CMS engine. It allows you to create layout of product descriptions without knowledge of HTML. You will be able to work with it as in the popular Microsoft Word, and even pictures in the description of the product card.

As can be seen from the figure, the editor, firstly, is very simple and it will not be difficult to master it after working in Word; secondly, it has a complete set of functions for working with text, tables, graphics and video.

A big plus is the one-window interface: you do not need to make unnecessary movements to edit the short description, as well as the meta tags of the product page.


The main task of the new online store is to survive among competitors and bring profit to its owner. To do this, all work on the creation and development of the store must be carried out with high quality. This also applies to writing product descriptions.

Hastily done work can lead to the fact that your online store will be filled with low-quality content. But the content in the online store replaces the seller in the real store. You wouldn't hire a boring salesperson who couldn't explain the products clearly, would you? Also, replacing a bad salesperson in a real store is much easier than replacing all test content in an online store!

Therefore, it is very important to approach this issue with all responsibility! Do the preparatory work: create a buyer model, determine the requirements for product descriptions, and as a result, you will be able to create high-quality and effective product descriptions for your online store.

In the article " How to write a product description, we have covered a lot. If you have questions, ask them in the comments. Write what else you would like to know and we will prepare a new interesting article for your order.

If you could not find a business plan (BP) with a description and characteristics of the product that you plan to promote, then you need to start compiling it yourself. What sections does a business plan include? What are the stages in its preparation? And finally, how to arouse sincere interest among investors? All these and other equally interesting questions will be discussed in the article.

Project product description or business plan

A business plan should be understood as a company's strategy regarding managerial, marketing and financial activities. It is issued as an official document. BP allows you to highlight all aspects of the future business, take into account existing risks, calculate investments and the timing of the return of funds. It is advisable to consider in more detail how to correctly write a product description. You should understand how important it is to draw up a document on paper. This is the first thing an investor will look at at the presentation of the project. As an example, consider the description of a software product below.

Business plan: functionality

Perhaps the main requirement when drafting a document is the ability to demonstrate an idea so that investors clearly understand where they should invest or not invest money. If the description of products and services is written correctly, various funds, banks and other structures will certainly be interested. Business planning helps to structure and systematize all information about the project. With its help, you can create settings for the planned expansion of future infrastructure, as well as correctly identify the time suitable for investing money in the development of the project.

Today, many novice entrepreneurs can only write product briefs. They only in general terms represent what functions a business plan performs a priori. Below we consider its varieties that exist today.

To present investors with a decent description of the product, you should use a number of tips for writing a business plan:

  1. The text should contain simple and readable formulations, concepts: two-valued interpretations are prohibited.
  2. The business plan should contain no more than 25 pages.
  3. The product description file is compiled in accordance with generally accepted standards.
  4. It is important to provide the potential investor with complete information about the project.
  5. All calculations and conclusions in the project must be confirmed by specific figures, facts or studies carried out in advance.
  6. All sections of the product description should be related. Each of them complements the general positive opinion of the audience about the project.
  7. Having studied the business plan, the investor must see the potential of the project, so it is worth working on this issue separately.
  8. It is important to maintain the flexibility of the stated. Explanation: if your business plan does not exclude additions, changes or clarifications, then it can already be considered better than the competition.
  9. It should be mandatory to indicate the methods of monitoring future activities.

Principles for compiling a business plan

Drawing up a business plan is not difficult, the main thing is to think through the main idea of ​​​​a startup in detail. It is advisable to consider a step-by-step algorithm that allows you to develop a document yourself. First you need to identify the "strong" and "weak" sides of the business idea. You should not stop working on a project at the first stages, if suddenly there are more negative points than positive ones, because each minus is a unique point of growth for the business. A detailed analysis is also needed for the sales market.

Product Description. Example

If, after doing the research above and calculating the initial monetary indicators, you have not changed your mind about implementing the startup idea, it is advisable to start developing a business plan. The complete BP contains 12 sections. Consider them on the example of a description of the development of a software product.

