Essence of management of own capital of the enterprise. Coursework management of the company's own capital

The equity capital of an organization (enterprise) characterizes the total value of the organization's funds owned by it.

The following functions of equity can be distinguished:

- operational - associated with maintaining the continuity of the organization (enterprise);

- protective (absorbent) - aimed at protecting the capital of creditors and compensating (absorbing) the losses of the organization;

- distributive - associated with participation in the distribution of profits;

- regulatory - determines the possibilities and extent of attracting borrowed sources of financing, as well as the participation of individual entities in the management of the organization.

As part of equity capital, two main components can be distinguished: invested and accumulated capital.

Invested capital - it is the capital invested by the owners. Includes par value of common and preferred shares, as well as additionally paid-in capital. The invested capital is presented in the balance sheets of Russian organizations in the form of authorized capital and additional capital in terms of share premium.

Accumulated capital - this is capital created in excess of what was originally advanced by the owners. It is reflected in the form of items formed from net profit (reserve capital, retained earnings).

Net assets (NA) - this is the difference between the amount of the organization's assets accepted for settlement (Ar) and the amount of liabilities accepted for settlement (Pr).

In general, the value of net assets is calculated according to the formula NA \u003d Ar - Pr

The value of net assets may not coincide with the result of section III "Capital and reserves" of the balance sheet. In order to avoid artificial overestimation of the share of equity capital and reduce the financial risks of the organization, the latter (the result of the section) needs to be adjusted.

As part of equity capital, the following components are allocated (recorded): authorized (share) capital, additional capital, reserve capital, retained earnings and other reserves.

In the process of managing equity capital, the sources of its formation are divided into internal and external.

IN composition of internal sources allocate retained earnings (she owns the main place), reserve funds Anddepreciation deductions. Depreciation deductions, which are a monetary expression of the cost of depreciation of fixed assets and intangible assets, are a source of financing for simple, and in some cases, expanded reproduction.

As part of external sources of formation of own financial resources, one can single out:

Raising additional share capital (by re-issuing and selling shares);

Free financial assistance from legal entities and the state;

Conversion of borrowed funds into own funds (exchange of corporate bonds for shares);

Funds of targeted financing received for investment purposes;

Own capital is characterized by ease of attraction, since decisions to increase it are made by owners and managers without the participation of other business entities. The value of equity capital largely determines the financial condition of the organization, in particular the level of its financial independence, the value of net assets, profitability.

The level of financial independence (stability) of an organization is predetermined primarily its capital structure. The main indicators of the organization's capital structure include:

autonomy coefficient - characterizes the degree of financial independence (dependence) of the organization on borrowed sources of financing. It is defined as the ratio of equity capital to the total assets of the organization (balance sheet currency). The calculated value should not be less than 0.5;

ratio of borrowed and own funds - shows what funds the company has more - own or borrowed. It is defined as the ratio of the amount of borrowed capital to equity capital. The maximum value of the coefficient should not exceed 1;

financial dependence ratio (financial leverage ratio) is the reciprocal of the autonomy coefficient. It is defined as the ratio of the value of the organization's total assets to the value of its own capital. Shows the influence of the capital structure as one of the factors on the return on equity;

financial stability ratio characterizes the share of permanent capital in the form of own funds and long-term borrowed capital in the total assets (capital) of the enterprise. In foreign practice of financial analysis, the normal value of this coefficient is assumed to be 0.9. A decrease in the coefficient to 0.75 is considered as a critical level.

The disadvantages of using only equity are:

Limited volume of attraction for expanding the scale of entrepreneurial activity;

Higher cost compared to alternative sources of borrowed capital;

Unrealizable opportunity to increase profitability through the use of borrowed funds through the effect of financial leverage.

Organization's equity management

Before proceeding to the consideration of issues of capital management (own, borrowed, cost of capital, etc.), let us consider how the content of the category “capital” is revealed in economic theory through the variety of forms of its manifestation.

Traditionally, according to the subjects of ownership, there are:

Own capital - the total value of the organization's funds owned by it and used to form a certain part of the assets.

Borrowed capital - characterizes funds and other property values ​​attracted for financing organizations on a repayable basis.

By investment object:

Fixed capital - capital invested in all types of non-current assets of the organization.

Working capital - capital invested in the organization's current assets.

Let us especially emphasize the purpose and objectives of capital management.

The purpose of capital management is to ensure the sustainable and efficient development of the organization's business.

Money management tasks:

Determining the total need for capital to finance the activities of the organization and ensure the necessary pace of its economic development.

Determination of the most effective sources of capital attraction.

Optimization of the organization's capital structure is adequate to the goals and objectives of its development.

The ranking of the tasks of capital management is carried out taking into account the specific conditions for the development of the organization and the realization of the interests of its owners.

Capital management is based on the following principles:

Ensuring the conditions for the development of the organization - the formation of the optimal structure and the required amount of capital for each stage of the development of the organization.

Ensuring that the volume of attracted capital corresponds to the volume of assets being formed - the excess of capital attracted by the organization in relation to the assets formed by it entails a decrease in the profitability of capital use. Assets formed from borrowed capital generate a lower rate of return due to the increase in costs due to the inclusion of the cost of loan interest in all its forms in expenses.

Ensuring the optimal capital structure is the formation of the most profitable, from the point of view of implementing the goals and objectives of the organization, the ratio of own and borrowed funds, fixed and working capital, its income and expenses.

The capital management system includes the following elements: objects and subjects of management, principles, functions and management tools.

Objects of capital management:


borrowed capital;

capital structure;

cost of capital;

risks associated with the formation of capital.

1.Management of own capital:

determination of the initial capital requirement in the process of creating an organization;

formation of the authorized capital in the required volumes and forms;

formation of an adequate amount of equity from various sources in order to implement the organization's development strategy.

2. Management of borrowed capital (long-term and short-term liabilities):

development of a policy for attracting borrowed capital;

attraction of borrowed capital in the required volumes and forms;

optimization of sources of borrowed capital and determination of the consequences of their changes for the financial stability of the organization;

ensuring the return of borrowed capital.

3. Capital structure management:

substantiation of the capital structure in accordance with the goals and objectives of the organization;

optimization of the capital structure (ratio of shares of own and borrowed capital, invested and accumulated own capital).

4. Cost of Capital Management:

assessment of the cost of individual elements of the formed capital;

reduction in the cost of individual elements of capital;

minimization of the weighted average cost of capital due to the optimal selection of sources of its formation.

5. Management of risks associated with the formation of capital (risks of the operating environment, functional and financial risks):

identification and assessment of the level of risks;

reduction (minimization) and elimination of risks.

Subjects of capital management - structural and functional divisions of the organization, whose activities are related to the processes of formation of own and borrowed capital, capital management and risk management.

Financing the activities of the organization at the expense of equity

Own capital is the basis for financing the organization's activities.

Equity refers to the total amount of funds owned by the organization and used to form assets.

Own capital management is connected not only with ensuring the effective use of its already accumulated part, but also with the formation of its own financial resources that ensure the future development of the organization. In the process of managing the formation of their own financial resources, they are classified according to the sources of this formation. The composition of the main sources of formation of the organization's own financial resources can be represented as follows.

As part of the internal sources of the formation of its own financial resources, the main place belongs to the profit remaining at the disposal of the organization - it forms the bulk of its own financial resources, providing an increase in own capital, and, accordingly, an increase in the market value of the organization. Depreciation charges also play a certain role in the composition of internal sources, especially for organizations with a high cost of their own fixed assets and intangible assets; however, they do not increase the amount of the organization's own capital, but are only a means of reinvesting it. Other internal sources do not play a significant role in the formation of the organization's own financial resources.

As part of the external sources of the formation of its own financial resources, the main place belongs to the attraction of additional capital by the organization through additional emission and sale of shares or through additional contributions to the authorized fund. For individual organizations, one of the external sources of formation of their own financial resources may be the gratuitous financial assistance provided to them. Other external sources include tangible and intangible assets transferred to the organization free of charge and included in its balance sheet.

The composition of the equity capital of the organization

The composition of equity capital is presented in the balance sheet (Form No. 1) and the statement of changes in equity (Form No. 3).

The total amount of the organization's own capital is reflected in the result of the first section "Liability" of the balance sheet. The structure of the articles in this section makes it possible to clearly identify the initially invested part of it, i.e. the amount of funds invested by the owners of the organization in the process of its creation and the accumulated part of it in the process of effective economic activity.

The basis of the first part of the organization's own capital is its authorized capital - the total value of assets recorded in the constituent documents that are the contribution of owners (members) to the capital of the organization (organizations for which a fixed amount of authorized capital is not provided reflect for this position the amount of the actual contribution of owners to its statutory fund).

The second part of equity is represented by additionally invested capital, reserve capital, retained earnings and some other types of it.

Authorized capital - a part of equity formed at the expense of the organization's owners (shareholders, participants, etc.) to ensure its statutory activities.

Additional capital - includes share premium, increase in the value of property as a result of revaluation, the value of property received by the organization free of charge. Additional capital can be used to increase the authorized capital, pay off the balance sheet loss for the reporting year, and also distributed among the founders of the organization and for other purposes. At the same time, the procedure for using additional capital is determined by the owners, as a rule, in accordance with the constituent documents when considering the results of the reporting year.

Reserve capital - is created without fail at the expense of net profit and acts as an insurance fund to compensate for losses. Its value is used to judge the margin of financial strength of the organization. The absence or insufficient amount of reserve capital is considered as an element of additional risk when investing capital in an organization. The main task of the reserve capital is to cover possible losses and reduce the risk of creditors in the event of a deterioration in the economic situation. It acts as an insurance fund created to compensate for losses and protect the interests of third parties in case of insufficient profit from the organization before the authorized capital is reduced. The minimum amount of reserve capital should not be less than 5% of the authorized capital. Unlike the reserve capital formed in accordance with the requirements of the law, the reserve funds created voluntarily are formed exclusively in the manner established by the constituent documents or the accounting policy of the organization, regardless of the organizational and legal form of its ownership.

Retained earnings - part of the profit received in the previous period and unpaid in the form of dividends, and intended for reinvestment in the development of production. Typically, these funds are used to accumulate the property of an economic entity or replenish its working capital in the form of free cash, that is, at any time ready for a new turnover. Retained earnings may increase from year to year, representing growth in equity based on domestic accumulation. In growing, developing joint-stock companies, retained earnings over the years take a leading place among the components of equity capital. Its amount often exceeds the size of the authorized capital by several times.

The amount of equity is the basis of the financial stability of the organization.

Equity management

The organization's equity management process includes:

1. Analysis of the formation of equity capital in the previous period. The purpose of this analysis is to identify the potential for the formation of its own financial resources and its compliance with the pace of development of the organization.

At the first stage of the analysis, the total volume of the formation of own financial resources, the correspondence of the growth rate of own capital to the growth rate of assets and the volume of sales of the organization, the dynamics of the share of own resources in the total volume of formation of financial resources are studied.

At the second stage of the analysis, the sources of the formation of own financial resources are considered. First of all, the ratio of external and internal sources of formation of own financial resources, as well as the cost of attracting own capital from various sources, is studied.

At the third stage of the analysis, the sufficiency of own financial resources formed in the preplanning period is assessed. The criterion for such an assessment is the indicator "self-financing ratio of the organization's development". Its dynamics reflects the trend of providing the development of the organization with its own financial resources.

The determination of the future need for equity capital is carried out as follows:

Where Psfr - the total need for the organization's own financial resources in the planning period;

PC - the total need for capital at the end of the planning period;

Usk - the planned share of equity capital in its total amount;

SKn - the amount of equity at the beginning of the planning period;

Pr - the amount of profit allocated for consumption in the planning period.

The calculated total need covers the required amount of own financial resources, generated both from internal and external sources.

The assessment of the cost of raising equity capital from various sources is carried out in the context of the main elements of equity capital formed from internal and external sources. The results of such an assessment serve as the basis for the development of management decisions regarding the choice of alternative sources for the formation of own financial resources that ensure the growth of the organization's own capital.

Formation of own capital at the expense of internal sources. Before turning to external sources for the formation of one's own financial resources, all the possibilities of their rationing from internal sources must be realized. Since the main planned internal sources of formation of the organization's own financial resources are the sum of net profit and depreciation charges, it is first of all necessary to provide for the possibility of their growth due to various reserves in the process of planning these indicators.

The method of accelerated depreciation of the active part of fixed assets increases the possibility of forming one's own financial resources from this source. However, it should be borne in mind that an increase in the amount of depreciation charges in the process of accelerated depreciation of certain types of fixed assets leads to a corresponding decrease in the amount of net profit. Therefore, when looking for reserves for the growth of one's own financial resources from internal sources, one should proceed from the need to maximize their total amount, i.e. from the following criteria:

Where PE - the planned amount of net profit;

JSC - the planned amount of depreciation;

SFRmax - the maximum amount of own financial resources generated from internal sources.

Formation of own capital at the expense of external sources. The volume of attracting own financial resources from external sources is designed to provide that part of them that could not be formed from internal sources of financing. If the amount of own financial resources attracted from internal sources fully meets the total need for them in the planning period, then there is no need to attract these resources from external sources.

The need to attract own financial resources from external sources is calculated using the following formula:

Where SFRvnesh - the need to attract their own financial resources from external sources;

Psfr - the total need for own financial resources in the planning period;

SFRint - the amount of own financial resources planned to be attracted from internal sources.

Ensuring the satisfaction of the need for own financial resources from external sources is planned by attracting additional share capital (owners or other investors), additional issue of shares or other sources.

Optimization of the equity structure

The optimization process is based on the following criteria:

ensuring the minimum total cost of attracting own financial resources. If the cost of attracting own financial resources from external sources exceeds the planned cost of attracting borrowed funds, then such formation of own resources should be abandoned;

Ensuring that the management of the organization is retained by the original founders. The growth of additional equity or share capital at the expense of third-party investors can lead to a loss of such control.

The effectiveness of the developed policy for the formation of one's own financial resources (this will be discussed later) is assessed using the self-financing coefficient for the development of the organization in the coming period. Its level should correspond to the goal.

The organization's development self-financing ratio is calculated using the following formula:

Where Ksf is the coefficient of self-financing of the future development of the organization;

SFR - the planned volume of formation of own financial resources;

A - the planned increase in the assets of the organization.

Successful implementation of the developed policy for the formation of own financial resources is associated with the solution of the following main tasks:

conducting an objective assessment of the value of individual elements of equity capital;

ensuring the maximization of the organization's profit formation, taking into account the acceptable level of financial risk;

formation of an effective profit distribution policy (dividend policy) of the organization;

formation and effective implementation of the policy of additional issue of shares (issuance policy) or attraction of additional share capital.

Equity Capital Policy

The basis of the organization's own capital management is the management of the formation of its own financial resources. In order to ensure the effectiveness of managing this process, a special financial policy is usually developed, aimed at attracting own financial resources from various sources in accordance with the needs of the organization's development in the coming period.

The policy of formation of own financial resources is a part of the overall financial strategy of the organization, which consists in ensuring the necessary level of self-financing of its production development.

When developing an equity capital formation policy, the following should be taken into account.

Equity capital is characterized by the following main positive features:

Ease of involvement, since management decisions related to the increase in equity capital (especially through internal sources of its formation) are made by the owners and managers of the organization without the need to obtain the consent of other business entities.

Higher ability to generate profits in all areas of activity, tk. when using it, the payment of loan interest in all its forms is not required.

Ensuring the financial sustainability of the organization's development, its solvency in the long term, and, accordingly, reducing the risk of bankruptcy.

However, it has the following disadvantages:

The limited volume of attraction, and hence the possibility of a significant expansion of the operating and investment activities of the organization during periods of favorable market conditions at certain stages of its life cycle.

High cost compared to alternative borrowed sources of capital formation.

An unused opportunity to increase the return on equity ratio by attracting borrowed financial resources, since without such attraction it is impossible to ensure that the financial profitability ratio of the organization's activities exceeds the economic one.

Thus, an organization that uses only its own capital has the highest financial stability (its autonomy coefficient is equal to one), but limits the pace of its development (because it cannot ensure the formation of the necessary additional volume of assets during periods of favorable market conditions) and does not use financial opportunities for increasing returns on invested capital.

Dividend Policy

Dividend policy is an integral part of the general policy of managing equity capital and profits of the organization.

The purpose of the dividend policy is to develop the optimal proportion between the consumption of profit by the owners and its reinvestment in the assets of the organization according to the criterion of maximizing the market value of the organization.

The reinvested part of the profits is an internal source of financing for the growth of the organization, often cheaper compared to the cost of attracting external sources of financing.

Dividends - the cash income of shareholders received in accordance with the share of its contribution to the total amount of the organization's equity capital.

The dividend policy is designed to create a balance between a favorable investment image and coverage of the organization's current investment needs. In the theory and practice of financial management, the following principles for the implementation of the dividend policy have been developed: the priority of taking into account the interests and mentality of the owners of the organization, the stability of the profit distribution policy and its predictability.

The mentality of the owners of the organization can be aimed at obtaining a high current income or at ensuring a high rate of growth of investment capital. If the owners (shareholders) need a constant inflow of current income or do not accept the risks associated with a long wait for these incomes in the future, they will insist on ensuring a high share of consumed profit in the process of its distribution. At the same time, if the owners do not need high current incomes and prefer an even higher level of these incomes in the coming period due to capital reinvestment, the share of the capitalized part of the profit will increase. This proportion may change over time due to changes in the external and internal conditions of the organization.

The principles of stability and predictability of the profit distribution policy boil down to the fact that the process of its distribution should be long-term, and when the proportions of profit distribution change (due to adjustments in the company's development strategy or for other reasons), all investors (primarily shareholders) must be in advance notified about it. Compliance with these principles is especially important in conditions of "dispersion of ownership" (for example, in large joint-stock companies with a large number of shareholders).

The implementation of the dividend policy provides for the following steps:

Analysis of the factors that determine the prerequisites for the formation of dividend policy. These include factors that characterize the investment opportunities of the organization, the reality of attracting financial resources from alternative sources, the objective limitations of the dividend policy.

Choice of the type of dividend policy in accordance with the financial strategy of the joint-stock company.

Development of a profit distribution mechanism in accordance with the chosen type of dividend policy.

Determination of the level and forms of payment of dividends. The main factors are: cash payment, shares, reinvestment in additional shares.

The initial stage in the formation of a dividend policy is the study and evaluation of the factors that determine this policy. In the practice of financial management, these factors are usually divided into four groups:

Factors characterizing the investment opportunities of the organization:

stage of the organization's life cycle (in the early stages of the life cycle, a joint-stock company is forced to invest more in its development, limiting the payment of dividends);

the need for a joint-stock company to expand its investment programs (during periods of increased investment activity aimed at expanding the reproduction of fixed assets and intangible assets, the need for profit capitalization increases);

the degree of readiness of individual investment projects with a high level of efficiency (individual prepared projects require accelerated implementation in order to ensure their efficient operation under favorable market conditions, which necessitates the concentration of own financial resources during these periods).

