How to cancel a check at the online checkout? Deleting all receipts of cash registers in retail.

New in version

Item characteristics

In the "Retail" configuration, a mechanism of characteristics is implemented, which allows the use of additional measurements of the nomenclature to account for and analyze the movement of goods.

The need to use characteristics for the nomenclature is determined in the reference book "Types of nomenclature":

  • Do not use (characteristics will not be used for the nomenclature of this type);
  • Use common items for the type (for the item of this type, the general characteristics of the type of item will be used);
  • Use individual for the nomenclature (individual characteristics will be used for the nomenclature of this type.

In all product reports, the ability to group and select products, when building a report, according to the characteristics and values ​​of their properties, has been added.

Registration of the cost of goods

To evaluate the efficiency of work, the ability to register the cost of goods has been introduced. Registration of the cost of goods can be done in the mode, which is defined in the settings of the accounting parameters "Cost accounting method":

  • Do not take into account.
    Registration of the cost of goods will not be made;
  • Offline accounting.
    The cost of goods is recorded as the price of the last receipt of goods;
  • Receive from the control system.
    The average cost of goods sold from the control system is uploaded to "1C: Retail", which allows obtaining comparable data in both databases;

In the case when the cost of goods can only be determined by an expert (for example, when switching to using the "Retail" configuration of non-automated stores), you can use the "Setting the cost" document.

The new report "Gross profit" allows you to analyze the gross profit received from the sale of goods over a certain period of time.

Analysis of personal selling

To be able to register personal sales of store employees and carry out further analysis of personal sales in sales documents, the ability to specify the seller responsible for the sale of goods has been added. In documents for the sale of goods, it is possible for each line of the "Goods" tabular section to indicate the seller who made the sale. The seller of the document can be registered using an employee registration card.

For the analysis of both personal and impersonal sales, the "Sales" report has been added, which reflects the amount of sales, the number of goods sold, the average cost of goods sold. This report can be drilled down to the seller's personal sales level.

Information cards

For registering personal sales of sellers, detailing sales to buyers of stores (personalized sales), the ability to register information cards for individuals in the system has been added.

For a registration card, an individual is a store employee, and for discount cards, an individual is a store customer.

To analyze the sales of store buyers, the report "Sales by discount cards (by KKM checks)" has been implemented, in which it is possible to display data on personalized sales (individuals or counterparties), if the buyer's discount card is indicated in the sales document ("KKM check"). The report can display both properties and categories of the buyer, as well as the contact information of the buyer, which makes it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of programs to attract regular customers to stores according to various criteria.

Implemented the ability to use information cards that have both a unique barcode and a code printed on a magnetic strip, or a code embossed on the card.

Planning and recording the working time of store staff, data exchange with the configuration "Salary and personnel management"

In the "Retail" configuration, it became possible to plan the working hours of store employees, register information on the actually used working hours of employees, build a plan - a factual analysis of the use of working hours, on the basis of which to make management decisions on staff motivation.

"Fast" goods

To be able to quickly enter frequently purchased goods or goods that do not have barcodes, the ability to use the list of "quick" goods in the sales registration mode has been added, the visual representation of which is called up by pressing the "Fast goods (F2)" button. An accelerator is installed for each product from the list of fast products.

The list of "quick" products is set up in the "List of "quick" products" tabular section of the "RMK Settings" reference book, where for each "quick" product button, the corresponding product can be set, and its own name or image can be assigned.