BP sections

The business plan includes the following sections:

  1. The title page, which displays the name of the project and the structure where the launch and implementation of the software product project is planned. It is important to indicate the full name of the director of the company, the contact information of the people responsible for writing the BP, the date the document was created.
  2. A non-disclosure memorandum that will guarantee the protection of a unique business idea and will not allow it to be stolen. The file contains a requirement to keep confidential any information obtained in the process of reading the document. So, violation of the rules will be prosecuted by law.
  3. Brief summary. It is important to keep in mind that you need to draw it up at the end of writing the BP. This is, as it were, an excerpt from the entire document, in which it is advisable to characterize the key points related to monetary indicators and the business idea as a whole.

Description in resume

To properly write a resume, you first need to describe the product. In accordance with our example, it will look like this: the system for creating X-ray microtomography software involves studying the structure of the object of study from the inside in a non-destructive way. The mechanism consists of a photodetector and a radiation source. The software takes about 360 slices (one step = 1 degree). And after receiving the primary information, a reconstruction technique based on the Radon algorithm is used. This is how a three-dimensional model of the research object is built.

In addition to a competent description of the product, the summary should contain a description of the target audience, the number of goods sold in absentia, and the planned revenue after the launch within 1 year. It is important to indicate the total amount of investment required, as well as the costs of the project. It should be remembered:

  • about the organizational, legal aspects of the issue;
  • the labor force that will be required to implement the plan;
  • list of sources of subsidies;
  • timing of reaching the breakeven point;
  • payback period.

What is the first thing an investor pays attention to?

It should be borne in mind that the "Summary" section is the most important, since it is on it that a potential investor first of all pays attention. Conclusion: the fate of your idea is almost completely curled by the summary, so you need to present the data logically and concisely. We should not forget about the total income for the year, the total amount of cash at the end of the year, NPV (net present value) and the profitability of the structure.

Business plan sections: part two

In addition to the above sections of the BP, there are the following:

  1. Characteristics of the project (its meaning, what is needed to achieve the main goal, what are the obstacles and risks, ideas for the development of the project, and so on). This section is approximately two pages long. Today, a SWOT analysis is relevant, reflecting all the risks and opportunities of the business.
  2. characteristics of the market niche. Here, an assistant will be such a figure as the volume of sales of an analogue product for a certain period.
  3. Detailed information about the project, that is, its essence is in the details. Here you need to remember the degree of readiness for the start of implementation, the availability of the necessary resources for this. It is imperative to indicate the primary goals of the startup, the target audience, ways to achieve success, the pros and cons of the product.
  4. Marketing strategy. It is advisable to describe the essence of the strategy, the main performance indicators and the means to achieve the goals outlined in one of the previous headings. It is worth distributing responsibilities to all employees involved in the marketing service, deadlines and methods for achieving marketing goals.
  5. Production plan. In this section, you must specify information regarding the production of marketable products, taking into account the seasonality factor. There is one caveat, if you plan to sell finished products, for example, the product disassembled in the example above (clothes, shoes, children's toys), then this item can be omitted. The section should contain the following aspects: the necessary production mechanisms, process features, a list of equipment with its technical characteristics and cost, information about the areas for the production process, the necessary raw materials, costs in accordance with each stage of production.
  6. An organizational plan, where it is important to reveal the features of hiring personnel, monitoring their activities and distributing professional tasks. It is very harmful to neglect this section, because it is with its help that one can understand the compliance of the existing organizational structure with the main goals of the project. This section should contain the actual and legal address, the name of the organizational and legal norm (for example, LLC or OJSC), the current management scheme.
  7. A financial plan that characterizes all the monetary nuances of a business idea: profitability, payback period, and so on. Here it is important to calculate the tax payments, the composition of the capital of the structure, the plan for the income and expense reports of the enterprise, the cash flow and the balance sheet of the structure. You should also calculate the break-even point and net present value.
  8. Risk management. In the section, it is important to describe all the risks that are possible in the process of organizing and conducting the proposed activities. It should be remembered that a special role is played by those factors on which the profit of the enterprise directly depends.