2. Factors characterizing the possibility of generating financial resources from alternative sources:

sufficiency of equity reserves formed in the previous period;

the cost of raising additional equity capital;

the cost of attracting additional borrowed capital;

availability of loans in the financial market;

the level of creditworthiness of the joint-stock company, determined by its current financial condition.

3. Factors related to objective limitations:

the level of taxation of dividends;

the level of taxation of the property of the organization;

the achieved effect of financial leverage, due to the prevailing ratio of used own and borrowed capital;

the actual amount of profit received and the return on equity.

4. Other factors:

opportunistic cycle of the commodity market (during the period of rising market conditions, the efficiency of capitalization of profits increases significantly);

the level of dividend payments by competing companies;

urgency of payments on previously received loans (maintenance of solvency is a higher priority in comparison with the growth of dividend payments);

the possibility of losing control over the management of the organization (a low level of dividend payments can lead to a decrease in the market value of the company's shares and their mass “dumping” by shareholders, which increases the risk of financial capture of the joint-stock company by competitors).

An assessment of these factors makes it possible to determine the choice of one or another type of dividend policy for the nearest prospective period.

The next step is to choose the type of dividend policy. The practical application of the previously discussed theories made it possible to form three approaches to choosing the type of dividend policy of an organization.

Table Main types of dividend policy

Defining approach to the formation of dividend policy Variants of the types of dividend policy usedConservative approach Residual policy of dividend payments. Stable dividend policy. Moderate (compromise) approach. Minimum stable dividend policy with a premium in certain periods (“extra-dividends” policy). Aggressive approach. Stable dividend policy. The policy of constant increase in the size of the dividend.

Residual dividend policy. The optimal dividend share is a function of four factors:

investors' preference for dividends over capital gains;

investment opportunities of the organization;

target capital structure of the organization;

availability and price of external capital.

The last three factors are combined into a residual payment model. This theory assumes that the dividend payout fund is formed after the need for the formation of its own financial resources is satisfied at the expense of profit, ensuring the full realization of the investment opportunities of the organization. If for existing investment projects the level of internal rate of return exceeds the weighted average cost of capital, then the bulk of the profit should be directed to the implementation of such projects, as it will ensure a high growth rate of capital (deferred income) of the owners.

Since both the pattern of investment opportunities and the level of returns vary from year to year, strict adherence to the leftover principle of paying dividends leads to their volatility - in one year a company could declare that there will be no dividends due to good investment opportunities, and pay a large dividend the next year, so as investment opportunities are small. Variable dividends are less desirable than fixed dividends, and changing dividend payments can send false signals and undermine investor confidence.

Policy of stable dividends. There is an opinion that the dividend policy serves the purpose of informing investors. Many money managers seek to maintain a stable or moderate increase in dividends to avoid large fluctuations or volatility in shareholder payout policies. The leaders of an organization do not like to increase dividends if they feel that there may be a reduction in earnings in the future.

For an organization that maintains a stable dividend practice, an unexpected reduction or increase in dividends is usually reflected in stock prices. An increase in dividends can lead to an increase in quotes, because investors will perceive it as a promise of great prospects. Dividend cuts, accordingly, can act in the opposite direction. If managers are trying to maintain dividend stability, then such changes in payout levels may reflect valuable information that investors will perceive unambiguously.

The policy of a stable amount of dividend payments involves the payment of a constant amount over a long period (at high inflation rates, the amount of dividend payments is adjusted for the inflation index). The advantage of this policy is its reliability, which creates a sense of confidence among shareholders in the invariability of the amount of current income, regardless of various circumstances, determines the stability of the share price on the stock market. The disadvantage is a weak connection with the financial results of the organization, and therefore, during periods of low profit, investment activity can be reduced to zero. In order to avoid these negative consequences, the stable amount of dividend payments is set at a relatively low level, which classifies this type of dividend policy as a conservative one, minimizing the risk of a decrease in the financial stability of the organization due to insufficient equity growth rates.

The policy of "extra-dividends" (the policy of a stable dividend amount with a premium in a certain period). This policy is a development of the previous one and, according to a very common opinion, represents the most balanced type. The organization pays regular fixed dividends, however, from time to time (in case of successful activity), extra-dividends (additional dividends) are paid to shareholders, and payments in the present period do not mean their payments in the next. Moreover, here it is recommended to use the psychological impact of the premium - it should not be paid too often, because in this case it becomes expected, and the very method of paying extra dividends becomes meaningless. Such a dividend policy gives the greatest effect in organizations with an unstable size of profit formation in dynamics. The main drawback of this policy is that with the continued payment of the minimum amount of dividends, the investment attractiveness of the organization's shares decreases, and, accordingly, their market value falls.

The policy of a stable level of dividends provides for the establishment of a long-term normative ratio of dividend payments in relation to the amount of profit. The advantage is the simplicity of the formation of this policy and the close relationship with the size of the formed profit. The main drawback is the instability of the size of dividend payments per share, determined by the instability of the amount of generated profit. This instability causes sharp fluctuations in the market value of shares for certain periods, which prevents the maximization of the market value of the organization in the process of implementing such a policy (it “signals” a high level of risk in the economic activity of the organization). Only mature organizations with stable profits can afford to implement this type of dividend policy.

The policy of constant increase in the amount of dividends provides for a stable increase in the level of dividend payments per share. The increase in dividends in the implementation of such a policy occurs, as a rule, in a firmly established percentage of growth in relation to their size in the previous period. The advantage is the provision of a high market value of the company's shares and the formation of its positive image among potential investors with additional issues. The disadvantage is the lack of flexibility in its implementation and the constant increase in financial tension: if the growth rate of the dividend payout ratio increases (i.e. if the dividend payout fund grows faster than the amount of profit), then the investment activity of the organization is reduced, and the financial stability ratios are reduced (with other things being equal). Therefore, the implementation of such a dividend policy can only be afforded by really prosperous joint-stock organizations, but if this policy is not supported by a constant increase in the profits of the organization, then it is a sure way to its bankruptcy.

At the next stage of the dividend policy implementation, a profit distribution mechanism is developed in accordance with the chosen type of dividend policy, which provides for the following sequence of actions:

Mandatory deductions formed at its expense to the reserve and other obligatory special-purpose funds provided for by the charter of the company are deducted from the amount of net profit. The "cleaned" amount of net profit is the so-called "dividend corridor", within which the appropriate type of dividend policy is implemented.

The remaining part of the net profit is distributed to the capitalized and consumed parts. If a joint-stock company adheres to the residual type of dividend policy, then in the process of this stage of calculations, the priority task is the formation of a production development fund and vice versa.

The consumption fund formed at the expense of profit is distributed to the dividend payments fund and the consumption fund of the personnel of the joint-stock company (which provides for additional material incentives for employees and the satisfaction of their social needs). The basis of such distribution is the chosen type of dividend policy and the obligations of the joint-stock company under the collective agreement.

Determining the level of dividend payments per ordinary share is carried out according to the formula:

Where UDVpa - the level of dividend payments per share;

FDV - dividend payout fund, formed in accordance with the chosen type of dividend policy;

VP - dividend payment fund to owners of preferred shares (according to their envisaged level);

Kpa - the number of ordinary shares issued by the joint-stock company.

The final stage in the implementation of the dividend policy is the choice of forms of payment of dividends, the main of which are:

Payment of dividends in cash (checks). This is the simplest and most common form of dividend payments.

Payment of dividends by shares. This form provides for the provision of shareholders with newly issued shares in the amount of dividend payments. It is of interest to shareholders whose mentality is focused on capital growth in the coming period. Shareholders who prefer current income may sell additional shares in the market for this purpose.

Automatic reinvestment. This form of payment gives shareholders the right to an individual choice - to receive dividends in cash, or reinvest them in additional shares (in this case, the shareholder enters into an appropriate agreement with the company or the brokerage house servicing it).

Redemption of shares by an organization. It is considered as one of the forms of dividend reinvestment, according to which the company buys a part of freely traded shares on the stock market for the amount of the dividend fund. This allows you to automatically increase the amount of earnings per share remaining and increase the dividend payout ratio in the coming period. This form of use of dividends requires the consent of the shareholders.

To analyze the dividend policy of the organization, the following indicators are used.

Profitability (dividend yield) of a share:

Dividend payout rate (current yield, dividend yield):

Share earnings.

It is calculated taking into account the exchange rate difference that the owner of the share can receive when selling the share:


D - the amount of dividend received during the period of holding the share;

Рpr - share sale price;

P is the purchase price of a share.

Dividend payout ratio.

Indicates what part of the net profit is spent on the payment of dividends, and is calculated both as a percentage and in relative terms:

If the dividend payout ratio exceeds one, this may indicate an irrational dividend policy of the company or signal its possible financial difficulties.

Share value:

The relationship of the main coefficients can be represented as follows:

Dividend Payout Rate = Share Value * Share Return

Despite the existence of developed theories, methods and uniform principles of profit distribution, it is impossible to formulate a single dividend policy. The specifics of the tasks facing each specific organization in the process of its development, the difference in external and internal conditions of economic activity do not allow us to develop a single model of profit distribution, which would be of a universal nature. Therefore, the basis of the profit distribution mechanism of a particular organization is the analysis and consideration of factors that affect the proportions and efficiency of profit distribution.

The most important factors include: the legislative system, the average market rate of return on invested capital, the availability of alternative sources for the formation of the financial structure of capital, the conjuncture of the commodity and financial markets, the "transparency" of the stock market, the inflation rate, the stage of the life cycle of the organization and the level of the current financial stability of the organization.

The main violations in the payment of dividends in Russian joint-stock companies are:

non-payment of declared dividends by issuers, violation of the procedure and terms of their payment;

non-payment or delay in payment of dividends by the issuer's paying agents;

incorrect calculation of the issuer's net profit and the amount of dividends.

One of the reasons for non-payment of dividends is the share capital structure. If an organization has one major owner shareholder, it is highly likely that he will prefer to reinvest profits in the development of the organization, rather than share it with minority shareholders.

Theoretically, the amount of dividends that a company pays to its shareholders should be one of the key factors in choosing the direction of investment for a potential investor. However, the Russian practice of paying dividends has its own significant features. They boil down to the fact that the amount of dividends on most shares is insignificant compared to their market value, and there are a number of reasons for this.

The first reason is that the majority of Russian organizations that attract investment resources from various segments of the financial market have a pronounced debt capital structure and do not use the issue of their shares for large-scale financing by public subscription. As a result, the organization's dividend policy does not have a decisive influence on attracting investments.

The second reason is that the current accounting standards in Russia do not yet provide the necessary degree of transparency. As the analysis of financial statements shows, the results under international standards are often completely different from the Russian assessment of the financial condition of the organization. In addition, few Russian organizations still report according to international standards, so a comparison of Russian joint-stock companies with foreign ones is possible only in terms of certain parameters (capitalization, dividends). Even those organizations that provide investors with the opportunity to familiarize themselves with reporting in accordance with international standards do so with caution and selectivity.

The third reason is that Russian joint-stock companies do not perceive their minority shareholders who bought shares on the secondary market as investors. However, from the point of view of the long-term formation of the financial structure of capital, they should be considered as potential buyers of new issues of shares or bonds.

The fourth reason is the absence of an effective owner in many joint-stock companies. This is especially true for organizations with state shareholders.

The dividend policy of Russian organizations has specific features. Many organizations do not pay dividends or pay them at a low level. Moreover, the size of dividends practically does not depend on the financial performance of the organization, and their payment is carried out with large delays (up to one and a half, or even two years). On the one hand, the state has a significant influence on the dividend policy (for joint-stock companies with state participation), and on the other hand, the owners of large blocks of shares in order to achieve their goals. Under these conditions, the attractiveness of the majority of Russian stocks lies only in the possibility of generating income due to exchange rate differences. This is of interest to investors who use their funds for short-term investments and receive speculative profits, or shareholders seeking to obtain a large block of shares in order to establish control over the organization. The result of this situation is cutting off a significant layer of investors from the process of financing the real sector of the economy, the inefficiency of the financial structure of the capital of Russian organizations. The situation can change only when, when purchasing shares, the investor will know what kind of dividend policy he can count on in the medium or long term.

Issuing policy of the organization

Raising equity capital from external sources by issuing additional shares is a complex and costly process.

From the standpoint of financial management, the main goal of managing the issue of shares is to attract the necessary amount of own financial resources in the stock market in the shortest possible time.

The process of managing the issue of shares is based on the following main stages:

Study of the possibilities of effective placement of the proposed issue of shares. The decision on the proposed primary (when the organization is transformed into a joint-stock company) or additional (if the organization has already been established in the form of a joint-stock company and needs an additional inflow of equity capital) issue of shares can be made only on the basis of a comprehensive preliminary analysis of the stock market situation and an assessment of the potential investment attractiveness of its shares.

An analysis of the stock market situation (exchange and over-the-counter) includes a description of the state of demand and supply of shares, the dynamics of the price level of their quotation, sales volumes of shares of new issues and a number of other indicators. The result of such an analysis is the determination of the level of sensitivity of the stock market's response to the emergence of a new issue and the assessment of its potential to absorb the emitted volumes of shares.

The assessment of the potential investment attractiveness of one's shares is carried out from the standpoint of taking into account the prospects for the development of the industry (in comparison with other industries), the competitiveness of manufactured products, as well as the level of indicators of one's financial condition (in comparison with industry averages). In the evaluation process, the possible degree of investment preference for the shares of one's company in comparison with the outstanding shares of other organizations is determined.

To assess the potential of own shares, a system of indicators is used:

In the course of the analysis, the values ​​of these indicators are compared with the data available for similar joint-stock companies, as well as with their values ​​for previous periods.

Determining the purpose of the issue. Due to the high cost of raising equity capital from external sources, the purpose of the issue should be quite weighty from the standpoint of the strategic development of the organization and the possibility of a significant increase in its market value in the coming period. The main of these goals that guide the organization, resorting to this source of equity capital formation, are:

real investment associated with sectoral (sub-sectoral) and regional diversification of production activities (creation of a network of new branches, subsidiaries, new industries with a large output, etc.);

the need to significantly improve the structure of used capital (increasing the share of equity capital in order to increase the level of financial stability; ensuring a higher level of own creditworthiness and thereby reducing the cost of raising borrowed capital; increasing the amount of the effect of financial leverage, etc.);

the proposed takeover of other organizations in order to obtain a synergistic effect (participation in the privatization of third-party state organizations can also be considered as an option for their takeover, if this provides for the acquisition of a controlling stake or a predominant share in the authorized capital). The synergistic effect is determined by the additional economic benefits that arise from the successful merger of organizations (their mergers and acquisitions). These advantages appear with the rational use of the total production and financial potential of the merged organizations, with the complementarity of technologies and manufactured products, with the use of opportunities to reduce current costs and other similar factors; other goals that require the rapid mobilization of a significant amount of equity capital.

other purposes that require the rapid accumulation of a significant amount of equity capital.

3. Determination of the issue volume. When determining the issue volume, it is necessary to proceed from the previously calculated need to attract own financial resources from external sources. The volume of shares issued is determined by multiplying the number of issued shares by the par value of one share (during one issue, one option for the par value of shares can be established).

Determination of the par value, types and number of issued shares. The par value of shares is determined taking into account the main categories of their upcoming buyers (the largest par values ​​of shares are oriented towards their acquisition by institutional investors, and the smallest ones - towards the acquisition by the population). In the process of determining the types of shares (common and preferred), the expediency of issuing preferred shares is established; if such an issue is considered expedient, then the ratio of ordinary and preferred shares is established (it should be borne in mind that, in accordance with the current legislation, the share of preferred shares cannot exceed 10% of the total issue volume). The number of shares to be issued is determined on the basis of the volume of the issue and the face value of one share (in the process of one issue, only one option for the face value of shares can be set).

Estimation of the cost of equity capital raised

In accordance with the principles of such an assessment, it is carried out according to two parameters:

the expected level of dividends (it is determined based on the chosen type of dividend policy);

costs of issuing shares and placing an issue (reduced to the average annual amount).

The estimated cost of capital raised is compared with the actual weighted average cost of capital and the average level of interest rates in the capital market. Only after that the final decision on the issue of shares is made.

Determination of effective forms of underwriting. If the sale of shares directly by the investor by subscription is not envisaged, then in order to quickly and efficiently conduct an open placement of the issued volume of shares, it is advisable to use the services of a financial intermediary (underwriter) who organizes the initial and re-sale of the issuer's securities on the stock market. Underwriters provide the issuing organization with the following set of services:

choice of the method of issuing securities;

setting prices for new securities;

sale of new securities, etc.

Commercial banks, investment funds and financial companies act as underwriters. Usually, the underwriter buys back the issuer's securities for himself at a price that is lower than the offer price, and thereby assumes the risk of their sale. Since the actions of underwriters are associated with significant risk, they prefer to join forces and form a group of underwriters, called a syndicate, to diversify the risk and facilitate the implementation of the issue.

In order to quickly and efficiently carry out an open placement of the emitted volume of shares, the issuing organization:

determines the composition of financial intermediaries (underwriters);

coordinates with them the prices of the initial quotation of shares and the amount of commission to the dealer;

ensures the regulation of the volume of sale of shares, as well as maintaining the liquidity of previously placed securities at the initial stage of their circulation.

The relationship between the issuer and the underwriter is governed by an agreement on the issue and placement of securities. It indicates: the type of underwriting (firm agreement, maximum and minimum efforts to place securities); intermediary remuneration (spread) and other conditions.

Taking into account the increased volume of own capital, the organization has the opportunity, using a constant financial leverage ratio, to increase the amount of borrowed funds, and therefore increase the amount of profit on invested equity capital.

It should be emphasized that in the conditions of Russia, raising additional capital through a new issue of shares is a long and expensive process. Therefore, this source of attracting financial resources is mainly used by large joint-stock companies that have sufficient financial resources and are widely known on the Russian stock market (for example, organizations of the fuel and energy complex, the metallurgical industry, communications, and some other sectors of the economy). For the majority of Russian joint-stock companies in the real sector of the economy, the only way to enter the stock market is to bring the current financial situation to meet the requirements of the market, which will allow organizing the circulation of their own issuable securities (shares and corporate bonds). In modern conditions, the authorized capital of many joint-stock companies in Russia is many times lower than the value of their net assets, which delays the prospect of their securities entering the stock market. Due to the significant undervaluation of shares, many potential issuers do not risk entering the market with new blocks of financial instruments, which can lead to a disproportionate decrease in the share of existing shareholders, depriving them of a controlling stake. In addition, potential investors often do not have objective information that allows them to correctly assess the investment attractiveness of issuers, since they are oriented in advance to the low value (price) of their shares.

The existence of many organizations in the form of a joint-stock company in the absence of a strategy of behavior in the stock market (raising funds from this market, expanding the number of shareholders, establishing strong relations with them) deprives them of the opportunity to mobilize additional financial resources for their development.

issuing share check depreciation


1.Bakhramov, Yu.M. Financial management: Textbook for bachelors. - 2nd ed. - St. Petersburg: Piter, 2011. - 495 p. (textbook for universities. Standard of the third generation, approved by the UMO for education in the field of production management as a textbook for students of economic specialties of universities).