KKM check statuses

  • "Deferred check"
    When generating a POS receipt by a cashier in the sales registration mode, a situation may arise when the cashier needs to postpone work with the generated receipt, and, after generating a certain number of other receipts, resume work with the pending receipt. To do this, in the "Retail" configuration, the status of the document "KKM check" "Delayed" was added, which is assigned to a check when you press the "Post a check (Alt + F9)" button in the sales registration mode, after which work on the formation of a new check begins. You can continue working on a pending receipt in the sales registration mode by pressing the "Continue receipt (Alt+F10)" button. Documents "KKM Receipt" with the status "Delayed" are stored in the system until the cash register shift is closed.
  • "Canceled Check"
    When working in the sales registration mode, users are given the opportunity to cancel the check if the buyer refuses to purchase. Now canceled checks are stored in the infobase with the status "Canceled" in order to be able to analyze the possible excess of authority by cashiers in the performance of their duties.
  • "Archival check"
    When a cash register shift is closed, all "KKM Receipt" documents (except for canceled ones) are assigned the "Archive" status, which means that the data of these documents are included in the "Retail Sales Report" document.

Interactively Changing the Availability of Administrative Functions in Sales Registration Mode

To perform some operations (cancellation of goods, cancellation of a check, etc.), a cashier working in the sales registration mode may not have enough rights. To implement such actions, which require "elevated" rights, another user (for example, a senior cashier) can log in to the sales registration mode using his registration card. To do this, in the sales registration mode, press the "Change rights (Alt+F4)" key, read the registration card data, perform the necessary actions, and then press the same key, the name of which has changed to "Restore rights (Alt+F4)".

Retail store equipment

The mechanism for connecting and configuring retail equipment has changed. The form for connecting and setting up shop equipment has been redesigned. The visual style of the form has been improved: associative images (icons) have been added for each type of maintenance, the tabs of the form pages have been enlarged, additional information about the added / connected devices has been placed on the tabs of the pages. The functions of working with service processing are moved to a separate submenu. Added the ability to manage the connection of devices: if a device is temporarily disconnected from the system, then there is no need to delete it, losing the connection settings - just uncheck the "Connected" flag.

Added an assistant for connecting and configuring vending equipment, which allows using a dialog to select the type of vending equipment to be connected, download the necessary service processing, add a new device model, configure and check equipment connection parameters.

Added the ability to online download and update the maintenance processing of shop equipment.

Removed user groups of shop equipment. Now, when setting up a new type of retail equipment, there is no need to specify users who are allowed to use this type of maintenance. Trading equipment will be available to all users of the information base.

Data exchange with trading equipment connected in Offline mode (KKM in Offline mode, Electronic scales in Offline mode)

The mode of periodic reloading of changed information about goods (since the last download) has been implemented for retail equipment connected in Offline mode, the download frequency can be set by the user at his discretion. The following features have also been implemented: a complete manual reset of retail equipment, manual partial updating of information in retail equipment (which is especially important when working with Offline electronic scales) and clearing information in the memory of retail equipment.

Fiscal check templates

Added the ability to create a template for the printed form of a fiscal receipt.

Summary report on the cash shift

In the case of using more than one cash desk, it is provided to generate a summary report on the readings of counters of cash registers and the revenue of organizations for the current day (form "KM-7"), for this, the document "Summary report on cash shift" has been added to the system.

CCM check statistics

The "KKM checks statistics" report has been added to the "Retail" configuration, which allows you to analyze the load on the cash registers by comparing the indicators of an individual cash register with the average indicators of the grouping level.

Commodity report "TORG-29"

For the valuation of goods in stores at sales prices, the report "Commodity report (TORG-29)" has been added.

Restriction of data migration on informative balances of goods in stores for RIB nodes

When a chain of stores is operating and using the RIB mechanisms, it became possible for the RIB node to limit the list of stores, information about the balances of which will be migrated to this node. Such a restriction is relevant when stores in some regions do not need such information from stores in other regions or when in multi-format chains some stores have a format different from other stores.

Distributed information base on cash registers

Added the ability to deploy a distributed infobase inside the store, the nodes of which are checkouts, to the "Retail" configuration. This ensures uninterrupted operation of the Retail database with acceptable performance in stores with a large number of cash registers, regardless of the connection to the server.

Version 1.0.5 of the Retail configuration, edition 1.0 is intended for use with platform version 8.1.13 (and later).