Now anyone can make their own online store. There is nothing difficult in this. But when it comes to describing goods or services, there is a very curious trend. Most of them simply "rip" the texts from the pages of competitors, as they say, "for show". At the same time, few people wonder if there is any sense in this. Today we will look at how to use product descriptions(or services) you can deftly stand out from competitors and turn even 500 characters into an effective sales tool. You are ready? Then let's go!

Description of goods in online stores: the state of affairs

Today, the vast majority of online stores, whether created on unique "engines" or using extensions of popular CMS (Virtuemart for Joomla or WP e-Commerce for WordPress, etc.), have the same structure. There are two key elements in this structure:

  1. Brief product description (on the main page, in search results, filtering, etc.)
  2. Full product description (on the product card page)

Often you can find stores in which the description of goods, in general, as such, is absent. There is only a title, an image and a couple of technical specifications. This is a completely neglected case, we do not even consider it.

Much more often, the picture looks like this: the short and long descriptions are the same. At the same time, practice shows that they coincide not only within the framework of one store, but also within the entire niche as a whole.

I am touched by the rationale for this approach of some of my business acquaintances: “ The product is the same, you can’t write anything new about it, you can’t invent anything».

And now look what an interesting thing turns out:

Suppose there is an entrepreneur Fedya Pupkin, who sells cell phones, and some competing large office Sidorov Inc. Fedya buys 10 units of equipment at a time, and the office buys 1000. It is logical to assume that the price of goods from the office with such large bulk purchases can be significantly lower than from Fedya.

And now the most interesting: the description of what the office has, what Fedya has is one and the same. The difference is only in price. Who do you think the vast majority of consumers will order from? The question is rhetorical.

The secret of a selling product description

In order for a description to work for sales, it must be approached primarily from a marketing point of view. Therefore, you need to write about what is important for the target audience. And the target audience is only concerned about its problems, the solution of which can be the product, the description of which you make up.

Consumers are not buying a product. They buy the solution to the problem that the product becomes for them.

Suppose you need to write a product description for a plumbing store. Let's get more specific: You need a description of the SOLO toilet from KOLO. On the one hand, you can write technical specifications, such as color, overall dimensions, etc., but this will not help the consumer much.

Now imagine that you did a little analysis and found out that this toilet is very compact and fits perfectly into the combined sanitary facilities of the Khrushchev-era apartments, leaving a lot of free space. What's more, you even made a sketch of the layout of the bathroom and clearly showed the comparison of the dimensions of SOLO with the dimensions of other toilets. See? As a result, the consumer gets the opportunity to buy not only a toilet bowl, but also a free space for the same money.

The situation is similar with various promotions, discounts and other specials. offers. By focusing on tangible benefits, you raise the value of the product in the eyes of a potential buyer, and, consequently, the chances of a purchase. Even more, this chance increases the call to action (for a selling product description, all the laws of writing a classic are preserved. The only difference is a small volume).

Little nuance:

Try to show in the description not just the benefits of buying a product, but the benefits of buying a product from you. It’s just that in the end, the consumer (especially the Slavs) still compares prices, and it will be very disappointing if your text helps a person decide on a model, but this person will make a purchase from a competitor at a lower price. To avoid this situation, make your offer unique.

Product description: the most common mistake

Very often when you get to a page with a product card, you can see a large “sheet” of text describing the history of the product, its purpose with all the accompanying oohs and oohs “sharpened” for search engines. Another option is a category page with a long list of different models and the same “sheet” at the end.