2.Belolipetsky V.G. Financial management. Textbook / V. G. Belolipetsky. - M. : Knorus, 2008. - 448 p. (recommended by the UMO for classical university education as a textbook for university students studying in the direction 080100 "Economics").

.Gavrilova A.N., Sysoeva E.F., Barabanova A.I. Financial management. Tutorial. M.: Knorus, 2006.

.Dranko O.I. Financial management: technologies of enterprise financial management. Textbook for universities. - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2008. - 351 p.

.Pavlova L.N. Financial management. Textbook for high schools. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2009. - 269 p. (recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia).

.Romashova I.B. Financial management: main topics, business games Textbook. M.: Knorus, 2009. - 336 p.

.Financial management. / Ed. E.S. Stoyanova. - M.: 2010 (recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia)

.Etrill P. Financial management for non-specialists. - 5th ed. / Per. from English. Ed. E.N. Bondarevskaya. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2011. - 608 p.


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  • 7. Using the models of Baumol and Miller-Or, in the management of the monetary assets of the enterprise
  • 8. The main financial blocks of the system for managing the efficiency of cash flow in an organization (enterprise).
  • 10. Management of short-term accounts payable
  • 12. Content and strategic goals of long-term financial policy
  • 14. The content of the main models and their use in the process of predicting bankruptcy
  • Factors that determine the dividend policy
  • 16. Tasks of risk management to counteract the threat of financial insolvency of the enterprise
  • 17. Grouping of assets and liabilities in determining the liquidity of the company
  • 18. Key indicators of the financial stability of the organization
  • 19. Centers of financial responsibility and financial accounting, their goals and objectives
  • Comparative analysis of management and financial accounting
  • Concept, subject, objects of research and method of management accounting
  • 20. The total return of shareholders in the light of the dividend policy. Main forms of dividend payment
  • 22. Criteria and basic methods for quantitative assessment of entrepreneurial risks
  • 23. The main manifestations of financial risks and their analysis. Financial risk management
  • 24. Development of strategic directions of investment activity
  • 25. Equity management
  • 26. Inventory management.
  • TMP control by ABC method
  • 28. Management of the financing of the current activities of the organization
  • 1. Business loan
  • 2. Bank loan
  • 3. Budget lending
  • 4. Issue of financial bills
  • 5. Tolling
  • 29. Indicators of market activity of the joint-stock company.
  • 30. Financial risk of bankruptcy as the main manifestation of financial risks
  • 31. Production sharing in accordance with the law "on agreements, on production sharing."
  • Investor profit 30-70%
  • 33. Principles and main stages of development of the investment strategy of the enterprise
  • 34. The system of indicators characterizing the fin. Activities of the organization.
  • 35. The system of indicators of profitability in the analysis of the economic activity of the organization
  • 36. The concept and role of investment strategy in the effective management of the enterprise
  • 37. Methods for analyzing the effectiveness of investment projects under risk. Method for adjusting the discount rate.
  • 38. The concept of an investment project. Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of investment projects
  • 41. The concept of an investment portfolio. Portfolio return and risk
  • 42. Business plan of the investment project: the purpose of its development and purpose, sections of the business plan and their content.
  • 43.Requirements for investment projects and phases of their development.
  • 25. Equity management

    Funds belonging to an economic entity, advanced by it in the creation of net assets of the enterprise, constitute equity capital. The amount of equity capital is also one of the main indicators of the efficiency and economic potential of the enterprise. Own funds are distributed between own non-current and own current assets. Usually the total amount of own funds exceeds the value of non-current assets. Equity includes equity, investments and retained earnings. Equity capital is calculated as the sum of authorized, additional, reserve capital and monetary funds belonging to the company. The formation of equity capital begins at the time of the establishment of the enterprise. In the future, the increase in equity capital is carried out at the expense of internal and external, own and borrowed, sources of funds. The main source is the profit of the enterprise, and in its composition - the accumulation fund of the enterprise. In addition to profit, the source of replenishment of own funds is the issue of shares, the increase in the stability of liabilities, borrowed funds, accounts payable, etc. Own capital management should be preceded by a study of the effectiveness of its management in the previous period. The analysis is necessary to determine the reserves for the formation of own funds. Own capital management involves managing the process of its formation, maintenance and effective use, i.e. management of already formed assets. This involves both the management of equity in general and the management of its structural elements.

    Own capital management is connected not only with ensuring the effective use of its already accumulated part, but also with the formation of its own financial resources that ensure the future development of the enterprise. In the process of managing the formation of their own financial resources, they are classified according to the sources of this formation. The composition of the main sources of formation of the enterprise's own financial resources is shown in Figure 1.3.

    Rice. 1.3. - The composition of the main sources of formation of the enterprise's own financial resources

    As part of the internal sources of the formation of its own financial resources, the main place belongs to the profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise, it forms the predominant part of its own financial resources, provides an increase in own capital, and, accordingly, an increase in the market value of the enterprise. Depreciation charges also play a certain role in the composition of internal sources, especially at enterprises with a high cost of their own fixed assets and intangible assets; however, they do not increase the amount of the company's own capital, but are only a means of reinvesting it. Other internal sources do not play a significant role in the formation of the enterprise's own financial resources.

    As part of the external sources of the formation of its own financial resources, the main place belongs to the attraction by the enterprise of additional share (through additional contributions to the authorized fund) or equity (through additional emission and sale of shares) capital. For individual enterprises, one of the external sources of generating their own financial resources may be the gratuitous financial assistance provided to them (as a rule, such assistance is provided only to individual state enterprises of various levels). Other external sources include tangible and intangible assets transferred to the enterprise free of charge and included in its balance sheet.

    The basis of the management of the enterprise's own capital is the management of the formation of its own financial resources. In order to ensure effective management of this process, the enterprise usually develops a special financial policy aimed at attracting its own financial resources from various sources in accordance with the needs of its development in the coming period.

    The main tasks of equity capital management are:

    Determining the appropriate amount of equity capital;

    An increase, if required, in the amount of equity capital from retained earnings or an additional issue of shares;

    Determining the rational structure of newly issued shares;

    Definition and implementation of the dividend policy.

    The development of a policy for the formation of the enterprise's own financial resources is carried out according to the following main stages.

    1. Analysis of the formation of the company's own financial resources in the previous period. The purpose of this analysis is to identify the potential for the formation of its own financial resources and its compliance with the pace of development of the enterprise.

    At the first stage of analysis the total volume of the formation of own financial resources, the correspondence of the growth rate of own capital to the growth rate of assets and the volume of sales of the enterprise, the dynamics of the share of own resources in the total volume of formation of financial resources in the preplanning period are studied.

    At the second stage of the analysis sources of formation of own financial resources are considered. First of all, the ratio of external and internal sources of formation of own financial resources, as well as the cost of attracting own capital from various sources, is studied.

    At the third stage of the analysis the sufficiency of own financial resources formed at the enterprise in the preplanning period is assessed.

    Final qualifying work on the topic:

    Company equity management


    The desire of enterprises to increase prosperity in conditions of complete economic independence contributes to an increasing focus on managing sources of financing for commercial activities, including such an important component as equity capital. The increasing importance of this component is directly evidenced by such facts as significant changes in approaches to accounting for equity capital and the strengthening of the role of this indicator in the analysis of the financial and economic activities of organizations in recent years.

    Equity capital allows you to form assets that are free from the claims of persons who are not the owners of the organization, and in this regard, it is the basis for the financial stability and stable successful functioning of any commercial enterprise.

    The dynamics of the value of equity capital and its individual components, as well as the efficiency of its use, are the subject of close attention of the company's external counterparties, among which economic counterparties (suppliers, contractors, buyers, customers), creditors and potential investors stand out separately. Information about equity can be of decisive importance when making decisions by external counterparties on the beginning or continuation of cooperation with the company in question. At the same time, one of the most interested groups of people are potential investors who consider the company as a possible investment object that provides a return similar to the current return on equity of the investee company.

    Thus, the need to manage its own capital is dictated not only by internal prerequisites (the desire to improve the financial performance of the company in order to increase the welfare of its owners), but also by the dependence of the company on the external economic environment that evaluates its activities from the outside and forms a system of economic relationships with it.

    Equity capital characterizes the total value of the enterprise's funds owned by it and used by it to form a certain part of the assets. This part of the asset, formed from the equity invested in them, represents the net assets of the enterprise. Own capital includes various sources of financial resources in terms of their economic content, principles of formation and use: authorized, additional, reserve capital.

    In addition, the composition of equity capital, which can be operated by an economic entity without reservations when making transactions, includes retained earnings; special purpose funds and other reserves. Also, own funds include gratuitous receipts and government subsidies.

    The topic of final qualifying work is especially relevant today, since in our country there is a sharp increase in competition in almost all sectors of the economy, often the lack of professional knowledge of some business leaders and other negative factors lead to the bankruptcy of organizations with all the ensuing consequences. Therefore, for our country, the presence of own capital is the first condition for the reliability of the enterprise.

    The purpose of the work is a detailed consideration of such a concept as the equity capital of an enterprise and its management.

    To achieve this goal, it is necessary to perform the following tasks:

    Determine the essence and main characteristics of the concept of "own capital" and "management of own capital";

    Determine the main sources of equity capital formation;

    Identify the tasks and functions of equity management;

    Consider existing methods for assessing equity;

    Evaluate methods of managing equity;

    Identify quantitative characteristics of the assessment of own funds;

    Consider profit distribution policy;

    To achieve the objectives, the work is divided into three interrelated parts, the first chapter is purely practical in nature and contains the answer to the first three questions. In the second chapter, on a practical example, an attempt was made to apply existing methods for estimating equity. The third chapter contains the answer to two final questions.

    As a subject of research, the company's own capital, its structure and dynamics are chosen.

    The object of the study was the enterprise OJSC "Penzpromstroy".

    Various aspects of managing the formation of equity capital and the efficiency of its use have been given much attention in the works of domestic and foreign economists. When making calculations, we used the methods of leading Russian economists, such as G.V. Savitskaya, O.V. Efimova, N.P. Lyubushin, T.B. Berdnikov and others.

    When writing the work, various methods of economic research were used: economic and statistical analysis, information modeling, etc.

    Of the special methods and techniques used: techniques of mathematics, economic statistics, analysis of financial and economic activities of enterprises, methods of reading and analyzing financial statements, the method of averages, factor analysis, development of a system of indicators and the construction of analytical tables.

    As an information base for writing a thesis, the following were used: legal documentation, special literature on the research topic, financial (accounting) statements of Penzpromstroy OJSC for the period 2008-2010.

    1. Theoretical foundations of the assessment financial state of the enterprise

    1.1 Significance, tasks and indicators of assessing the financial condition of the enterprise

    Capital is the means that a business entity has to carry out its activities in order to make a profit.

    The term "capital" is of Latin origin and means main, chief. The problems of its economic essence were dealt with by K. Marx, D. Ricardo, A. Smith, J. Keynes, D.B. Clark, Miller, Modigliani and other talented scientists.

    In the initial works of economists, capital was considered as the main wealth, the main property. With the development of economic thought, this initial abstract and generalized concept of capital was filled with concrete content, corresponding to the dominant paradigm of economic analysis of the development of society.

    In the process of economic activity, there is a constant turnover of capital: successively it changes the monetary form to the material one, which in turn changes, taking various forms of products, goods and others, in accordance with the conditions of the production and commercial activities of the organization, and, finally, the capital again turns into cash ready to start a new circuit.

    Based on the study of the genesis of the theories of capital, “capital” can be defined as a valuable social wealth that is in constant motion and capable of generating income for its owners, which is the bearer of risk and liquidity factors and acts as an object of economic management.

    Depending on the sources of education and the intended purpose, the property of the organization is divided into own (own capital) and borrowed (borrowed capital created at the expense of obligations).

    The value of the property invested (invested) by the owner in the enterprise forms the own capital of this enterprise. In order to turn his property (or part of it) into capital (capitalize it), the owner of this property must at least meet the following conditions:

    Capitalized property must be separated from other personal property of the owner for a long time (perhaps forever). The owner loses the opportunity to use the physical or other properties of the capitalized property for direct personal consumption;

    From the moment of capitalization, the right to use and dispose of the invested property must be transferred to another economic entity - an enterprise. Capitalized property becomes the assets of the enterprise, which undertakes to use them in such a way that the value of these assets increases as much as possible.

    The incentive that encourages the owner to voluntarily give up part of his legal rights to the property belonging to him is the right granted to him in return to receive the amount of the increase in the company's own capital.

    Own capital is understood as a set of economic relations that make it possible to include in the economic turnover financial resources belonging either to the owners or to the economic entity itself.

    Own capital is a part of the economic values ​​formed by the enterprise from the beginning of its economic activity, free from the claims of third parties who are not the owners of the company, and used by the company to generate income.

    Equity capital characterizes the total value of the enterprise's funds owned by it and used by it to form a certain part of the assets. This part of the asset, formed from the equity invested in them, is the net assets of the enterprise.

    The value of assets is always equal to the value of the capital invested in them. The main purpose of the company's assets is to bring him income. An enterprise can combine its assets in any way not prohibited by law in order to maximize this result. In financial management, the possibility of an accidental acquisition of any assets by an enterprise is excluded.

    Any purchase must have a preliminary financial justification, the main criterion of which is the maximization of income. If it turns out that the acquired asset is not able to provide the company with the expected income, then it must be sold, and the released money is invested in another, more profitable asset. Operations with assets that do not lead to a change in the value of assets (assets are sold at the same price at which they were purchased) leave the value of the company's equity capital unchanged.

    Equity capital is calculated as the difference between the total assets of the enterprise and its liabilities (liabilities) and is the sum of the excess of the fair market value of the property over the outstanding debt.

    In order to turn their property into capital, the owners of this property must at least meet the following conditions:

    Capitalized property must be separated from other personal property of the owners for a long time. In this case, the owner loses the opportunity to use the physical or other properties of the capitalized property for direct personal consumption;

    From the moment of capitalization, the right to use and dispose of the invested property must be transferred to the enterprise as a business entity. Capitalized property is the assets of an enterprise that undertakes to use them in such a way that the value of these assets increases as much as possible.

    Considering the economic essence of the capital of an enterprise as an object of management, the following characteristics should be noted first of all:

    The capital of the enterprise in its material form is the main factors of production;

    Capital also exists in the form of financial (monetary) resources of the enterprise that generate income;

    Capital is the main source of the formation of the welfare of its owners;

    The capital of an enterprise is the main measure of its market value;

    The dynamics of the capital of an enterprise is the most important barometer of the level of efficiency of its economic activity.

    Equity capital, in comparison with borrowed capital, is characterized by the following positive features:

    1. Ease of attraction, since decisions related to increasing equity capital (especially through internal sources of its formation) are made by the owners and managers of the enterprise without the need to obtain the consent of other business entities.

    2. Higher ability to generate profits in all areas of activity, tk. when using it, the payment of loan interest in all its forms is not required.

    3. Ensuring the financial sustainability of the development of the enterprise, its solvency in the long term, and, accordingly, reducing the risk of bankruptcy.

    However, it has the following disadvantages:

    1. The limited volume of attraction, and, consequently, the possibility of a significant expansion of the operating and investment activities of the enterprise during periods of favorable market conditions and at certain stages of its life cycle.

    2. High cost compared to alternative borrowed sources of capital formation.

    3. An unused opportunity to increase the return on equity ratio by attracting borrowed funds, since without such attraction it is impossible to ensure that the financial profitability ratio of the enterprise's activity exceeds the economic one.

    Thus, an enterprise that uses only its own capital has the highest financial stability (its autonomy coefficient is equal to one), but limits the pace of its development (because it cannot ensure the formation of the necessary additional volume of assets during periods of favorable market conditions) and does not use financial growth opportunities. return on invested capital.

    1.2 The structure of the company's own capital

    Own capital, of course, has a complex structure. Its composition depends on the organizational and legal form of the economic entity.

    Own capital consists of authorized, additional and reserve capital, retained earnings and targeted (special) funds (Fig. 1.1.). Commercial organizations operating on the principles of a market economy, as a rule, own collective or corporate property. The owners are legal entities and individuals, a group of depositors-shareholders or a corporation of shareholders. The authorized capital, which has developed as part of the share capital, most fully reflects all aspects of the organizational and legal foundations for the formation of the authorized capital.

    Rice. 1.1. The structure of the company's own capital

    capital management own

    The authorized capital characterizes the initial amount of the company's own capital invested in the formation of its assets to start economic activity. Its size is determined by the constituent documents and the charter of the enterprise. For an enterprise of certain fields of activity and organizational and legal forms (joint stock company, limited liability company), the minimum amount of the authorized capital is regulated by law.

    The authorized capital is the starting capital necessary for the enterprise to carry out financial and economic activities in order to make a profit. Contributions to the authorized capital are divided into contributions in cash and contributions in property transferred by the participant to pay off their obligations under the contribution.

    The legal basis of the authorized capital determines its size and composition; the terms and procedure for making contributions to the authorized capital by participants; assessment of deposits during their contribution and withdrawal; the procedure for changing the shares of participants; responsibility of participants for violation of obligations to make contributions.

    The formation of the authorized capital is connected with the goals of creating the organization and its organizational and legal form. The procedure for the formation of the authorized capital of organizations of various organizational and legal forms is currently quite strictly regulated by the laws of the Russian Federation. In addition, a number of by-laws regulate the accounting treatment of this process.

    According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the authorized capital, depending on the organizational and legal form of the enterprise, can act as:

    Contributed capital - in full partnership and limited partnership;

    Share or indivisible fund - in a production cooperative (artel);

    Authorized capital - in joint-stock companies, limited and additional liability companies;

    Authorized fund - in unitary state and municipal enterprises.

    The authorized capital is the property basis of the organization's activities, it determines the share of each participant in the management of the enterprise and guarantees the interests of its creditors.

    A change in the size of the authorized capital of an enterprise is always associated with the re-approval of its constituent documents by the general meeting of founders and their re-registration with the relevant state bodies.

    The authorized capital differs from other structural parts of the enterprise's own capital in that it must be distributed among its participants (founders). Therefore, the decision of the general meeting of founders on its changes must be accompanied by an indication of the procedure for their distribution among the participants.

    The authorized capital is one of the most important indicators that allows you to get an idea of ​​the size and financial condition of economic entities. This is one of the most stable elements of the organization's own capital, since a change in its value is allowed in a strictly defined manner established by law.

    The authorized capital can be characterized as the amount of contributions fixed in the constituent documents of a commercial organization, initially invested by the owner in the property of the enterprise to ensure its statutory activities. At the same time, it should be noted that there is some conventionality in the use of the term "originally".

    The authorized capital of a business company must be fully paid up within one year from the date of state registration, business partnerships themselves determine this period in their constituent documents, and the authorized fund of unitary enterprises must be fully paid up by the time of registration. Moreover, the authorized capital can be increased during the operation of the enterprise, and at the same time it no longer acts as an initial source, but as a source of attracting additional resources.

    Directions for the use of the authorized capital are not legally defined. The only requirement is that the authorized capital be provided with the property of the organization.