When registering sales of goods, it is necessary to ensure the uninterrupted operation of the cashier with the ability to serve the maximum possible number of customers.

To ensure the smooth operation of the cashier, the program provides the ability to automatically save the current check.

In the sales registration mode, with any change in the document KKM check it is stored in an external file. The check is kept until such time as it is punched, canceled or postponed. That is, the document is saved in an external file until the cashier completes the work on creating a KKM check, after which the information from the external file on this check is deleted.

When entering the sales registration mode, the system analyzes the presence of a cash register check in a local file on the computer, and if such a check is present, the program restores it.

Canceled Check

When working in the sales registration mode, users are given the opportunity to cancel the receipt if the buyer refuses to purchase. Now canceled checks are stored in the infobase with the status Canceled so that you can analyze the excess of authority by cashiers in the performance of their duties.

Archival receipt

Interactively change access to administrative functions

To perform some operations (cancellation of goods, cancellation of a check, etc.), a cashier working in the sales registration mode may not have enough rights. In this case, another user (for example, a senior cashier) can log in to the sales registration mode using his registration card. To do this, press the key Change permissions (alt + F4), read the registration card data, perform the necessary actions, then press the same key - its name will change to Restore rights (alt + F4).

CCM check statistics

The program provides three reports that analyze the statistics of KKM checks: CCM check statistics, Statistics of KKM checks by days of the week And .

Report CCM check statistics allows you to analyze the load on the cash registers, comparing the performance of an individual cash desk with the average indicators of the grouping level.

In the report, for the calculation of many indicators, the estimated number is used - “the number of days worked by the cashier”. To calculate this number, the number of days that the cash desk has worked is summed up. The fact of the work of the cash desk is the presence of at least one punched check during the cash register shift.

Group of indicators "Average number of checks at the cash desk"

Group of indicators "Average check amount"

Group of indicators "Average number of goods in a check"

Technical features of calculations:

  • if the document KKM check there is a product that is sold at a discount, then the entire product is calculated as a product at a discount. That is, the only line in the document with a discount sets the sign that the document is at a discount, all the items in this document are at a discount and, accordingly, the amount of the sale is also at a discount;
  • when calculating Number of goods in the check the document counts the number of lines of the document "folded" by the nomenclature (doubles of the nomenclature are excluded).

Group of indicators "Average cash amount by type of payment"

Index Calculation
Cash paymentThe amount of cash received as payment for the goods on all sales receipts for the period - The amount of cash paid on return receipts for the period / Number of sales receipts for the period
Bank payment. CreditAmount of payment by the bank for the goods on all sales receipts for the period - Amount on return receipts for the period / Number of sales receipts for the period
payment payment. mapThe amount of payments on the payment card for the goods on all sales receipts for the period - The amount transferred to payment cards on return receipts for the period / Number of sales receipts for the period

Report Statistics of KKM checks in the context of working hours (interval in hours) allows you to get information about both the total number of punched checks for a certain period, and the average number of punched checks per day, at a certain time of the day.

/ Settings... T t L s Period from: W to: 22.07.2009 W Statistics of KKM checks by working time interval in hours Period:... -22.07.2009 Line grouping: Shop; Checkout K" width="744" height="358" border="0">

With the help of this report, you can conduct a comparative analysis of the work of various stores and various cash desks of the same store and obtain statistical data on the level of workload of cashiers in certain periods of time.

The average number of punched checks is calculated as the total number of checks punched per period divided by the period.

Report Checks statistics by days of the week analyzes the workload of cash desks on weekdays and weekends.

For the report to work correctly, an integer number of weeks must be selected in the report period. (The start date must always be Monday, the end date must always be Sunday.)

The report shows the average number of checks entered by the cashier during the day.

The average number of checks at the cash desk on a certain day is calculated by the formula:

Number of checks entered for this day at this cash desk for the period
The number of days that the cash register worked for the specified period.