Of course, search engine optimization is a good thing, but only when it is not at the expense of the selling properties of the page. Otherwise, the following scenario plays out:

  1. The visitor has come
  2. The visitor winced
  3. The visitor is gone

The question is: what's the point of being a leader in search results if the bounce rate goes off scale?

Going back to our plumbing example, imagine you need a new bathtub. Why would you need to read about where it was first invented, how cool it is to lie in it on a cold winter day, or how to operate it? Think about whether you will be pleased if your eyes on each page will be waiting for such a text? Unlikely.

That's why when writing a product description, . Will your text be useful to him? Will it solve his problem? If so, which one?

Many owners of online stores may begin to resent, they say, they have thousands of items, it was not enough to write a description for each one or pay a lot of money to a copywriter.

Now imagine that each text is able to bring at least one additional sale, which pays off the money invested in this text. Where there is one sale, there will be two, and three, and ten over time. But the main benefit is that the text needs to be written only once, and it generates sales all the time.


Product descriptions can be a very powerful sales tool when approached from a marketing perspective. But in this case, it is worth remembering that the text of the article type will not work here, because the “zest” is not just to give out a thematic text mass, but to solve the problem of the buyer and reflect this decision in the text.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

This section should describe your main products and services, evaluate their advantages, disadvantages and liquidity. Compare your products with those of competitors and analyze the next stages of production development.

Product Feature

First of all, give a brief description of your products or services, and then focus on individual qualities and features that are of particular importance to customers or differentiate you from competitors. Do not forget to give examples of the use of the proposed products.

You can use this as a template form:

Product/Service Description

The _______________ that we offer can be characterized as ____________________. The main purpose they serve is _________________. We first offered _________ at _______. Since then, they have undergone the following changes ____________________.

Indicate the cost of the proposed products depending on the volume of production, emphasize its manufacturability and evaluate its versatility.

For example:

The company offers a new product/service. This product has the lowest price and is more practical than competitors' offerings. It is more advanced from a technological point of view than existing analogues, and allows consumers to save time and money.

The proposed service has not yet been available in this region. The high quality of service is provided by a team of employees of the company, whose total experience in this area is _____ years.

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Laws and regulations, relating to your field of activity, can greatly affect your business.

Therefore, the point of the business plan, in which you describe the compliance of your products with accepted international or Russian standards and quality control requirements, is of particular importance. Specify existing regulatory and certification requirements. If, in addition to the product itself, you also provide related services (for example, warranty service), be sure to mention this.

Perhaps your product or service is still at the development stage or, in general, only at the idea level. This also needs to be reflected in your business plan.

For example:

Currently, one/two/three, etc. are under development. product/service. At the time of writing this business plan, the product ________________ is already ready for release (is at the stage of development completion / 50% ready / 30% finalized / exists as an idea or project / ready to enter the trial market / launched into serial production).

To do this, we need to take the following steps: __________ . Other products/services are in the following stages of development: _____________________.

The key to the success of the company is the constant search for new opportunities for growth and development. If your proposed product can be further developed and improved, be sure to highlight this, list possible future projects that you plan to develop, and state the reasons why they were chosen.

Also describe the licenses and patents for the proposed product or service, if you already have them or are going to get them. You can use a ready-made template.

For example:

Our company owns the patent/registered trademark and has the exclusive right to sell the product/service in the ____________ region until ____. At the end of this period, we will extend the exclusive contract for _____ years.

Even though we use our own technologies, it is expected that other companies will be able to create a similar product / service within _______ years.

Analysis of competitors' products on the market

After you have presented your own product or service, you need to analyze the offers of your direct competitors. Describe the functional and consumer properties of similar products on the market.

Pay attention to what products and services other companies working in this field offer, what technologies and equipment they use, what methods of promotion and sales promotion they prefer, how they build their pricing policy.

Do not neglect this point of your business plan. Try to collect as much information as possible about the main players in the market you are going to enter with your offer.