    In the process of economic activity, the company may receive new property or increase the accounting value of the existing one, i.e. assets increase. In order to take into account the sources of such property or the increase in its value, the concept of additional capital has been introduced in accounting.

    Additional capital is share premium generated in open joint-stock companies and representing the amount of the excess of the sale price of shares over the nominal value during an open subscription. The share premium that arose during the formation of the authorized capital of joint-stock companies is considered only as additional capital and is not allowed to be directed to consumption needs.

    In other words, additional capital is a source of funds for the enterprise, formed as a result of the revaluation of property or the sale of shares above par value.

    According to its financial origin, additional capital has the following sources of formation:

    share premium;

    The amount of revaluation of non-current assets;

    Exchange differences associated with the formation of authorized capital;

    Amounts of retained earnings directed as sources of coverage of capital investments;

    Property received free of charge (except for property related to the social sphere, which is reflected in retained earnings);

    Funds allocated from the budget used to finance long-term investments.

    Additional capital can be formed not only for the reasons listed above. What to include in the composition of additional capital and how to use it is decided by the owners of the enterprise, who develop the relevant provisions. These provisions must be approved by the minutes of the general meeting of founders, after which they are fixed by an order on accounting policies.

    Thus, additional capital is share premium received by the issuing joint-stock company from the sale of its shares in excess of their nominal value. The share premium is a certain valuation of property (for example, cash) received by the organization additionally, which, in fact, is an increase in the organization's property.

    Additional capital can be replenished at the expense of funds allocated for replenishment of own working capital, this source is formed in the process of distribution by the participants of the undistributed profit of the enterprise.

    Appropriations received from the budget of any level, which are spent by the enterprise to finance long-term investments, join the additional capital.

    The organization's income attributable to additional capital increases the organization's own capital, but does not affect the financial result of the organization's activities in the reporting period. For example, an organization may receive ownership of an expensive production facility free of charge, as a result of which its property and capital will have a significant increase, but the financial result of the organization's activities in the reporting period may be a loss.

    The presence of income not included in the financial result of activity is taken into account in tax accounting: when calculating taxable profit, income attributable to additional capital is added to profit subject to taxation.

    The next component of equity capital is reserve capital, which is the insurance capital of the enterprise, intended to cover total balance sheet losses in the absence of other possibilities for their compensation, as well as to pay income to investors and creditors if there is not enough profit for these purposes. The funds of the reserve capital act as a guarantee of the uninterrupted operation of the enterprise and the observance of the interests of third parties. The presence of such a financial source gives the latter confidence in the repayment of the company's obligations.

    The formation of reserve capital can be mandatory and voluntary. In the first case, it is created in accordance with the legislation of Russia, and in the second - in accordance with the procedure established in the constituent documents of the enterprise, or with its accounting policy. Currently, the creation of reserve capital is mandatory only for joint-stock companies and enterprises with foreign investment.

    If the organization has branches and representative offices registered as taxpayers, then they can also form reserve funds. If the constituent documents do not provide for the creation of a reserve fund, then the enterprise does not have the right to create it.

    The amount of annual deductions is provided for by the charter of the company, but cannot be less than 5% of net profit until the amount established by the charter of the company is reached.

    As part of the property of the organization, the reserve capital created in accordance with the legislation, and the reserve capital created in accordance with the constituent documents, are accounted for separately.

    Information about the amount of reserve capital in the balance sheet of an enterprise is of extreme importance for external users of financial statements, who consider reserve capital as a margin of financial strength for an enterprise. An insufficient value of the required reserve capital indicates either a lack of profit or the use of reserve capital to cover losses.

    The resources of the reserve fund are intended to cover the balance sheet loss for the reporting year, to redeem bonds and buy back shares of the joint-stock company in the absence of other funds. The reserve fund is also created by enterprises in case of termination of their activities to cover accounts payable. You can't use the "reserve" money for any other purpose.

    A significant part of the company's own capital is accumulated in special purpose funds. These funds are reserved and directed to the formation of sources of financing the costs of creating new industrial property and social infrastructure, as well as for the needs of social development (except for capital investments).

    Special (target) financial funds are a very peculiar and promising form of the enterprise's own capital. These include purposefully formed funds of own financial resources for the purpose of their subsequent targeted spending.

    The main source of the formation of special purpose funds are the part of the profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise. From the standpoint of financial control, of paramount importance is a clear distinction between the funds allocated by the enterprise for production development and consumption needs. The need for such control is associated with tax incentives, which provide for a reduction in taxable profit by that part of it that is aimed at financing capital investments.

    The implementation of the organization's policy aimed at accumulating its net profit to finance targeted activities is carried out through the formation of special purpose funds. The organization determines the number of funds, their name and use independently.

    Special-purpose funds are formed according to the norms established by the owners, as well as at the expense of gratuitous contributions from the founders and other enterprises. They are usually divided into an accumulation fund, a social sphere fund and a consumption fund.

    The funds of the accumulation funds are directed to the production development of the organization and other similar purposes, in particular to:

    Financing the costs of technical re-equipment, reconstruction and expansion of existing production and construction of new facilities;

    Carrying out research work, purchasing equipment, instruments;

    Expenses associated with the issuance and distribution of shares, bonds and other securities;

    Contributions to the creation of investment funds, joint ventures, joint-stock companies and associations;

    Write-off of costs that, according to the current provisions, are not included in the cost of products (works, services), but are made directly at the expense of profit remaining at the disposal of enterprises;

    To finance environmental protection measures, etc.

    If an enterprise uses funds for capital investments, then the accumulation fund itself does not decrease, since the financial resources are converted into the property of the organization. If the enterprise uses the funds of the fund to cover the losses of the reporting year, to distribute profits between the founders, as well as to write off costs that are not included in the initial cost of fixed assets put into operation, then the value of the accumulation fund decreases.

    The funds of the consumption fund, in contrast to the accumulation fund, are directed to social development and material incentives for personnel, as well as other activities and works that do not lead to the formation of new property of the organization. Special funds are used according to the estimate, which is discussed and approved by the owners of the organization (shareholders). They are informed about the execution of the estimate in a timely manner.

    The consumption fund is intended to provide social protection for personnel: subsidies for food, the purchase of travel tickets, vouchers to sanatoriums, children's institutions, housing construction, as well as material incentives for employees (one-time bonuses, gifts, material assistance), etc.

    The Social Sphere Fund represents the reserved (directed) amounts as financial support for the development of the social sphere. The social sphere fund covers capital investments not in production as an accumulation fund, but in the social services of the enterprise, for example, in the construction of a kindergarten. The funds of the fund are used to finance expenses related to the maintenance of housing and communal services, healthcare, culture, sports, children's institutions, houses and recreation centers accounted for on the organization's balance sheet.

    The procedure for the formation and use of the funds of these funds is regulated by the charter and other constituent and internal documents of the enterprise.

    Actually, with the exception of depreciation, the only major source of financing for the activities of the enterprise is retained earnings. Her enterprise can always direct to its own needs or the creation of special funds. A distinctive feature of newly created enterprises is the difficulty in forecasting profits due to the demand for goods and services that has not yet arisen. Retained earnings characterizes the part of the company's profit received in the previous period and not used for consumption by the owners (shareholders, shareholders) and staff.

    Retained earnings are calculated as the difference between the financial result for the reporting period revealed on the basis of accounting for all operations of the organization and the assessment of balance sheet items and the amount of taxes and other similar obligatory payments payable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation from profit after tax, including sanctions for violations (including settlements with state off-budget funds).

    This part of the profit is intended for capitalization, that is, for reinvestment in the development of production. According to its economic content, it is one of the forms of the reserve of the enterprise's own financial resources, which ensure its production development in the coming period.

    Other forms of equity. These include settlements for property (when renting it out), settlements with participants (for the payment of income to them in the form of interest or dividends), and some others.

    Organizations have the right to create reserves for doubtful debts. Doubtful debt is the accounts receivable of the organization, which is not repaid within the period established by the contracts, and is not secured by appropriate guarantees. The source of the formation of this reserve is the results of the financial activities of the organization, i.e. profit before tax.

    The reserve for doubtful debts is created on the basis of the results of an inventory of receivables carried out at the end of the reporting year. The amount of the reserve is determined separately for each doubtful debt, depending on the financial condition (solvency) of the debtor and the assessment of the probability of repaying the debt in full or in part. If, by the end of the year following the year in which the reserve for doubtful debts was created, this reserve is not used in any part, then the unused amounts are added to the profit of the corresponding year.

    Thus, the value of equity capital is one of the most important indicators of the financial stability and sustainability of any enterprise. First of all, it is the level of equity capital that is the criterion for assessing the investment attractiveness of an enterprise.

    In this regard, the problem of own capital management becomes fundamental in the activity of any business entity, which consists in striving to maximize its level.

    1.3 Tasks and functions of the organization's own capital management

    Own capital management involves managing the process of its formation, maintenance and effective use, that is, the management of already formed assets. This involves both the management of equity in general and the management of its structural elements.

    The management of own capital should be preceded by a study of the effectiveness of its management in the previous period. The analysis is necessary to determine the reserves for the formation of own funds.

    The problem of the formation of equity capital cannot be limited to the direct choice and use of a certain method or instrument of financing and should be considered in the context of managing the structure of total capital.

    With the increase in the "age" of the company, the structure of its capital becomes more complicated, and the actions to manage this structure become more in demand, since they affect such important indicators of the company's activities as financial stability and profitability, business value and investment attractiveness in the market.

    In the process of managing the formation of their own financial resources, they are classified according to the sources of this formation. The composition of the main sources of formation of the enterprise's own financial resources is shown in Figure 1.2.

    As part of the internal sources of the formation of its own financial resources, the main place belongs to the profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise, it forms the predominant part of its own financial resources, provides an increase in own capital, and, accordingly, an increase in the market value of the enterprise.

    Rice. 1.2. Sources of formation of own capital of the enterprise

    Depreciation charges also play a certain role in the composition of internal sources, especially at enterprises with a high cost of their own fixed assets and intangible assets; however, they do not increase the amount of the company's own capital, but are only a means of reinvesting it. Other internal sources do not play a significant role in the formation of the enterprise's own financial resources.

    As part of the external sources of the formation of its own financial resources, the main place belongs to the attraction by the enterprise of additional share (through additional contributions to the authorized fund) or equity (through additional emission and sale of shares) capital. For individual enterprises, one of the external sources of generating their own financial resources may be the gratuitous financial assistance provided to them (as a rule, such assistance is provided only to individual state enterprises of various levels). Other external sources include tangible and intangible assets transferred to the enterprise free of charge and included in its balance sheet.

    The basis of the management of the enterprise's own capital is the management of the formation of its own financial resources. In order to ensure effective management of this process, the enterprise usually develops a special financial policy aimed at attracting its own financial resources from various sources in accordance with the needs of its development in the coming period.

    The main tasks of equity capital management are:

    Determining the appropriate amount of equity capital;

    An increase, if required, in the amount of equity capital from retained earnings or an additional issue of shares;

    Determining the rational structure of newly issued shares;

    Definition and implementation of the dividend policy.

    The development of a policy for the formation of the enterprise's own financial resources is carried out according to the following main stages.

    1. Analysis of the formation of the company's own financial resources in the previous period. The purpose of this analysis is to identify the potential for the formation of its own financial resources and its compliance with the pace of development of the enterprise.

    At the first stage of the analysis, the total volume of the formation of own financial resources, the correspondence of the growth rate of own capital to the growth rate of assets and the volume of sales of the enterprise, the dynamics of the share of own resources in the total volume of formation of financial resources in the preplanning period are studied.

    At the second stage of the analysis, the sources of the formation of own financial resources are considered. First of all, the ratio of external and internal sources of formation of own financial resources, as well as the cost of attracting own capital from various sources, is studied.

    At the third stage of the analysis, the sufficiency of own financial resources formed at the enterprise in the preplanning period is assessed.

    2. Determining the total need for own financial resources. The calculated total need covers the required amount of own financial resources generated from both internal and external sources.

    3. Estimation of the cost of raising equity capital from various sources. Such an assessment is carried out in the context of the main elements of equity capital formed from internal and external sources. The results of such an assessment serve as the basis for the development of management decisions regarding the choice of alternative sources for the formation of own financial resources that ensure the growth of the enterprise's own capital.

    4. Ensuring the maximum volume of attraction of own financial resources from internal sources.

    5. Ensuring the necessary volume of attraction of own financial resources from external sources. The volume of attracting own financial resources from external sources is designed to provide that part of them that could not be formed from internal sources of financing. If the amount of own financial resources attracted from internal sources fully meets the total need for them in the planning period, then there is no need to attract these resources from external sources.

    6. Optimization of the ratio of internal and external sources of formation of own financial resources. The process of this optimization is based on the following criteria:

    Ensuring the minimum total cost of attracting own financial resources;

    Ensuring the preservation of the management of the enterprise by its original founders.

    Management of the company's own capital also includes determining the optimal ratio between own and borrowed financial resources.

    Financial leverage ("financial leverage") is a financial mechanism for managing the return on equity by optimizing the ratio of used own and borrowed funds.

    The effect of financial leverage is an increment to the return on equity obtained through the use of a loan, despite the payment of the latter.

    The effect of financial leverage arises from the discrepancy between economic profitability and the "price" of borrowed funds. The economic return on assets is the ratio of the value of the production effect (ie profit before paying interest on loans and income tax) to the total value of the total capital of the enterprise (ie all assets or liabilities).

    In other words, the company must initially develop such economic profitability that the funds are sufficient, at least to pay interest on the loan.

    The following formula can be used to calculate the effect of financial leverage:

    EGF \u003d (Rk - Rzk) x ZS / SK, (1)

    where Рк is the return on total capital (the ratio of the amount of net profit and the price paid for borrowed funds and the amount of capital);

    Рзк - return on borrowed capital (the ratio of the price paid for borrowed funds to the amount of borrowed funds);

    ZK - borrowed capital (average value for the period);

    SC - equity (average value for the period).

    Thus, the effect of financial leverage determines the boundary of the economic feasibility of attracting borrowed funds.

    A high positive value of the EGF indicator indicates that the company prefers to manage with its own funds, does not use investment opportunities enough and does not pursue the goal of maximizing profits. In this situation, shareholders, having received modest dividends, can begin to sell shares, reducing the company's market value.

    At the end of the first part of the work, we will focus on the functions of managing the enterprise's own capital. The main functions of equity management include:

    Protective function. Own capital allows you to maintain the solvency of the enterprise by creating a reserve of assets that allow the enterprise to function, despite the threat of losses. At the same time, however, it is assumed that most of the losses are covered not by capital, but by the current income of the enterprise.

    Capital plays the role of a kind of protective "cushion" and allows the company to continue operating in the event of large unforeseen losses or expenses. To finance such costs, there are various reserve funds included in equity.

    operational function. It is of secondary importance compared to the protective one. It includes the allocation of own funds for the purchase of land, buildings, equipment, as well as the creation of a financial reserve in case of unforeseen losses. This source of financial resources is indispensable at the initial stages of the enterprise, when the founders carry out a number of priority expenses.

    At the subsequent stages of development of the enterprise, the role of equity capital is no less important, part of these funds is invested in long-term assets, in the creation of various reserves. Although the main source of covering the costs of expanding operations is the accumulated profit, enterprises often resort to new issues of shares or long-term loans when carrying out structural measures - opening branches, mergers.

    regulatory function. It is associated with the special interest of society in the successful functioning of enterprises.

    These functions of equity show that equity is the basis of the commercial activity of any enterprise. It ensures its independence and guarantees its financial stability, being a source of smoothing the negative consequences of various risks that the enterprise bears.

    Improving the efficiency of equity management is stimulated, on the one hand, by the desire to improve the financial performance of the company and increase the welfare of its owners, on the other hand, by the company's dependence on the external economic environment that evaluates its activities from the outside and forms a system of economic relationships with it.

    2. Analysis of the management of equity capital of JSC "Penzpromstroy"

    2.1 Organizational and economic characteristics of the enterprise

    Open Joint Stock Company "Penzpromstroy" began its history on July 7, 1939, when the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR No. 998 was issued, followed by the order of the People's Commissar for Construction dated December 31, 1939 No. 469 "On the establishment of the Union Trust in the city of Penza No. 7". It is this date that is the date of birth of the Penzpromstroy trust, now OJSC Penzpromstroy.

    The company built such significant industrial enterprises and cultural facilities for the Penza region as OJSC Penzmash, Brewery, ZHBI plant, OJSC Penztekstilmash, the Zarya Palace of Culture, the building of Rembyttekhnika, etc.

    Trust "Penzpromstroy" was registered as an open joint stock company "Penza Industrial Construction" (JSC "Penzpromstroy") by the Administration of the Leninsky district of Penza on 10/22/1992.

    The Company is an open joint stock company and operates in accordance with Federal Law No. 208-FZ "On Joint Stock Companies" dated December 26, 1995. Location of the Company: 440008, Penza, st. Dzerzhinsky 4. The purpose of the Company's activities is to make a profit.

    The main activities of the enterprise: repair and construction works, laying of engineering communications, construction of residential and industrial facilities, construction of social and cultural facilities, laying of communications, manufacturing of reinforced concrete products.

    The organization is a legal entity under Russian law: it owns separate property and is liable for its obligations with this property, can acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights on its own behalf, be a plaintiff and defendant in court.

    The Company in its activities is guided by the Charter of the organization, the legislation of the Russian Federation and binding acts of the executive authorities.

    The founders of OAO Penzpromstroy are the shareholders owning shares of OAO Penzpromstroy. The register of shareholders of OJSC Penzpromstroy is held by CJSC Central United Registrar (location: 125040 Moscow, Pravdy St., 23.)

    The authorized capital of the company is 102886 rubles. It is made up of the nominal value of the shares of the company acquired by shareholders in accordance with the privatization plan, including:

    11023 pcs. ordinary registered shares with a nominal value of 7 rubles;

    3675 pcs. preferred registered shares with a nominal value of 7 rubles. All shares of the Company are registered non-documentary.

    The supreme governing body of the company is the General Meeting of Shareholders. In the period between meetings, the general management of the company's activities is carried out by the Board of Directors.

    The board of directors of the company exercises general management of the company's activities, with the exception of resolving issues referred by federal laws and the charter to the competence of the general meeting of shareholders.

    The management of current activities of JSC "Penzpromstroy" is carried out by the General Director, who acts in accordance with the Charter of the organization. He manages the organization's funds within the limits of the rights granted to him, issues orders and instructions, hires and dismisses employees in accordance with the staff list, applies incentives and penalties to them in accordance with the internal labor regulations and the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation, and also performs other actions, necessary to achieve the goals and objectives of the organization.

    Takes measures to provide the organization with qualified personnel. Resolves all issues within the limits of the granted rights and entrusts the performance of certain production and economic functions to other officials - his deputies, heads of production units, as well as functional and production divisions of the organization.

    The Director General reports directly to:

    Chief Engineer;

    Construction department;

    Financial department;

    Accounting, etc.