The average number of checks at the cash desk per week is calculated by the formula:

Number of checks entered per week at this cash desk for the period
The number of days that the cash desk worked for the specified period during the week.

The average number of receipts for a store on a given day is calculated by the formula:

The number of checks on this day for the store for the period
The number of cash registers that worked that day in the store.

The average number of checks per store per week is calculated by the formula:

The number of checks punched for the whole week for this store
Number of days worked by all store cashiers.

The cash desk is considered to be working if at least one check was made through it during the day.

We are found: KKM check has the status of Archive Operations with this document are prohibited!, KKM check has the archived status Operations on this document are prohibited, how to delete a cash register check with a broken status, check cancellation in 1s, cash register check cancellation, ARCHIVED CHECK, deferred check 1s, number of checks, check status is archived, average number of goods in a check

Cancellation of a KKM check is the cancellation of an operation to receive cash from a buyer and related manipulations with a check. If a check is canceled before it is closed, then, as a rule, KKM fixes this fact and prints the inscription “Check canceled” on the check. The canceled sales amount is not included in the cumulative totals.

If the check is already closed, then the steps are as follows:

  • The buyer returned the check on the same day - the stamp “Canceled” and the signature of the responsible person are put on the check, at the end of the shift an act is drawn up in the form KM-3, to which an erroneous check is attached.
  • The error was discovered after the shift was closed - then this fact is reflected in the KM-4 log.

IMPORTANT! All of the above manipulations were relevant for cash desks with ECLZ. The introduction of online cash registers has changed the cancellation of checks .

If you haven't heard about online cash registers yet, read about them.

Is it possible to cancel an online checkout?

In online cash registers, check cancellation is possible at the stage when it has not yet been broken. The online cash register software, as a rule, allows you to cancel a check before it is printed and transferred to the OFD. For example, the firmware of the Evotor online CCP allows you to return to the procedure for selling goods (entering them into a check), as well as correct the list of goods and cancel the check altogether.

If the check has already been issued, then it is impossible to cancel it using the methods listed above for cash desks with ECLZ. The reason for this is the changes in the law “On the use of cash registers” dated May 22, 2003 No. 54-FZ. The current version of this law involves the use of a correction check to correct erroneous checks (clause 4, article 4.3 of Law No. 54-FZ). You need to break through such a check in the interval between the opening and closing of the shift. At the same time, you can punch a correction check on any other day: the date of the correction check does not have to coincide with the date of the erroneous calculation.

A correction check can contain 2 settlement signs:

  • 1 - income correction, that is, the economic entity fixes unaccounted revenue, if, for example, the check was not broken at all or was broken for a smaller amount than necessary;
  • 3 - correction of expenditure, when the economic entity corrects fiscal documents for the issuance of money from the cash desk, since initially a smaller amount was issued than was necessary.

Cancellation of a check can be an operation initiated by an economic entity - with self-identification of errors. Then the check indicates the date and number of the accounting document, on the basis of which the calculations are adjusted. Such can be, for example, an explanatory note of the cashier. The type of correction in this case is “independent operation”.

If the violation was revealed by the tax inspector, then you need to specify the type of correction "operation according to the prescription" and the details of the prescription itself.

In addition, in online cash registers there is such a sign of calculation as “return of receipts”. With it, you can adjust the calculations for the online checkout in the presence of the client. If you find that you have punched the wrong check to the buyer who deposited money at the cash desk, then you need to knock out a new check for the same amount as in the wrong check, but with the settlement sign “return of receipts”. On such a check, the fiscal sign of the primary check with an error will be indicated. That is, you kind of cancel the wrong check. Then a new check is punched for the correct amount and issued to the buyer.


Cancellation of an online cash register check is possible only until it is broken through and entered into the fiscal memory of the cash register. After that, the online checkout check can only be corrected by using the correction check.