To do this, find out who your competitors are - direct and indirect. Then identify the most successful ones.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Try to find out their strengths and weaknesses. To do this, talk to former and current customers of competing companies, conduct a consumer survey, study competitors' products, get acquainted with their advertising and promotion methods.

It is best if you conduct a comparative analysis of your offer and the goods or services of direct competitors.

For example:

Company ____________, located in ______________, is our main competitor. It offers the following goods or services: __________. These products have characteristics such as _____________. They are in demand among consumers due to relatively good quality and low price / lack of alternative offers on the market / high degree of trust in the company / additional services. The competitor has the opportunity to pursue an aggressive pricing policy due to cheap supplies.

Research and development

It is generally accepted that research and development of new products is the domain of high-tech firms. However, both manufacturing and service companies can also make modern technology their main advantage.

Describe in the business plan the objectives and description of the planned research and development (R&D) activities.

For example:

Ready-made ideas for your business

__________ has already spent a significant amount of time on research and development of its own product within the allocated budget of ____ rubles. In our research, we found ___________, which allowed us to reduce costs/increase sales. The biggest achievement to date is ______.

Give an assessment of existing technological risks, the technological state of competitors, and also evaluate the possibility of their developments to influence the activities of your company now or in the future. This section of the business plan ends with a detailed description of the concept for the development of next-generation products (if, of course, you already have this concept).

For example:

The research budget for the next few years is ______% of the profit or ____ rubles. The company continues to explore new product/service opportunities that drive further business growth. To support this process, the following steps have been developed and taken: _____.


The most important factor in the success of the marketing activities of the enterprise is its effective pricing policy. The prices you set for your products or services will affect sales, profit margins, and even your company's image.

To determine your pricing principles, formulate the main pricing objectives, create a pricing system that takes into account all the costs of the enterprise, competition and industry practices. As a rule, when calculating prices, they are guided by demand, and not by the cost of the product.

That is, you do not just add a certain margin to the cost of the product, guided by the principle “the more the better,” but proceed from how much consumers want to pay (and will pay) for your product or service.

For example:

The cost of producing a unit of production is ___ rubles. Thus, we need a profit of __% to cover all expenses and receive income. Therefore, the selling price of the product must be at least ___ rubles.

Describe the optimal order sizes and possible forms of payment. The new company is likely to have difficulty obtaining all the necessary funds on credit. And even if you get the full amount, then, not the most favorable conditions. Suppliers are also unlikely to agree to work with you in installments or credit, at least at first.

Problems with timely receipt of payments from customers and loans from suppliers can be a serious obstacle to new business. Therefore, if you are going to sell on credit, you need to determine the estimated time for receipt of payments.

Ready-made ideas for your business

This information will be of interest to potential investors (including banks). Do not underestimate the number of days to receive payments. After all, you are risking your money. Try to be realistic (and in some cases even pessimistic) about these dates.

In order to determine the amount of funding required, it is also important conditions for the acquisition of raw materials, materials and components, as well as the level of stocks.

If the conditions for the acquisition of raw materials and materials are more or less clear, then the assessment of the level of stocks often causes certain difficulties for start-up entrepreneurs.

Insufficient or too large volumes of purchases will soon lead to financial problems. Unsold goods that lie in warehouses simply take up space and become morally obsolete, so it becomes more and more difficult to sell it, and in the end it is completely impossible.

To avoid this and increase your profits, install a control and inventory management system.

Whether you're selling a product or providing services to your customers, you must constantly maintain a stock level that will make it possible to avoid declining sales. To do this, offer a wide range of products, but without a noticeable predominance of cheap and popular products.

Buy in large quantities, which will give you the opportunity to get a big discount from the supplier, but do not reduce the turnaround time of your inventory (that is, the number of days it takes you to sell the average stock of goods in your warehouse). Ensure that inventory levels are always sufficient and exclude obsolete, non-marketable goods from them.