    The accounting service of the organization is headed by the chief accountant, appointed by the general director. In his activities, the chief accountant is strictly guided by the Federal Law of November 21, 1996 No. 129-FZ “On Accounting” and other regulatory documents.

    The duties of the chief accountant include:

    organization of work on setting up and maintaining accounting records in order to obtain complete and reliable information on the financial and economic activities and financial position of the organization by interested internal and external users;

    lead the work on the preparation and approval of the working plan of accounts of accounting.

    All accounting is carried out by the accounting department, which includes the chief accountant, economist and accountant-cashier. The accounting department carries out the organization of accounting of the economic and financial activities of the organization and control over the economical use of material, labor and financial resources.

    The accounting department exercises control over compliance with the execution of primary and accounting documents. Participates in the economic analysis of the economic and financial activities of the organization.

    In accordance with the order of JSC "Penzpromstroy" dated January 11, 2010 No. 1 "On the accounting policy of the enterprise for 2010", accounting and tax accounting at the enterprise is carried out by the accounting department using computer equipment and the accounting program 1-C.

    Accounting is maintained in accordance with the standard chart of accounts, which is contained in the purchased automated accounting program 1-C "Accounting", developed in accordance with paragraph 9 of the Regulation on accounting and financial reporting in the Russian Federation (approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 29, 1998 No. 34n, by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 31, 2000 No. 94n) .

    In accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 129-FZ “On Accounting” and the “Regulations on Accounting and Reporting in the Russian Federation”, business transactions are recorded using the double-entry method on interrelated accounting accounts that are included in the working chart of accounts, ensuring timeliness and completeness of accounting.

    In a market economy, the financial manager becomes one of the key figures in the enterprise. He is responsible for raising financial problems, analyzing the feasibility of choosing one or another way to solve them, and sometimes for making the final decision on choosing the most appropriate course of action.

    Below, we will consider the technical and economic performance of OJSC "Penzpromstroy" for 2008-2010 and conduct a comparative analysis in Table 2.1.

    As a result of a comparative analysis of indicators, it can be seen that revenue from the sale of goods and services decreased by the end of 2010 by 45,034 thousand rubles, or by 62.2% compared to 2008. Accordingly, the cost of production decreased by 49,040 thousand rubles, or by 65.3% by 2008. Costs per 1 ruble of the sale of goods decreased by 6.5 kopecks.

    Gross profit increased by 4,006 thousand rubles compared to the corresponding period of 2008, while net profit decreased by 573 thousand rubles. and amounted to 728 thousand rubles, and in 2009 there was a loss from economic activity in the amount of 335 thousand rubles. Net profitability in 2010 increased by 0.6%, or 103%.

    By the end of 2010, the average annual cost of fixed production assets increased by 607 thousand rubles, or by 19.9% ​​compared to 2008. The average annual cost of working capital for this period decreased by 5628 thousand rubles, or by 86.1%. The number of personnel increased by 40 people, and the output per worker decreased by 155.4 thousand rubles.

    Table 2.1. Technical and economic indicators of JSC "Penzpromstroy" for 2008-2010

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    The development of a market economy and the desire of enterprises to increase prosperity in conditions of complete economic independence contribute to an increasing concentration of attention on the management of sources of financing for commercial activities, including such an important component as their own capital. The increasing importance of this component is directly evidenced by such facts as significant changes in approaches to accounting for equity capital and the strengthening of the role of this indicator in the analysis of the financial and economic activities of organizations in recent years.

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    The topic of rational management of an enterprise's own capital is especially relevant today, since in our country there is an unstable economic situation, a sharp increase in competition in almost all sectors of the economy, often a lack of professional knowledge among some enterprise managers and other negative factors lead to the bankruptcy of organizations with all the ensuing consequences. Therefore, for our country, the presence of own capital is the first condition for the reliability of the enterprise.

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    Determine the essence and main characteristics of the concept of "own capital" and "management of own capital";

    Determine the main sources of equity capital formation;

    Identify the tasks and functions of equity management;

    Consider existing methods for assessing equity;

    Evaluate methods of managing equity;

    Identify quantitative characteristics of the assessment of own funds;

    Consider profit distribution policy;

    To achieve the objectives, the work is divided into three interrelated parts, the first chapter is purely practical in nature and contains the answer to the first three questions. In the second chapter, on a practical example, an attempt was made to apply existing methods for estimating equity. The third chapter contains the answer to two final questions.

    As a subject of research, the company's own capital, its structure and dynamics are chosen.

    The enterprise "AvtoAlliance" LLC was chosen as the object of study. The company is faced with the task of entering the market of car tires and disks in St. Petersburg.

    Various aspects of managing the formation of equity capital and the efficiency of its use are given much attention in the works of domestic and foreign economists.

    In foreign literature, the most complete coverage of certain aspects of the problem under study was received in the works of H. Anderson, L.A. Bernstein, R. Brailey, Y. Brigham, M.F. Van Breda, L. Gapensky, D. Garner, A. Damodaran, B. Colas, D. Caldwell, R. Conway, Cheng F. Lee, S. Myers, M. Miller, F. Modigliani, B. Needles, R. Owen, J. Richard, C. Walsh, D.I. Finnerty, E. Helfert, E.S. Hendriksen, J. R. Hicks.

    Of greatest interest among the works of domestic authors are the works of V.S. Belova, N.I. Berzon, I.A. Blanca, V.V. Bocharova, O.V. Efimova, A.P. Kovaleva, V.V. Kovaleva, M.N. Kreinina, V.E. Leontiev, Ya. Mirkina, V.D. Novodvorsky, V.V. Paliya, V.F. Paliya, M.L. Pyatova, G.V. Savitskaya, R.S. Saifulina, N.N. Selezneva, A.D. Sheremeta, E.I. Shokhin.

    When making calculations, we used the methods of leading Russian economists, such as G.V. Savitskaya, M.S. Abryutina, N.P. Lyubushin, O.V. Efimova and T.B. Berdnikov.

    Without belittling the importance of the theoretical and practical developments of the above scientists, it should be noted that at present, research devoted to a systematic consideration of the problem of equity capital management is still not enough. At the same time, it is obvious that the rapidly changing Russian economic conditions contribute to the formation of a rich empirical base for continuing research in this direction. All this served as additional factors determining the author's choice of the topic of this graduation project.

    In the process of working on the thesis, such general scientific research methods as comparison, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, generalization and formalization were used.

    From among the special methods and techniques: techniques of mathematics, economic statistics, analysis of financial and economic activities of enterprises, methods of reading and analyzing financial statements, the method of averages, factor analysis, the development of a system of indicators and the construction of analytical tables.

    1.1 Own capital of the enterprise: definition and essential characteristics

    Capital is the means that a business entity has to carry out its activities in order to make a profit.

    Capital is one of the fundamental economic categories, the essence of which scientific thought has been elucidating for a number of centuries.

    The term "capital" is of Latin origin and means main, chief. The problems of its economic essence were dealt with by K. Marx, D. Ricardo, A. Smith, J. Keynes, D.B. Clark, Miller, Modigliani and Other Talented Scientists.

    In the initial works of economists, capital was considered as the main wealth, the main property. With the development of economic thought, this initial abstract and generalized concept of capital was filled with concrete content, corresponding to the dominant paradigm of economic analysis of the development of society.

    In the process of economic activity, there is a constant turnover of capital: successively it changes the monetary form to the material one, which in turn changes, taking various forms of products, goods and others, in accordance with the conditions of the production and commercial activities of the organization, and, finally, the capital again turns into cash ready to start a new circuit.

    Based on the study of the genesis of the theories of capital, “capital” can be defined as a valuable social wealth that is in constant motion and capable of generating income for its owners, which is the bearer of risk and liquidity factors and acts as an object of economic management.

    Depending on the sources of education and the intended purpose, the property of the organization is divided into own (own capital) and borrowed (borrowed capital created at the expense of obligations) (see Appendix 1.).

    The value of the property invested (invested) by the owner in the enterprise forms the own capital of this enterprise. In order to turn his property (or part of it) into capital (capitalize it), the owner of this property must at least meet the following conditions:

    Capitalized property must be separated from other personal property of the owner for a long time (perhaps forever). The owner loses the opportunity to use the physical or other properties of the capitalized property for direct personal consumption;

    From the moment of capitalization, the right to use and dispose of the invested property must be transferred to another economic entity - an enterprise. Capitalized property becomes the assets of the enterprise, which undertakes to use them in such a way that the value of these assets increases as much as possible.

    The incentive that encourages the owner to voluntarily give up part of his legal rights to the property belonging to him is the right granted to him in return to receive the amount of the increase in the company's own capital.

    Own capital is understood as a set of economic relations that make it possible to include in the economic turnover financial resources belonging either to the owners or to the economic entity itself.

    Own capital is a part of the economic values ​​formed by the enterprise from the beginning of its economic activity, free from the claims of third parties who are not the owners of the company, and used by the company to generate income

    Equity capital characterizes the total value of the enterprise's funds owned by it and used by it to form a certain part of the assets. This part of the asset, formed from the equity invested in them, is the net assets of the enterprise.

    The value of assets is always equal to the value of the capital invested in them. The main purpose of the assets of the enterprise is to bring him income. An enterprise can combine its assets in any way not prohibited by law in order to maximize this result. In financial management, the possibility of an accidental acquisition of any assets by an enterprise is excluded. Any purchase must have a preliminary financial justification, the main criterion of which is the maximization of income. If it turns out that the acquired asset is not able to provide the company with the expected income, then it must be sold, and the released money is invested in another, more profitable asset. Operations with assets that do not lead to a change in the value of assets (assets are sold at the same price at which they were purchased) leave the value of the company's equity capital unchanged.

    Own is calculated as the difference between the total assets of the enterprise and its liabilities (liabilities) and is the sum of the excess of the fair market value of the property over the outstanding debt.

    In order to turn their property into capital, the owners of this property must at least meet the following conditions:

    Capitalized property must be separated from other personal property of the owners for a long time. In this case, the owner loses the opportunity to use the physical or other properties of the capitalized property for direct personal consumption;

    From the moment of capitalization, the right to use and dispose of the invested property must be transferred to the enterprise as a business entity. Capitalized property is the assets of an enterprise that undertakes to use them in such a way that the value of these assets increases as much as possible.

    Considering the economic essence of the capital of an enterprise as an object of management, the following characteristics should be noted first of all:

    The capital of the enterprise in its material form is the main factors of production;

    Capital also exists in the form of financial (monetary) resources of the enterprise that generate income;

    Capital is the main source of the formation of the welfare of its owners;

    The capital of an enterprise is the main measure of its market value;

    The dynamics of the capital of an enterprise is the most important barometer of the level of efficiency of its economic activity.

    Equity capital, in comparison with borrowed capital, is characterized by the following positive features:

    1. Ease of attraction, since decisions related to increasing equity capital (especially through internal sources of its formation) are made by the owners and managers of the enterprise without the need to obtain the consent of other business entities.

    2. Higher ability to generate profits in all areas of activity, tk. when using it, the payment of loan interest in all its forms is not required.

    3. Ensuring the financial sustainability of the development of the enterprise, its solvency in the long term, and, accordingly, reducing the risk of bankruptcy.

    However, it has the following disadvantages:

    1. The limited volume of attraction, and, consequently, the possibility of a significant expansion of the operating and investment activities of the enterprise during periods of favorable market conditions and at certain stages of its life cycle.

    2. High cost compared to alternative borrowed sources of capital formation.

    3. An unused opportunity to increase the return on equity ratio by attracting borrowed funds, since without such attraction it is impossible to ensure that the financial profitability ratio of the enterprise's activity exceeds the economic one.

    Thus, an enterprise that uses only its own capital has the highest financial stability (its autonomy coefficient is equal to one), but limits the pace of its development (because it cannot ensure the formation of the necessary additional volume of assets during periods of favorable market conditions) and does not use financial growth opportunities. return on invested capital.

    1.2 The structure of the company's own capital

    Own capital, of course, has a complex structure. Its composition depends on the organizational and legal form of the economic entity.

    Own capital consists of authorized, additional and reserve capital, retained earnings and targeted (special) funds (Fig. 1.2.). Commercial organizations operating on the principles of a market economy, as a rule, own collective or corporate property. The owners are legal entities and individuals, a group of depositors-shareholders or a corporation of shareholders. The authorized capital, which has developed as part of the share capital, most fully reflects all aspects of the organizational and legal foundations for the formation of the authorized capital.

    Rice. 1.1. The structure of the company's own capital

    The authorized capital characterizes the initial amount of the company's own capital invested in the formation of its assets to start economic activity. Its size is determined by the constituent documents and the charter of the enterprise. For an enterprise of certain fields of activity and organizational and legal forms (joint stock company, limited liability company), the minimum amount of the authorized capital is regulated by law.

    The authorized capital is the starting capital necessary for the enterprise to carry out financial and economic activities in order to make a profit. Contributions to the authorized capital are divided into contributions in cash and contributions in property transferred by the participant to pay off their obligations under the contribution.

    The legal basis of the authorized capital determines its size and composition; the terms and procedure for making contributions to the authorized capital by participants; assessment of deposits during their contribution and withdrawal; the procedure for changing the shares of participants; responsibility of participants for violation of obligations to make contributions.

    The formation of the authorized capital is connected with the goals of creating the organization and its organizational and legal form. The procedure for the formation of the authorized capital of organizations of various organizational and legal forms is currently quite strictly regulated by the laws of the Russian Federation. In addition, a number of by-laws regulate the accounting treatment of this process.

    According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the authorized capital, depending on the organizational and legal form of the enterprise, can act as:

    Contributed capital - in general partnership and limited partnership;

    Share or indivisible fund - in a production cooperative (artel);

    Authorized capital - in joint-stock companies, limited and additional liability companies;

    Authorized fund - in unitary state and municipal enterprises.

    The authorized capital is the property basis of the organization's activities, it determines the share of each participant in the management of the enterprise and guarantees the interests of its creditors.

    A change in the size of the authorized capital of an enterprise is always associated with the re-approval of its constituent documents by the general meeting of founders and their re-registration with the relevant state bodies.

    The authorized capital differs from other structural parts of the enterprise's own capital in that it must be distributed among its participants (founders). Therefore, the decision of the general meeting of founders on its changes must be accompanied by an indication of the procedure for their distribution among the participants.

    The authorized capital is one of the most important indicators that allows you to get an idea of ​​the size and financial condition of economic entities. This is one of the most stable elements of the organization's own capital, since a change in its value is allowed in a strictly defined manner established by law.

    The authorized capital can be characterized as the amount of contributions fixed in the constituent documents of a commercial organization, initially invested by the owner in the property of the enterprise to ensure its statutory activities. At the same time, it should be noted that there is some conventionality in the use of the term "originally". The authorized capital of a business company must be fully paid up within one year from the date of state registration, business partnerships themselves determine this period in their constituent documents, and the authorized fund of unitary enterprises must be fully paid up by the time of registration. Moreover, the authorized capital can be increased during the operation of the enterprise, and at the same time it no longer acts as an initial source, but as a source of attracting additional resources.

    Directions for the use of the authorized capital are not legally defined. The only requirement is that the authorized capital be provided with the property of the organization.

    In the process of economic activity, the company may receive new property or increase the accounting value of the existing one, i.e. assets increase. In order to take into account the sources of such property or the increase in its value, the concept of additional capital has been introduced in accounting.

    Additional capital is share premium generated in open joint-stock companies and representing the amount of the excess of the sale price of shares over the nominal value during an open subscription. The share premium that arose during the formation of the authorized capital of joint-stock companies is considered only as additional capital and is not allowed to be directed to consumption needs.

    In other words, additional capital is a source of funds for the enterprise, formed as a result of the revaluation of property or the sale of shares above par value.

    According to its financial origin, additional capital has the following sources of formation:

    share premium;

    The amount of revaluation of non-current assets;

    Exchange differences associated with the formation of authorized capital;

    Amounts of retained earnings directed as sources of coverage of capital investments;

    Property received free of charge (except for property related to the social sphere, which is reflected in retained earnings);

    Funds allocated from the budget used to finance long-term investments.

    Additional capital can be formed not only for the reasons listed above. What to include in the composition of additional capital and how to use it is decided by the owners of the enterprise, who develop the relevant provisions. These provisions must be approved by the minutes of the general meeting of founders, after which they are fixed by an order on accounting policies.

    Thus, additional capital is share premium received by the issuing joint-stock company from the sale of its shares in excess of their nominal value. The share premium is a certain valuation of property (for example, cash) received by the organization additionally, which, in fact, is an increase in the organization's property.

    Additional capital can be replenished at the expense of funds allocated for replenishment of own working capital, this source is formed in the process of distribution by the participants of the undistributed profit of the enterprise.

    Appropriations received from the budget of any level, which are spent by the enterprise to finance long-term investments, join the additional capital.

    The organization's income attributable to additional capital increases the organization's own capital, but does not affect the financial result of the organization's activities in the reporting period. For example, an organization may receive ownership of an expensive production facility free of charge, as a result of which its property and capital will have a significant increase, but the financial result of the organization's activities in the reporting period may be a loss. The presence of income not included in the financial result of activity is taken into account in tax accounting: when calculating taxable profit, income attributable to additional capital is added to profit subject to taxation.

    The next component of equity capital is reserve capital, which is the insurance capital of the enterprise, intended to cover total balance sheet losses in the absence of other possibilities for their compensation, as well as to pay income to investors and creditors if there is not enough profit for these purposes. The funds of the reserve capital act as a guarantee of the uninterrupted operation of the enterprise and the observance of the interests of third parties. The presence of such a financial source gives the latter confidence in the repayment of the company's obligations.

    The formation of reserve capital can be mandatory and voluntary. In the first case, it is created in accordance with the legislation of Russia, and in the second - in accordance with the procedure established in the constituent documents of the enterprise, or with its accounting policy. Currently, the creation of reserve capital is mandatory only for joint-stock companies and enterprises with foreign investment. If the organization has branches and representative offices registered as taxpayers, then they can also form reserve funds. If the constituent documents do not provide for the creation of a reserve fund, then the enterprise does not have the right to create it.

    The amount of annual deductions is provided for by the charter of the company, but cannot be less than 5% of net profit until the amount established by the charter of the company is reached.

    As part of the property of the organization, the reserve capital created in accordance with the legislation, and the reserve capital created in accordance with the constituent documents, are accounted for separately.

    Information about the amount of reserve capital in the balance sheet of an enterprise is of extreme importance for external users of financial statements, who consider reserve capital as a margin of financial strength for an enterprise. An insufficient value of the required reserve capital indicates either a lack of profit or the use of reserve capital to cover losses.

    The resources of the reserve fund are intended to cover the balance sheet loss for the reporting year, to redeem bonds and buy back shares of the joint-stock company in the absence of other funds. The reserve fund is also created by enterprises in case of termination of their activities to cover accounts payable. You can't use the "reserve" money for any other purpose.

    A significant part of the company's own capital is accumulated in special purpose funds. These funds are reserved and directed to the formation of sources of financing the costs of creating new industrial property and social infrastructure, as well as for the needs of social development (except for capital investments).

    Special (target) financial funds are a very peculiar and promising form of the enterprise's own capital. These include purposefully formed funds of own financial resources for the purpose of their subsequent targeted spending.

    The main source of the formation of special purpose funds are the part of the profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise. From the standpoint of financial control, of paramount importance is a clear distinction between the funds allocated by the enterprise for production development and consumption needs. The need for such control is associated with tax incentives, which provide for a reduction in taxable profit by that part of it that is aimed at financing capital investments.

    The implementation of the organization's policy aimed at accumulating its net profit to finance targeted activities is carried out through the formation of special purpose funds. The organization determines the number of funds, their name and use independently.

    Special-purpose funds are formed according to the norms established by the owners, as well as at the expense of gratuitous contributions from the founders and other enterprises. They are usually divided into an accumulation fund, a social sphere fund and a consumption fund.

    The funds of the accumulation funds are directed to the production development of the organization and other similar purposes, in particular to:

    Financing the costs of technical re-equipment, reconstruction and expansion of existing production and construction of new facilities;

    Carrying out research work, purchasing equipment, instruments;

    Expenses associated with the issuance and distribution of shares, bonds and other securities;

    Contributions to the creation of investment funds, joint ventures, joint-stock companies and associations;

    Write-off of costs that, according to the current provisions, are not included in the cost of products (works, services), but are made directly at the expense of profit remaining at the disposal of enterprises;

    To finance environmental protection measures, etc.

    If an enterprise uses funds for capital investments, then the accumulation fund itself does not decrease, since the financial resources are converted into the property of the organization. If the enterprise uses the funds of the fund to cover the losses of the reporting year, to distribute profits between the founders, as well as to write off costs that are not included in the initial cost of fixed assets put into operation, then the value of the accumulation fund decreases.

    The funds of the consumption fund, in contrast to the accumulation fund, are directed to social development and material incentives for personnel, as well as other activities and works that do not lead to the formation of new property of the organization. Special funds are used according to the estimate, which is discussed and approved by the owners of the organization (shareholders). They are informed about the execution of the estimate in a timely manner.

    The consumption fund is intended to provide social protection for personnel: subsidies for food, the purchase of travel tickets, vouchers to sanatoriums, children's institutions, housing construction, as well as material incentives for employees (one-time bonuses, gifts, material assistance), etc.

    The Social Sphere Fund represents the reserved (directed) amounts as financial support for the development of the social sphere. The social sphere fund covers capital investments not in production as an accumulation fund, but in the social services of the enterprise, for example, in the construction of a kindergarten. The funds of the fund are used to finance expenses related to the maintenance of housing and communal services, healthcare, culture, sports, children's institutions, houses and recreation centers accounted for on the organization's balance sheet.

    The procedure for the formation and use of the funds of these funds is regulated by the charter and other constituent and internal documents of the enterprise.

    Actually, with the exception of depreciation, the only major source of financing for the activities of the enterprise is retained earnings. Her enterprise can always direct to its own needs or the creation of special funds. A distinctive feature of newly created enterprises is the difficulty in forecasting profits due to the demand for goods and services that has not yet arisen. Retained earnings characterizes the part of the company's profit received in the previous period and not used for consumption by the owners (shareholders, shareholders) and staff.

    Retained earnings are calculated as the difference between the financial result for the reporting period revealed on the basis of accounting for all operations of the organization and the assessment of balance sheet items and the amount of taxes and other similar obligatory payments payable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation from profit after tax, including sanctions for violations (including settlements with state off-budget funds).

    This part of the profit is intended for capitalization, that is, for reinvestment in the development of production. According to its economic content, it is one of the forms of the reserve of the enterprise's own financial resources, which ensure its production development in the coming period.

    Other forms of equity. These include settlements for property (when renting it out), settlements with participants (for the payment of income to them in the form of interest or dividends), and some others.

    Organizations have the right to create reserves for doubtful debts. Doubtful debt is the accounts receivable of the organization, which is not repaid within the period established by the contracts, and is not secured by appropriate guarantees. The source of the formation of this reserve is the results of the financial activities of the organization, i.e. profit before tax.

    The reserve for doubtful debts is created on the basis of the results of an inventory of receivables carried out at the end of the reporting year. The amount of the reserve is determined separately for each doubtful debt, depending on the financial condition (solvency) of the debtor and the assessment of the probability of repaying the debt in full or in part. If, by the end of the year following the year in which the reserve for doubtful debts was created, this reserve is not used in any part, then the unused amounts are added to the profit of the corresponding year.

    Thus, the value of equity capital is one of the most important indicators of the financial stability and sustainability of any enterprise. First of all, it is the level of equity capital that is the criterion for assessing the investment attractiveness of an enterprise. In this regard, the problem of own capital management becomes fundamental in the activity of any business entity, which consists in striving to maximize its level.

    1.3 Tasks and functions of the organization's own capital management

    Own capital management involves managing the process of its formation, maintenance and effective use, that is, the management of already formed assets. This involves both the management of equity in general and the management of its structural elements.

    The management of own capital should be preceded by a study of the effectiveness of its management in the previous period. The analysis is necessary to determine the reserves for the formation of own funds.

    The problem of the formation of equity capital cannot be limited to the direct choice and use of a certain method or instrument of financing and should be considered in the context of managing the structure of total capital. With the increase in the "age" of the company, the structure of its capital becomes more complicated, and the actions to manage this structure become more in demand, since they affect such important indicators of the company's activities as financial stability and profitability, business value and investment attractiveness in the market.

    In the process of managing the formation of their own financial resources, they are classified according to the sources of this formation. The composition of the main sources of formation of the enterprise's own financial resources is shown in Figure 1.2.

    Rice. 1.2. Sources of formation of own capital of the enterprise

    As part of the internal sources of the formation of its own financial resources, the main place belongs to the profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise, it forms the predominant part of its own financial resources, provides an increase in own capital, and, accordingly, an increase in the market value of the enterprise. Depreciation charges also play a certain role in the composition of internal sources, especially at enterprises with a high cost of their own fixed assets and intangible assets; however, they do not increase the amount of the company's own capital, but are only a means of reinvesting it. Other internal sources do not play a significant role in the formation of the enterprise's own financial resources.

    As part of the external sources of the formation of its own financial resources, the main place belongs to the attraction by the enterprise of additional share (through additional contributions to the authorized fund) or equity (through additional emission and sale of shares) capital. For individual enterprises, one of the external sources of generating their own financial resources may be the gratuitous financial assistance provided to them (as a rule, such assistance is provided only to individual state enterprises of various levels). Other external sources include tangible and intangible assets transferred to the enterprise free of charge and included in its balance sheet.

    The basis of the management of the enterprise's own capital is the management of the formation of its own financial resources. In order to ensure effective management of this process, the enterprise usually develops a special financial policy aimed at attracting its own financial resources from various sources in accordance with the needs of its development in the coming period.

    The main tasks of equity capital management are:

    Determining the appropriate amount of equity capital;

    An increase, if required, in the amount of equity capital from retained earnings or an additional issue of shares;

    Determining the rational structure of newly issued shares;

    Definition and implementation of the dividend policy.

    The development of a policy for the formation of the enterprise's own financial resources is carried out according to the following main stages.

    1. Analysis of the formation of the company's own financial resources in the previous period. The purpose of this analysis is to identify the potential for the formation of its own financial resources and its compliance with the pace of development of the enterprise.

    At the first stage of the analysis, the total volume of the formation of own financial resources, the correspondence of the growth rate of own capital to the growth rate of assets and the volume of sales of the enterprise, the dynamics of the share of own resources in the total volume of formation of financial resources in the preplanning period are studied.

    At the second stage of the analysis, the sources of the formation of own financial resources are considered. First of all, the ratio of external and internal sources of formation of own financial resources, as well as the cost of attracting own capital from various sources, is studied.

    At the third stage of the analysis, the sufficiency of own financial resources formed at the enterprise in the preplanning period is assessed.

    2. Determining the total need for own financial resources. The calculated total need covers the required amount of own financial resources generated from both internal and external sources.

    3. Estimation of the cost of raising equity capital from various sources. Such an assessment is carried out in the context of the main elements of equity capital formed from internal and external sources. The results of such an assessment serve as the basis for the development of management decisions regarding the choice of alternative sources for the formation of own financial resources that ensure the growth of the enterprise's own capital.

    4. Ensuring the maximum volume of attraction of own financial resources from internal sources.

    5. Ensuring the necessary volume of attraction of own financial resources from external sources. The volume of attracting own financial resources from external sources is designed to provide that part of them that could not be formed from internal sources of financing. If the amount of own financial resources attracted from internal sources fully meets the total need for them in the planning period, then there is no need to attract these resources from external sources.

    6. Optimization of the ratio of internal and external sources of formation of own financial resources. The process of this optimization is based on the following criteria:

    Ensuring the minimum total cost of attracting own financial resources;

    Ensuring the preservation of the management of the enterprise by its original founders.

    Management of the company's own capital also includes determining the optimal ratio between own and borrowed financial resources.

    Financial leverage ("financial leverage") is a financial mechanism for managing the return on equity by optimizing the ratio of used own and borrowed funds.

    The effect of financial leverage is an increment to the return on equity obtained through the use of a loan, despite the payment of the latter.

    The effect of financial leverage arises from the discrepancy between economic profitability and the "price" of borrowed funds. The economic return on assets is the ratio of the value of the production effect (ie profit before paying interest on loans and income tax) to the total value of the total capital of the enterprise (ie all assets or liabilities).

    In other words, the company must initially develop such economic profitability that the funds are sufficient, at least to pay interest on the loan.

    The following formula can be used to calculate the effect of financial leverage:

    EGF \u003d (Rk - Rzk) x ZS / SK, (1)

    where Рк is the return on total capital (the ratio of the amount of net profit and the price paid for borrowed funds and the amount of capital);

    Рзк - return on borrowed capital (the ratio of the price paid for borrowed funds to the amount of borrowed funds);

    ZK - borrowed capital (average value for the period);

    SC - equity (average value for the period).

    Thus, the effect of financial leverage determines the boundary of the economic feasibility of attracting borrowed funds.

    A high positive value of the EGF indicator indicates that the company prefers to manage with its own funds, does not use investment opportunities enough and does not pursue the goal of maximizing profits. In this situation, shareholders, having received modest dividends, can begin to sell shares, reducing the company's market value.

    And, at the end of the first part of the course work, we will focus on the functions of managing the company's own capital.

    The main functions of equity management include:

    Protective function. Own capital allows you to maintain the solvency of the enterprise by creating a reserve of assets that allow the enterprise to function, despite the threat of losses. At the same time, however, it is assumed that most of the losses are covered not by capital, but by the current income of the enterprise. Capital plays the role of a kind of protective "cushion" and allows the company to continue operating in the event of large unforeseen losses or expenses. To finance such costs, there are various reserve funds included in equity.

    operational function. It is of secondary importance compared to the protective one. It includes the allocation of own funds for the purchase of land, buildings, equipment, as well as the creation of a financial reserve in case of unforeseen losses. This source of financial resources is indispensable at the initial stages of the enterprise, when the founders carry out a number of priority expenses. At the subsequent stages of development of the enterprise, the role of equity capital is no less important, part of these funds is invested in long-term assets, in the creation of various reserves. Although the main source of covering the costs of expanding operations is accumulated profit, enterprises often resort to new share issues or long-term loans when carrying out structural measures - opening branches, mergers.

    regulatory function. It is associated with the special interest of society in the successful functioning of enterprises.

    These functions of equity show that equity is the basis of the commercial activity of any enterprise. It ensures its independence and guarantees its financial stability, being a source of smoothing the negative consequences of various risks that the enterprise bears.

    2. Analysis of the management of equity capital of AvtoAlliance LLC

    2.1 Organizational and economic characteristics of AvtoAlliance LLC

    The object of study of this graduation project is the limited liability company "AvtoAlliance"

    AvtoAlliance Limited Liability Company (hereinafter referred to as AvtoAlliance LLC) is a private commercial enterprise and operates in accordance with the Charter of the enterprise, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law "On Limited Liability Companies" and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    AvtoAlliance LLC is an independent legal entity, registered with the Interdistrict Federal Tax Service Inspectorate of the Russian Federation No. 3 for the Leningrad Region under registration number 1023404961062 in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on October 29, 2002.

    AvtoAlliance LLC has an independent balance sheet, settlement and other accounts. The Company has a round seal containing its full corporate name in Russian and an indication of its location. The Company has the right to have stamps and letterheads with its company name, its own emblem, as well as a trademark registered in the prescribed manner and other means of individualization.

    Located at the address: 197198, Russia, St. Petersburg, Obukhovskoy Oborony Ave., 17.

    The founders of AvtoAlliance LLC are citizens of the Russian Federation acting on their own behalf:

    Relations between the founders are regulated by the Constituent Agreement on the establishment and operation of the AvtoAlliance Limited Liability Company dated October 30, 2002.

    The authorized capital of AvtoAlliance LLC at the time of establishment is formed by funds contributed by the participants, and at the time of establishment it amounts to 100,000 (one hundred thousand) rubles, which is 100 shares of 1,000 rubles each.

    The supreme management body of the Company is the meeting of shareholders, convened at least once a year.

    Extraordinary meetings of shareholders are convened at the initiative of the General Director, or at the written request of shareholders owning at least 10% of ordinary shares.

    The exclusive competence of the meeting of shareholders includes the following issues, the decision on which is made if the owners of more than 50% of the ordinary shares present at the meeting voted for it:

    1. Introduction of amendments and additions to the Charter.

    2. Change in the authorized capital.

    3. Approval of the balance sheet, profit and loss account, annual report of the board, as well as the auditor.

    4. Approval of the amount of dividend paid per ordinary share.

    5. Appointment of members of the Audit Commission and independent external auditors, as well as determining the scope of activities and remuneration.

    6. Making decisions on the creation and termination of the activities of branches, representative offices, departments of the Company in accordance with the current legislation.

    7. Deciding on the formation of subsidiaries and participation of the Company in other enterprises, associations.

    8. Making decisions on the sale, lease, exchange or other disposal of the Company's property, which is more than 10% of its assets.

    9. Making decisions on merging, accession, transformation of the Company into an enterprise of a different organizational and legal form.

    10. Decision-making on liquidation of the Company, creation of a liquidation commission and approval of its report.

    11. Approval of transactions and other actions entailing the emergence of obligations in relation to the Company that exceed the powers granted to the Board of Directors.

    12. Election of the General Director, members of the Board of Directors.

    The main task of the members of the board of directors and members of the board is to develop a policy in order to increase the profitability of the company.

    The duties of the General Director of the Company are assigned to the head of the enterprise until the first meeting of shareholders.

    The Chairman of the Board of Directors ex officio is the General Director.

    Members of the board of directors and members of the management board shall be liable to the company for damage caused to it as a result of their failure to perform or negligent performance of their functions.

    The Board of Directors has the following powers:

    Approve the regulation on the Management Board of the Joint Stock Company represented by the General Director;

    Adopt regulatory documents regulating relations within the Company;

    Adopt the rules and regulations for the meetings of the Council;

    Approve the conclusion or termination of any transactions in which one of the parties is the Joint Stock Company, and the other party is any shareholder owning a block of shares constituting at least 50% of the authorized capital, a member of the Board of Directors, a member of the Management Board or an officer of the Company;

    In agreement with the General Director, appoint, dismiss officials of the Management Board of the Company;

    Determine the presentation of all accounts, reports, statements, profit and loss systems, including rules relating to depreciation;

    The main task of the enterprise, reflected in the Charter, is to create the necessary conditions to meet the needs of enterprises and the population in obtaining quality services when purchasing tires, wheels, components for cars and related products.

    The company is faced with the task of entering the market of car tires and disks in St. Petersburg. In the segment of car owners in the first year, take 2% of the market. This segment is distinguished by high levels of income of buyers, therefore, according to the company's management, the main emphasis in the sale of products should be placed on quality and a long service life.

    The technological process in AvtoAlliance LLC is a set of interrelated and sequential operations that ensure the delivery of goods to end consumers with high quality at the lowest labor costs and a high level of trade service. An operation is a part of the technological process performed by workers using a combination of methods and techniques.

    Technological operations of AvtoAlliance LLC include unloading, transportation of goods, their acceptance in terms of quantity and quality, storage, preparation for sale, sale.

    All technological operations of the company can be conditionally divided into main and auxiliary.

    The main operations include operations related to the sale of goods and operations related to customer service.

    Ancillary operations include acceptance of goods by quantity and quality, unpacking, delivery to storerooms, storage, preparation for sale, delivery to retail outlets, placement and display of goods to retail outlets.

    The range of goods offered by AvtoAlliance LLC consists of the main product, these are 210 types of tires and 250 types of disks, as well as related products, these are oils, car washing brushes, batteries, flushing fluids, bolts, nuts, plugs, nipples , locks, centering rings, air, oil, fuel filters, cleaners for flushing the radiator, engine and much more.

    At the moment, the number of employees of AvtoAlliance LLC is 34 people. The composition and structure of employees of AutoAlliance LLC is presented in Table 2.1.

    Table 2.1. Composition and structure of employees of AvtoAlliance LLC in dynamics from 2003 to 2005

    As shown in Table 2.1. From 2003 to 2005, the number of personnel of AvtoAlliance LLC increased significantly, more than 2 times compared to 2004, mainly due to the growth of sales personnel. This fact is connected with the expansion of the company's activities.

    The organizational structure of AvtoAlliance LLC is built on a linear-functional principle and is shown in Figure 2.1.

    Rice. 2.1. Organizational management structure of AvtoAlliance LLC

    The management of the enterprise is carried out on the basis of a centralized management uniting all employees. The direct management of the enterprise is carried out by the Director, appointed and dismissed from his post by the Board of Founders in accordance with the current legislation.

    The meeting of founders establishes the management structure, staffing, distribution of duties, wages, as well as the amount of allowances and additional payments to official salaries and the procedure for bonuses.

    Let us dwell in more detail on the characteristics of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise in question.

    New ideas and a modern approach to business, combined with the professionalism and experience of the company's production staff in the field of selling parts and components for cars, allowed AvtoAlliance LLC to win the trust of partners in a short period of time.

    Key performance indicators of AvytoAlliance LLC for 2003-2005 are presented in Table 2.2.

    Table 2.2. Key performance indicators of AvtoAlliance LLC for 2003 - 2005

    Indicators Year Change (+;-) Rate of change, %
    2003 2004 2005

    2004 . To

    2003 .

    2005 .

    2004 .

    2004 .

    2003 .

    2005 .

    2004 .

    Proceeds from the sale of products, thousand rubles. 55557 165925 407112 +110368 +241187 298,66 245,36
    Cost of products sold, thousand rubles 49046 152372 367656 +103326 +215284 310,67 241,29
    Profit from sales, thousand rubles 6511 13553 39456 +7022 +25903 208,15 291,12

    From table 2.2. it follows that the proceeds from the sale of goods, products, works, services in 2004 compared to 2003 increased by 110,368 thousand rubles. or 198.66%. In 2005, the growth of proceeds from sales amounted to 241,187 thousand rubles compared to 2004. or 145.36%.