For example:

In the sportswear retailing business, maintaining the right inventory levels to meet seasonal demand and avoid overstocking, which leads to constant large sales, is a key success factor. To solve this problem, we determined that in order to achieve the maximum sales income in the amount of ____ rubles. and in order to avoid losses, the cost of the necessary stocks should be ___ rubles.

If your business is set up with production collaborations with other companies (for example, you are going to seek the help of contractors in the development and / or production of your products), this should also be reflected in your plan.

Return to the list of instructions for writing a business plan

31 people are studying this business today.

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Standards for the design of the title page of the Business plan

We move on to the stage of a detailed description of the project in your business plan.

Half of the crime in the enterprise can be prevented by adjusting the design of the space. In this article, we will consider how to organize security in the surrounding area, in the building and in the office.

“Look for a new niche”, “steadfastly follow your goal”, do “minimum effort and achieve maximum results” - this article is not about that. Paul Graham refutes the classic postulates of success.

For many businesses, the cost of renting an office is the largest of the operating costs, so the survival of the company depends on how well the transaction is carried out.

Great! We will help you get even more profit from your products. Now in our service there are many products, but their descriptions leave much to be desired. Many texts are incomprehensible to the average trader and need to be improved. They contain lines of code, inputs, slang and abbreviations that are not understood by buyers. And most importantly, all these incomprehensible attributes do not make your product stand out in the eyes of the buyer. In general, product description is an important component of successful sales in the Market.


Preparing a description begins with choosing a name for your program. Use a simple, euphonious, and easy-to-remember word or expression. Remember, the product name is your trademark. A good name is easy to remember and find in the Market, you can tell another trader about it.

Since our service cannot have products with the same name, the name must be unique. Check if the word or expression you have chosen is already taken. Use the search in the Market and if you are ahead, just choose a different name for your Grail. For example, add another word to the name or take a different idea as the basis.


"Expert Alligator", "MA Crossover ADX" - it is desirable not to use such names for your programs. These are common words and names for indicators. They are not unique and will not be associated with your brand in trading.

"TR297EU138H.0.5.97" - no comment, it's just not pronounceable.

For the name of the program, you can choose words that are not related to trade and finance. Successful options: "Cullinan" - the largest diamond in the world; "Tantal" is a character in ancient Greek mythology who communicated with the gods.

Program logo

The logo is the first thing to get acquainted with your program in the Market. It is a visual image of the brand and is designed to evoke an association with you and your products. In the logo, it is desirable to use a simple and understandable image. If it is somehow related to the name and enhances it - even better! A good logo will attract more customer attention to the product and boost your sales.

Like the name of the program, check your logo for uniqueness. Check out other icons in the Market and try not to use similar images. Because it will not add to your uniqueness and will not allow you to stand out from your competitors.

Pay attention to the scalability of the image. Our service will require two images of different sizes: 200x200 and 60x60 pixels. Of course, when uploading a logo to the Market, a small icon can be created automatically from a large one. However, in this case, the image quality may suffer. Therefore, it is advisable to prepare in advance two icons of appropriate sizes with good quality.

It is also advisable not to place any texts on the logo or instead of them. Text instead of a logo will not be able to fulfill the main task - to form a visual image of your brand. Similar unsuccessful examples of icons have already appeared in our service. The maximum that can be written on the picture is a short and easy to read product name.

Product Description

Pay more attention to the description of your Expert Advisor. This is the most important part of your program in the Market. At the first acquaintance with the description, the reader should have a good impression of your development. It will greatly influence the buying decision.

The description should be clear to your buyer in the first place. Remember, you are writing text for ordinary traders who are not programmers and developers of trading systems. The use of technical terms, abbreviations and code elements are signs of a bad description - it will most likely not be read and your product will not be sold. Prepare a simple and understandable text for ordinary traders.

Short description

Start the text with a short description (approximately 100 characters). In one sentence, briefly and in simple words describe the essence of your program. After reading it, the buyer should understand what your product is.

Save your customers time and let them know what you're selling with the very first offer. If this is an expert, then indicate what strategy he adheres to and what tool he is sharpened for.


Tantal is a multi-currency Expert Advisor that trades with a trending strategy based on its own Kassandra indicator paired with Elder-Ray.

Trading strategy

After a brief description, tell in detail the essence of the strategy of your adviser/indicator. There is no limit on the number of characters, but it is better not to abuse large volumes. Here, describe in detail for which instruments/markets/currency pairs your Expert Advisor is optimized, on which timeframes it is better to place it. Briefly explain the algorithms and money management system that are incorporated into your trading strategy. If necessary, insert an external link to a more detailed description of the underlying algorithms.

Please note that when getting acquainted with the demo version of the program, buyers will not be engaged in optimization and tuning of input parameters. Therefore, set the optimal default initial parameters, in accordance with the announced trading strategy of the adviser / indicator. And you definitely shouldn't write how best to optimize your Expert Advisor. Remember, this is not just code, but a finished product that is sold to a trader who is not versed in robotics.


The Tantal Expert Advisor trades on 3 currency pairs EURUSD, AUDUSD, EURAUD only on pending orders. For the analysis of quotes, Kassandra's own indicator is used, the signals of which are confirmed by Elder-Ray. The decision to place a pending order is made only if a signal is received from two indicators at once. More information about indicator algorithms can be found on my website.

The Expert Advisor is able to work on all timeframes and remain profitable. However, the greatest efficiency is observed on the H3 period. Here the minimum risk is fixed at a sufficiently high profit.

The trading robot was created taking into account trading on a real account and is characterized by high reliability. The money management system allows you to risk only 10% of the deposit, and each transaction is protected by stop orders (Stop Loss and Take Profit). As a result of multiple tests, the maximum drawdown reached 7% on average, and the absolute drawdown was equal to zero - that is, the Expert Advisor never reduced the initial deposit.

At the end of this section, you need to be sure that all this information is understandable to the consumer. If at least something may not be clear in the operation of your program, you must provide a link to the explanatory material.


This is perhaps the most valuable section of the description. In the results, show that your Expert Advisor/Indicator is profitable and its price is justified. Give the most common example of the program in the financial market. Sky-high profits and records are not needed here. They simply will not be believed, or the risks of large profits will be very high for real trading.

In the example, indicate in which market and in what time interval the testing was carried out. What were the initial data of the EA/indicator: initial deposit, leverage, timeframe, testing mode, input parameters, and so on. What profit is achieved in the end?

Support the results with screenshots that can be posted in the appropriate section. Be sure to provide the entire detailed test report.

Present everything in such a way that the buyer can independently repeat your results in the strategy tester. This will be a clear proof of the efficiency of the expert and will have a positive impact on the brand. A successfully passed test will be a weighty argument in buying your program.


Expert Advisor testing results: Tantal with an initial deposit of $10,000 on the EURUSD H3 instrument earned $33,000 between 01/01/12 and 01/09/12. Net profit for 9 months of trading was 330%. Absolute drawdown - 0%, maximum drawdown - 5.5%.
You can get similar data by downloading the demo version of the EA and testing it.

After the Results section, describe other features and features of your program. Provide links to additional materials on your development. If you have a website about the program, be sure to link to it. Link to video and pictures can be placed in the Screenshots section.

When choosing a program, the buyer will be interested to know brief information about the author. Therefore, at the end of the description, place information about yourself. Indicate only the most important: who you are, the experience of developing experts, work experience, achievements in the market. Be sure to add a link to your profile www..

Attention: A prerequisite for adding a product is the presence of a description in English or Russian. Additionally, you can place text in your native language, if it is available for addition.

It will take a little time to work on the description, but it's worth it. Create a good description that clearly explains to your buyers what exactly you are selling. By doing this, you will be able to maintain and consolidate interest in your developments, as well as earn a reputation and increase sales.