    Graphically, the dynamics of the main performance indicators of AvtoAlliance LLC for 2003-2005. presented in Appendix 6.

    Thus, in general, for the period 2003-2005. there is an upward trend in key performance indicators.

    Based on the data in table 2.2. you can calculate the return on sales. Return on sales is calculated by the formula: Rp = PP / BP x100, where (2)

    PP - profit from sales;

    BP is the company's revenue.

    The profitability of sales shows how much profit is received per 1 ruble of the company's revenue.

    Calculate the return on sales for AvtoAlliance LLC:

    Rp2003 \u003d (6,511 thousand rubles / 55,557 thousand rubles) * 100% \u003d 11.72%

    Rp2004 \u003d (13,553 thousand rubles / 165,925 thousand rubles) * 100% \u003d 8.17%

    Rp2005 \u003d (39,456 thousand rubles / 407,112 thousand rubles) * 100% \u003d 9.69%

    To analyze the performance indicators of the use of labor resources of AvtoAlliance LLC for 2003-2005. compile table 2.3.

    Table 2.3. The main indicators of the efficiency of the use of labor resources of AvtoAlliance LLC for 2003 - 2005.

    Indicators Year Change (+;-) Rate of change,%
    2003 2004 2005

    2004 . To

    2003 .

    2005 . To

    2004 .

    2004 . To

    2003 .

    2005 . To

    2004 .

    Proceeds from the sale of goods, products, works, services, thousand rubles. 55557 165925 407112 +110368 +241187 298,66 245,36
    Number of employees, pers. 11 21 48 +10 +27 190,91 228,57
    Wage fund, thousand rubles 54,67 122,22 381,12 +67,55 +258,90 223,56 311,83
    Average monthly salary, thousand rubles 4,97 5,82 7,94 +0,85 +2,12 117,10 136,43
    Labor productivity, thousand rubles/person 5050,64 7901,19 8481,50 +2850,55 +580,31 156,44 107,34

    Labor productivity in 2003 amounted to 5050.64 thousand rubles/person, in 2004 - 7901.19 thousand rubles/person, in 2005 - 8481.50 thousand rubles/person. In 2004, compared to 2003, this indicator increased by 2,850.55 thousand rubles per person. or by 56.44%. In 2005, compared to 2004, the growth rate was 580.31 thousand rubles per person. or 7.34%. The management of the enterprise should pay attention to the existing negative dynamics of the growth rate of labor productivity.

    At the same time, the average salary of an employee per month was 4.97 thousand rubles in 2003, 5.82 thousand rubles in 2004, and 7.94 thousand rubles in 2005. The average monthly wage also shows an upward trend: in 2004, compared with 2003, there is an increase in the average monthly wage by 850 rubles. by 17.10%, in 2005 compared to 2004 - by 2120 rubles, or 36.43%. The growth rate of labor productivity in 2005 is significantly lower than the growth rate of wages, which indicates the predominance of the extensive type of development.

    Fixed assets are part of the production assets, which is tangibly embodied in the means of labor, retains its natural form for a long time, transfers the cost to products in parts and is reimbursed only after several production cycles.

    To characterize the efficiency of the use of fixed assets of the enterprise, we will compile table 2.4.

    Table 2.4. Efficiency indicators for the use of fixed assets of AvtoAlliance LLC for 2003 - 2005

    Indicators Year Change (+;-) Rate of change, %
    2003 2004 2005

    2004 .

    2003 .

    2005 .

    2004 .

    2004 .

    2003 .

    2005 .

    2004 .

    Proceeds from the sale of products, works, services, thousand rubles. 55557 165925 407112 +110368 +241187 298,66 245,36
    Profit from sales, thousand rubles 6511 13553 39456 +7022 +25903 208,15 291,12
    Number of employees, pers. 11 21 48 +10 +27 190,91 228,57
    Average annual cost of fixed assets, thousand rubles 8343 12342 26683 +3999 +14341 147,93 216,20
    Capital productivity, rub. 6,66 13,44 15,26 +6,78 +1,82 201,80 113,54
    Capital intensity, rub. 0,15 0,07 0,06 -0,08 -0,01 46,67 85,71
    Capital-labor ratio, thousand rubles/person 758,45 587,71 555,90 -170,74 -31,81 77,49 94,59
    Capital profitability,%. 78,04 109,81 147,87 +31,77 +38,06 140,71 134,66

    Return on assets is an indicator of output per 1 ruble of the value of fixed assets. This indicator characterizes the efficiency of the use of fixed assets of the enterprise. In 2003, there were 6.66 rubles per 1 ruble of the cost of fixed assets of an enterprise. services and products, in 2004 - 13.44 rubles, in 2005 - 15.26 rubles. Thus, there is an increase in capital productivity by 6.78 rubles. or 101.80% in 2004 compared to 2003, by 1.82 rubles. or 13.54% in 2005 compared to the 2004 level.

    The efficiency of the use of fixed assets of an enterprise can also be characterized by an indicator of capital intensity. Capital intensity is an indicator of return on capital productivity. In 2003, the ruble of proceeds from the sale of goods, products, works and services accounted for 0.15 rubles. the cost of fixed assets, in 2004 - 0.07 rubles, in 2005 - 0.06 rubles. Reducing capital intensity (increasing capital productivity) means increasing the efficiency of using fixed assets.

    The capital-labor ratio characterizes the security of the enterprise with fixed assets and is calculated by dividing the average annual cost of fixed assets by the number of employees. From the analysis of the indicator, it follows that the provision of the enterprise with fixed assets is decreasing, as evidenced by the decrease in the capital-labor ratio from 758.45 thousand rubles / person. to 587.71 thousand rubles per person, that is, by 22.51% in 2004 compared to 2003. In 2005, the decrease in the indicator amounted to 31.81 thousand rubles per person. (5.41%) compared to the 2004 level.

    Return on fixed capital is calculated by dividing the profit from sales by the average annual cost of fixed assets. This indicator increases from 78.04% to 109.81% in 2004 compared to 2003 and in 2005 to 147.87%.

    Thus, we can conclude that the use of fixed assets at AvtoAlliance LLC is quite effective.

    Along with the fixed assets for the work of the enterprise, the availability of the optimal amount of working capital is of great importance. Working capital is a set of funds advanced to create working capital assets and circulation funds that ensure a continuous circulation of cash. To characterize the efficiency of the use of working capital of the enterprise, we will compile table 2.5.

    Table 2.5. Indicators of the effectiveness of the use of working capital of AvtoAlliance LLC for 2003 - 2005

    Indicators Year Change (+;-) Rate of change,%
    2003 2004 2005

    2004 .

    2003 .

    2005 .

    2004 .

    2004 .

    2003 .

    2005 .

    2004 .

    Proceeds from the sale of goods, products, works, services, thousand rubles. 55557 165925 407112 +110368 +241187 298,66 245,36
    Profit from sales, thousand rubles 6511 13553 39456 +7022 +25903 208,15 291,12
    The average annual cost of working capital, thousand rubles. 146196 208991 440988 +62795 +231997 145,95 211,01
    Working capital turnover:
    - in the number of revolutions 0,38 0,79 0,92 +0,41 +0,13 207,89 116,46
    - in days of turnover 947 456 391 -491 -65 48,15 85,75
    Return on working capital,% 4,45 6,48 8,95 +2,03 +2,47 145,62 138,12

    The average annual cost of working capital is determined by the simple arithmetic mean formula based on the balance sheet data. The average annual cost of working capital increases during the analyzed period from 146,196 thousand rubles. up to 208,991 thousand rubles. (by 45.95%) in 2004 compared to 2003. In 2005, the average annual cost of working capital amounted to 440,988 thousand rubles, which is 111.01% more than in 2004.

    The turnover ratio is determined by dividing the sales volume by the average balance of working capital in the enterprise. The duration of one turnover in days is found by dividing the number of days in the period by the turnover ratio. Working capital turnover is rather low during 2003-2005. In 2003, one turnover was completed in 947 days (turnover ratio - 0.38), in 2004 the turnover of working capital accelerated to 0.79 turnovers per year (turnover duration - 456 days), in 2005 one turnover was completed in 391 days ( turnover ratio - 0.92).

    The upward trend for 2003-2005. reveals the indicator of profitability of working capital. In 2003, for every ruble of working capital, 4.45 rubles were received. net profit, in 2004 compared to 2003 profitability increased by 12.03 points and amounted to 6.48%, in 2005 the profitability of working capital increased to 8.95%.

    Thus, the activity of LLC "AvtoAlliance" for the period 2003 - 2005. characterized by an increase in sales proceeds, balance sheet profit, an increase in capital productivity, a decrease in the turnover period of the enterprise's working capital, and an increase in labor productivity. At the same time, over the analyzed period, the growth rate of wages outstrips the growth rate of labor productivity. Therefore, despite the positive trend in the change of individual indicators characterizing organizational and economic activity, it is impossible to draw an unambiguous conclusion about the increase or decrease in the efficiency of the enterprise.

    2.2 Analysis of the equity structure of AvtoAlliance LLC

    In the process of analyzing the capital structure, special attention should be paid to the analysis of indicators characterizing the market stability of the enterprise. They give an idea of ​​the degree of dependence of the enterprise on its creditors and lenders. To analyze the indicators of the structure of liabilities, an analytical table 2.6 is compiled.

    Table 2.6. Liabilities structure of AvtoAlliance LLC in 2005

    According to table 2.6. It can be seen that the company has improved its financial stability. The share of equity capital increased by 0.75 percentage points by the end of the year (from 53.79% to 54.54%). At the same time, the share of borrowed capital decreased by the same amount. The financial leverage has also decreased, thereby increasing the attractiveness of the enterprise for creditors.

    The sources of the formation of own funds of the LLC "AvtoAlliance" enterprise are: authorized capital, reserve capital, additional capital and retained earnings.

    The dynamics of sources of own funds of the enterprise is presented in table 2.7.

    Table 2.7. Dynamics of the sources of formation of own funds of AvtoAlliance LLC for the period from 2003 to 2005

    Table 2.7 data. show that in recent years there has been an increase in the sources of formation of own funds due to an increase in the authorized capital (+50%) and additional capital (+25%).

    Graphically, the equity capital structure of AvtoAlliance LLC in 2004 and 2005 is presented in Appendix 7.

    Table 2.7 data. and Appendices 6 indicate that the reserve capital has the largest share in the structure of the equity capital of AvtoAlliance LLC in 2004 - more than half of the total equity capital - 52% falls on the reserve capital. The second place in terms of share is occupied by additional capital - 33%. 12% in the structure of equity capital in 2004 is occupied by the authorized capital and only 3% - retained earnings.

    Table 2.7 data. and Appendix 6 also indicate that the reserve capital has the largest share in the structure of the equity capital of AvtoAlliance LLC in 2005 - 48%. In second place in terms of share is additional capital - 34%. 15% in the structure of equity capital in 2005 is occupied by the authorized capital and only 3% - retained earnings.

    Compared to 2004, the following changes took place in the equity structure of AvtoAlliance LLC:

    The share of reserve capital decreased by 4%;

    The share of additional capital increased by 2%;

    The share of authorized capital increased by 2%;

    The share of retained earnings remained unchanged at 3%.

    According to the ratio of the components of own funds, one can in the most general form draw conclusions regarding the effectiveness of the production and commercial activities of the enterprise. If the last two components, namely, funds and reserves and retained earnings, grow at a higher rate than the first - the authorized capital, then the enterprise is developing steadily.

    In general, the need for equity is due to the requirements of self-financing, since equity is the basis of the independence and independence of the enterprise. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it is invested on a long-term basis and is subject to the greatest risk. The larger the share of equity, the higher the threshold that protects creditors from losses. However, equity financing is not always beneficial for the enterprise. This applies to seasonal industries and those periods of activity when the prices for financial resources are low and there is an opportunity to invest money more profitably.

    2.3 Calculation of the equity price of AvtoAlliance LLC

    The price of capital is the total amount of funds that must be paid for attracting and using a certain amount of financial resources, expressed as a percentage of this volume. In the theory of finance and financial practice, it is still problematic to determine the price of equity capital of enterprises. Different experts offer different ways to calculate the value of this indicator. Each of them in its own way takes into account the variety of factors that in one way or another affect its size, and justifies its own approaches to solving this problem.

    Traditionally, the price of equity is defined as the ratio of the amount of net profit paid to shareholders to the amount of equity in the reporting period:

    Csk= (NRPAXx100)/CKqt (3)

    PE ak - the amount of net profit paid to shareholders (dividends);

    SKav - the average value of equity in the reporting period

    It is quite obvious that all the proposed formulas are of limited use, since in the absence of dividends (as, indeed, in the case of their insignificant value), their numerator will be equal to zero. And, if the company does not have shares or has, but does not pay dividends on them, or there is no demand for its shares (namely, this situation can be observed in most Russian enterprises), then these formulas become inapplicable to assessing its own capital, otherwise they will have to admit that the price of their own capital does not exist, which, of course, if it is a conclusion, then it is an absurd conclusion. Lack of dividends, stock quotes on the stock exchange, etc. cannot and do not cancel the price of capital, they can lower it, but not reduce it to zero.

    Practical activity in the field of business valuation shows that the attractiveness of investing in the capital of a particular business entity is usually determined by the amount of transaction costs per unit of equity capital, and dividends are only an insignificant cost item in their total amount. The calculation of the transaction costs of an enterprise makes it possible to determine the cost of the process of creating normal conditions for the functioning of the main production, which, in turn, provide the main income and the required return to the investor. At the same time, transaction costs exclude the costs associated with attracting borrowed sources of financing, which include loans, loans, issuance of bonds, payment for leasing and factoring operations, tax credit, fines and penalties for overdue accounts payable. If we transform transaction costs in this way and designate them as TIsk, we can get a new formula for calculating the cost of an enterprise's equity capital:

    C sk \u003d TISK / sk, where (4)

    where Csk - the price of equity in the reporting period;

    SKav - the average value of equity in the reporting period;

    TI sk - transaction costs of the company's own capital.

    Table 2.8. Calculation of the equity capital of AvtoAlliance LLC in 2003–2005

    Indicators 2003 . 2004 . 2005 .
    Assets accepted for calculation:
    1 Intangible assets 0 0 0
    2 fixed assets 12000,00 16680,00 25680,00
    3 Construction in progress 0 0 0
    4 Long-term financial investments 0 0 0
    5 Other noncurrent assets 0 0 0
    6 Stocks 32000,00 47720,00 61000,00
    7 Accounts receivable 36880,00 39980,00 37030,00
    8 Short-term financial investments 8000,00 20000,00 30000,00
    9 Cash 14000,00 26920,00 22850,00
    10 Other current assets 0 0 0
    11 Assets, total 106720,00 157440,00 188860,00
    Obligations accepted for calculation:
    12 Special-purpose financing 0 0 0
    13 Borrowed funds 20000,00 28000,00 35000,00
    14 Accounts payable 47660,00 44750,00 50860,00
    15 Dividend calculations 0 0 0
    16 Reserves for future expenses and payments 0 0 0
    17 Other current liabilities 0 0 0
    18 Liabilities, total 67660,00 72750,00 85860,00
    19 Equity (line 11 - line 18) 39060,00 84690,00 103000,00

    Let's calculate the price of equity of AvtoAlliance LLC.

    To do this, we calculate the average value of equity in the reporting period.

    So, for the calculation, we need the following data on the amount of equity at the beginning of the period, at the beginning of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarters of the reporting period and at the end of the reporting period.

    C kn = 84,690.00 thousand rubles

    C k2 = 89,523.00 thousand rubles

    C k3 = 94,998.00 thousand rubles

    C k4 = 100,894.00 thousand rubles

    С kk = 103,000.00 thousand rubles

    Substitute the data into the calculation formula and get SKav = (½ * 84,690 thousand rubles + 89,523 thousand rubles + 94,998 thousand rubles + 100,894 thousand rubles + ½ * 103,000 thousand rubles) / 4 = (42 345 + 89 523 + 94 998 + 100 894 + 51 500) / 4 =

    RUB 94,815 thousand

    Let's calculate TI ck - transaction costs of the company's own capital in the reporting period.

    Table 2.9. Transaction costs of equity

    Type of transaction costs Expenditure Amount in 2005
    Costs of searching, processing and storing information

    Purchase of periodicals

    Payment for the services of sales agents

    Travel expenses

    3 475,63
    The cost of negotiating

    Expenses for the conclusion and execution of contracts (representation expenses)

    Travel expenses

    1 865,05
    Cost of specification and protection of property rights

    Licensing costs

    Litigation and Arbitration Costs

    Measurement costs

    Sample making

    Warranty repair costs

    Formation of the company's image

    1 651,20
    Costs of Opportunistic Behavior Costs for the organization of control (content of AMS) 504,23
    The costs of politicization


    Expenses for holding meetings of shareholders

    Influence costs

    Contributions to public organizations

    7 378,00
    Total TIsk 15 769,07

    Calculate the cost of equity in 2005:

    Csk \u003d TIsk / SKsr \u003d 15,769.07 thousand rubles. / RUB 94,815 thousand = 0.17

    2.4 Valuation of the equity capital of AvtoAlliance LLC

    The conditions for the formation of high final results of the enterprise's activity largely depend on the optimality of the capital structure from the standpoint of its effective functioning. The capital structure is the ratio of own and borrowed funds used by the enterprise in the course of its business activities. This is a combination of debt and equity, which must always be balanced against the assets of the enterprise. Often the capital structure is defined in a narrower sense, as the proportion in which an enterprise uses its own and long-term borrowed sources.

    The capital structure is of great importance in the life of every enterprise. Meanwhile, there is still no convincing scientific substantiation of the practical significance of the capital structure.

    One of the main principles of the formation of the capital of the enterprise is also to ensure the minimization of costs for the formation of capital from various sources. Such minimization is carried out in the process of managing the cost of capital.

    To determine the effectiveness of attracting borrowed funds to an enterprise in the world practice of financial management, the effect of financial leverage is used.

    The level of financial leverage effect can be calculated using the following formula:

    where ER is the economic profitability of the enterprise,

    SRSP - average calculated interest rate,

    ZS - borrowed funds,

    SS - own funds.

    This formula opens up wide opportunities for the financial manager to determine the safe amount of borrowed funds, calculate acceptable lending conditions, ease the tax burden for the enterprise, determine the feasibility of acquiring the company's shares with certain values ​​​​of the differential, leverage and EGF level as a whole.

    Let's try to apply this formula and calculate the effect of the financial leverage of Auto Alliance LLC as of January 1, 2005.

    First, we calculate the economic profitability of the enterprise:

    To determine the amount of interest, you can use the formula given in the textbook Efimova "Financial Analysis". The amount of interest is determined by the following formula:


    where Ki is the amount of the received i-th loan;

    Ci is the interest rate of the i-th loan;

    Ti is the term for granting the i-th loan, days;

    n is the number of loans received in the reporting period.

    P \u003d (20,000 * 18% * 360 days) / 360 * 100 \u003d 36 thousand rubles.

    You can also use the decoding of the article "Other costs" as part of the costs of the enterprise, which indicates the amount of interest on the loan, attributed to the cost.

    Thus, as of January 1, 2005, the amount of interest on loans charged to cost amounted to 36,000 rubles.

    We find the economic profitability of the enterprise:

    During the year, the company used ruble loans (interest rate 18%).

    Thus, the effect of financial leverage will be:

    Attracting borrowed funds in such a situation is unprofitable, which is typical not only for the enterprise in question, but also for most enterprises in the Russian Federation. Therefore, the enterprise should limit the attraction of borrowed funds at such a low economic profitability and a high interest rate. Alternative sources of capital raising should be sought.

    Of course, without an inflow of capital from the outside, the enterprise will not be able to fully operate, and therefore it is forced to constantly take loans. The age-old question arises: what to do? The way out of this situation seems quite simple and banal - it is necessary to replace borrowed capital with your own. It is necessary to reorganize the enterprise with the attraction of investments. This may be privatization through corporatization with the participation of capital, both located in the Russian Federation and coming from abroad. Changing the form of ownership and issuing shares will allow the company to attract capital from outside, without resorting to expensive bank loans. At the same time, the structure of capital in the liabilities side of the balance sheet will change significantly: the share of own funds will increase while the share of borrowed funds will decrease. If we consider the balance sheet asset, then the proportion of own working capital will increase there, which in turn will allow the enterprise to purchase new equipment, technologies, raw materials and materials for more efficient operation. Thus, as a result of corporatization, the enterprise will be given a certain "push" in its development.

    3. The distribution of profits and the efficiency of the enterprise

    3.1 Profit distribution policy of AvtoAlliance LLC

    The distribution of profits is an important economic process that provides coverage for the needs of managers and the formation of state revenues.

    The mechanism for distributing profits must be constructed in such a way as to contribute in every possible way to increasing the efficiency of production and to stimulate the development of new forms of management.

    Profit distribution analysis is carried out in the following order:

    1. an assessment is made of changes in the amount of funds for each direction of profit use in comparison with the reporting and base period;

    2. a factor analysis of the formation of funds is carried out;

    3. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of accumulation and consumption funds is given in accordance with the indicators of the effectiveness of the economic potential.

    Consider, using the example of AvtoAlliance LLC, an analysis of the distribution and use of profits.

    A reserve fund has been formed at AvtoAlliance LLC. The dynamics of funds received by the reserve fund for the analyzed period is as follows (see Appendix 8):

    The main factors determining the amount of deductions to accumulation and consumption funds may be the change in the amount of net profit and the coefficient of deductions of profits to the corresponding funds.

    Table 3.1 data. reflect the process of formation of taxable and net profit and its distribution to the funds of the enterprise.

    When comparing the actual data of 2005 with the plan, net profit increased by 2,080 thousand rubles, this is due to the growth in revenue and lower costs per unit of output.

    The sum of deductions of profit to the funds of the enterprise is equal to the product of two factors of net profit and the coefficient of deductions of profit. This means that one of the methods of deterministic factor analysis can be used to calculate their influence.

    Table 3.1. Use of profit in 2005, thousand rubles

    Index Plan Fact Absolute deviation
    1. Profit from the sale of products 19 000 21 080 + 2 080
    2. Profit from other activities - - -
    3. Balance sheet profit 19 000 21 080 + 2 080
    4. non-operating expenses 150 200 + 50
    5. Taxable income 18 850 20 880 + 2 030
    6. Income tax at the current rate 4 524 5 011 + 487
    7. Profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise 14 326 15 869 + 1 543
    8. Net profit 14 326 15 869 + 1 543
    9. Distribution of net profit:
    to the accumulation fund 6 463 7 241 + 778
    to the consumption fund 2 292 2 600 + 308
    FMP 1 862 2 028 + 166
    FSR 1 003 1 000 - 3
    Share in net profit,%:
    accumulation fund 45 45,63 + 0,63
    consumption fund 16 16,38 + 0,38
    FMP 13 12,78 - 0,22
    FSR 7 6,30 - 0,70

    When comparing the actual data of 2005 with the plan, net profit increased by 1,543 thousand rubles, this is due to the growth in revenue and lower costs per unit of output.

    The distribution of the estimated net profit to funds in the FSR decreased by 3 thousand rubles.

    The sum of deductions of profit to the funds of the enterprise is equal to the product of two factors of net profit and the coefficient of deductions of profit. This means that one of the methods of deterministic factor analysis can be used to calculate their influence (see Table 3.2.).

    Table 3.2. Calculation of the influence of factors on the amount of deductions to the enterprise funds

    Analyzing the data in Table 3.2., we can talk about an increase in the distributed net profit to the funds. Comparing 2005 with 2003, the amount of deductions to the funds increased by 8,219 thousand rubles. This is due to the growth in net profit.

    Then it is necessary to calculate the influence of the factors of changes in net profit on the amount of deductions to the funds of the enterprise. To do this, we multiply the increase in net profit due to each factor by the planned coefficient of deductions to the corresponding fund (see Table 3.3.).

    Table 3.3. Calculation of the influence of factors on the amount of deductions to the funds of the enterprise

    Table 3.3 data. show the reasons for the increase in the amount of deductions to the enterprise fund, which allows us to draw certain conclusions and develop measures aimed at increasing the amount of profit. In our case, the increase in deductions to the funds of the enterprise is caused by an increase in sales, an increase in selling prices. Negative impact was exerted by such factors as cost increase, decrease in the structure of sold products.

    Analyzing the distribution of net profit in special purpose funds, it is necessary to know the factors in the formation of these funds.

    The main factors are:

    1) net profit,

    2) coefficient of deductions of profit,

    3) retained earnings.

    The change in allocations to special purpose funds in 2005 due to changes in net profit can be calculated using the formula:

    ΔF n (P) \u003d ΔP h ∙ K 0, (8)

    ΔF n (P) = + 6,419 thousand rubles. * 44.79% = 2,875.07 thousand rubles - accumulation fund

    ΔF p (P) = + 6,419 thousand rubles. * 12.43% = 797.88 thousand rubles. - consumption fund

    ΔF s (P) = + 6,419 thousand rubles. * 14.32% = 919.20 thousand rubles. - social fund spheres

    ΔF n (P) - increment of the accumulation fund (consumption) due to changes in net profit;

    ΔП h - increment of the amount of net profit;

    K 0 is the coefficient of deductions from net profit to the corresponding fund.

    To do this, we multiply the increase in net profit due to each factor by the base (2004) coefficient of contributions to the corresponding fund.

    The amount of deductions to funds is also influenced by changes in the deduction ratio from net profit. The level of its influence is calculated by the formula:

    ΔF n (K) \u003d (K 1 - K 0) P h 1, where (9)

    ΔF n (K) - increment of the consumption fund (accumulation) from the change in the coefficient of deductions;

    K 1 , K 0 - actual and basic coefficients of deductions to consumption funds (accumulation);

    P h 1 - net profit for the reporting period.

    ΔF n (K) \u003d (0.16-0.12) * 15,869 thousand rubles. = 634.76 thousand rubles. - consumption fund

    ΔF n (K) \u003d (0.46-0.45) * 15,869 thousand rubles. = 158.69 thousand rubles. - accumulation fund

    ΔF n (K) \u003d (0.19-0.14) * 15,869 thousand rubles. = 793.45 thousand rubles. - social fund spheres

    The calculation of the influence of factors (the sum of net profit and the contribution rate) on the amount of contributions to the enterprise's funds is presented in Table 3.4.

    Table 3.4. Calculation of the influence of factors (the amount of net profit and the contribution rate) on the amount of deductions to the enterprise's funds

    Of those given in Table 3.4. calculations, it follows that changes in deductions to the accumulation fund increased due to the influence of net profit by 2,875 thousand rubles. and due to the coefficient - by 159 thousand rubles.

    Changes in contributions to the consumption fund increased due to the impact of net profit by 798 thousand rubles. and due to the coefficient of 635 thousand rubles.

    Changes in contributions to the social sphere fund increased due to the impact of net profit by 919 thousand rubles. and due to the coefficient for 794 thousand rubles.

    The ratio of the use of profits for accumulation and consumption has an impact on the financial position of the enterprise. Insufficiency of funds allocated for accumulation hinders the growth of turnover, leads to an increase in the need for borrowed funds.

    An analysis of the use of profits reveals how efficiently funds were allocated for accumulation and consumption.

    The upper limit of the potential development of the enterprise is determined by the return on equity, which shows the effectiveness of the use of equity capital.

    The profitability of own funds can be represented as the ratio of the amount of funds allocated for accumulation and consumption to the amount of own funds.

    R c c \u003d (Net profit / Equity capital) * 100%. (10)

    The calculation of the dynamics of return on equity is presented in Table 3.5.

    Table 3.5. Calculation of the dynamics of return on equity

    From table 3.5. it can be seen that the return on equity increased by 6.21% compared to last year

    The return on equity shows the effectiveness of the use of equity, indicates the amount of profit received from each ruble invested in enterprises by the owners.

    In order to achieve high turnover growth rates, it is necessary to increase the opportunities for increasing the profitability of own funds.

    The ratio of the accumulation fund to the amount of equity determines the internal growth rate, i.e. the rate of increase in assets.

    R cc = F n / SK, (11)

    where F n - accumulation fund, SC - equity

    The dynamics of the growth rate of assets is presented in Table 3.6.

    Table 3.6. Calculation of the dynamics of the rate of increase in assets

    The calculation made in Table 3.6. shows that the internal growth rate, that is, the rate of increase in assets, increased compared to 2004 by 0.03.

    The ratio of the consumption fund to the size of own capital is the level of consumption.

    R cc = F p / SK, (12)

    Where F p - consumption fund, SC - equity.

    The calculation of the consumption level dynamics is presented in Table 3.7.

    Table 3.7. Calculation of consumption level dynamics

    Table 3.7 data. indicate an increase in the level of consumption by 0.02 points in 2005 compared to 2004.

    Conclusion: Domestic growth rates are increasing, albeit slightly, which means that the profit distribution policy has been chosen correctly.

    3.2 Calculation of the effectiveness of the functioning of AvtoAlliance LLC

    We will evaluate the financial position of AvtoAlliance LLC for the analyzed period.

    Let's proceed to the analysis of the liquidity of the enterprise. Analysis of the liquidity of the balance sheet consists in comparing the funds of the asset, grouped by the degree of their liquidity and arranged in descending order of liquidity, with the liabilities of the liability, grouped by their maturity and arranged in ascending order of terms.

    Depending on the degree of liquidity, the assets of the enterprise are divided into the following groups:

    A-1 - The most liquid assets - these include all items of the company's cash and short-term financial investments. A-1 = page 250 + page 260

    A-2 - Marketable assets - receivables and other assets (-) immobilization A-2 = p. 240

    A–3 - Slowly realizable assets - stocks and costs (+) settlements with the founders (+) long-term financial investments (-) VAT (-) c.. 31

    A-3 = page 210 + page 220 + page 230 + page 270

    A-4 - Difficult to sell assets - items of section 1 of the asset, with the exception of items in this section, included in the previous group. A-4 = p. 190

    Liabilities of the balance are grouped according to the degree of urgency of their payment:

    P-1 - The most urgent liabilities - accounts payable and loans outstanding on time P-1 = line 620

    P-2 - Short-term liabilities - short-term loans and borrowings

    P-2 = p. 610 + p. 670

    P-3 - Long-term liabilities - long-term loans P-3 = line 590 + line 630 + line 640 + line 650 + line 660

    P-4 - Permanent liabilities - 1 section "Sources of own funds" of the balance sheet liabilities (+) lines 640, 650, 660 (-) account. 31 (-) sc. 19 (-) immobilization.

    P-4 \u003d p. 490 - p. 390

    The balance is considered absolutely liquid if the following ratios take place:

    Liquidity analysis is presented in Table 3.8.

    Table 3.8. Liquidity analysis for 2005, thousand rubles

    ASSETS For the beginning of the year At the end of the year LIABILITY For the beginning of the year At the end of the year
    1. The most liquid assets 46 920 52 850 + 5 930 1. Most urgent obligations 44 750 50 860 + 6 110
    2. Marketable assets 10 540 12 450 + 1 910 2. Short-term liabilities 0 0 0
    3. Slow selling assets 83 300 97 880 + 14 580 3. Long-term liabilities 28 000 35 000 + 7 000
    4. Hard-to-sell assets 16 680 25 680 + 9 000 4. Permanent liabilities 84 690 103 000 + 18 310
    BALANCE 157 440 188 860 + 31 420 BALANCE 157 440 188 860 + 31 420

    In our case, analyzing the indicators of 2005 (see Table 3.8.), we obtain the following ratios:

    A-1 > P-1 since 52,850 thousand rubles. > RUB 50,860 thousand

    A-2 > P-2 since 12,450 thousand rubles. > 0

    A-3 > P-3 since 97,880 thousand rubles. > 35,000 thousand rubles

    A-4< П-4 так как 25 680 тыс. руб. < 103 000 тыс. руб.

    This testifies to the absolute liquidity of the balance sheet of AvtoAlliance LLC in 2005.

    Table 3.8 data. allow the following conclusions to be drawn:

    The largest share falls on slow-moving assets, and the smallest - on fast-moving ones. In terms of liabilities, the largest share falls on permanent liabilities.

    We will analyze the solvency of the enterprise by calculating the following indicators:

    1. General indicator of liquidity. Normative value L o > or = 1.

    L o2005 \u003d (A1 + 0.5 A2 + 0.3 A3) / (P1 + 0.5 P2 + 0.3 P3) \u003d (52 850 + 0.5 * 12 450 + 0.3 * 97 880) / (50,860 + 0.5 * 0 + 0.3 * 35,000) = 88,439 / 61,360 = 1.44

    L o2004 \u003d (A1 + 0.5 A2 + 0.3 A3) / (P1 + 0.5 P2 + 0.3 P3) \u003d (46 920 + 0.5 * 10 540 + 0.3 * 83 300) / (44,750 + 0.5 * 0 + 0.3 * 28,000) = 77,180 / 53,150 = 1.45

    Calculations show that the overall liquidity ratio corresponds to the normative value. This once again confirms the thesis about sufficient liquidity of the enterprise's balance sheet. It should also be noted that there is a trend towards a decrease in the overall liquidity indicator, as compared with 2004 in 2005 it decreased by 0.01 points.

    2. Absolute liquidity ratio - shows what part of short-term debt obligations can be repaid immediately at the expense of highly liquid assets.

    The normative value of the coefficient is considered to be within 0.2 -0.3.

    K la2004 \u003d A1 / (P1 + P2) \u003d 46,920 / (44,750 + 0) \u003d 46,920 / 44,750 \u003d 1.05

    K la2005 \u003d A1 / (P1 + P2) \u003d 52,850 / (50,860 + 0) \u003d 52,850 / 50,860 \u003d 1.04

    As you can see, the absolute liquidity ratio in 2005 corresponds to the normative value. But again there is a negative growth trend compared to the previous year.

    3. Interim critical liquidity ratio - shows whether the company will be able to pay off its short-term debt obligations on time.

    K pl \u003d (A1 + A2) / (P1 + P2)

    K pl2004 \u003d (46 920 + 10 540) / (44 750 + 0) \u003d 1.2840

    K pl2005 \u003d (52 850 + 12 450) / (50 860 + 0) \u003d 1.2839

    Sufficient criterion indicators according to the standards are in the range from 0.70 to 1 and above. In our case, this figure is higher. The negative point is the decrease, albeit insignificant, of the intermediate liquidity ratio compared to the previous year.

    4. The current liquidity ratio is practically the calculation of the entire amount of current assets per ruble of short-term debt. This indicator is adopted as the official criterion for the insolvency of an enterprise (organization). Its advantage over other indicators of solvency is that it is generalizing, taking into account the entire value of current assets.

    K lt \u003d (A1 + A2 + A3) / (P1 + P2)

    Klt2004 \u003d (A1 + A2 + A3) / (P1 + P2) \u003d (46,920 + 10,540 + 83,300) / (44,750 + 0) \u003d 140,760 / 44,750 \u003d 3.15

    Klt2005 \u003d (A1 + A2 + A3) / (P1 + P2) \u003d (52 850 + 12 450 + 97 880) / (50 860 + 0) \u003d 163 180 / 50 860 \u003d 3.21

    The required value is 1, but the optimal standard value is at least 2. The current liquidity ratio of Megastroy LLC corresponds to the normative value for the industry in question. A positive aspect is contained in the increase in the current liquidity ratio in 2005 compared to 2004 by 0.06 points.

    The basis for recognizing the balance sheet structure as unsatisfactory, and the enterprise as insolvent is the fulfillment of one of the following conditions:

    The current liquidity ratio is less than 2.

    Equity ratio at the end of the reporting period is less than 0.1.

    In our case, there is no such situation, which means that the enterprise in question can be recognized as solvent and liquid, which indicates the effectiveness of its functioning.


    Improving the efficiency of equity management is stimulated, on the one hand, by the desire to improve the financial performance of the company and increase the welfare of its owners, on the other hand, by the company's dependence on the external economic environment that evaluates its activities from the outside and forms a system of economic relationships with it.

    If you directly answer the question "What is the role of equity capital in the formation of the capital of the enterprise?" – it can be concluded that: own financial resources for each enterprise, albeit invested and in a free state, are that vital part, without which neither work nor the further existence of the enterprise is possible. Not in vain, among the classification of total capital, it is the division into equity and borrowed capital that comes first.

    The available own funds allow the enterprise to use them both at its own discretion and in some cases in accordance with the legislatively established directions. It all depends on the source of such financing from equity elements.

    A critical review of the literature made it possible to analyze the structure of equity capital, calculate the price and value of equity capital of the enterprise under study, trace the dynamics of the composition and structure of equity capital, and it also made it possible to identify the impact of changes in various factors on changes in the profit and profitability of the enterprise, to evaluate the effectiveness of the enterprise.

    As an object of study, an enterprise was chosen that carries out wholesale and retail sales of tires, disks, components for cars and related products.

    An analysis of the main economic indicators of the enterprise indicates a positive trend in the change in the main indicators of the enterprise's activity in dynamics from 2003 to 2005. proceeds from the sale of goods, products, works, services in 2004 compared to 2003 increased by 110,368 thousand rubles. or 198.66%. In 2005, the growth of proceeds from sales amounted to 241,187 thousand rubles compared to 2004. or 145.36%.

    The cost of sold goods, products, works, services of AvtoAlliance LLC in 2003 amounted to 49,046 thousand rubles, in 2004 - 152,372 thousand rubles, in 2005 - 367,656 thousand rubles, that is, there is increase in cost by 103,326 thousand rubles. or 210.67% in 2004 compared to 2003, by 215,284 thousand rubles. or 141.29% in 2005 compared to 2004.

    The dynamics of revenue and cost indicators did not fail to affect the dynamics of the profit indicator. Thus, in 2004, the profit from the sale of AvtoAlliance LLC increased by 7,022 thousand rubles compared to 2003. or by 108.15%, and in 2005 it increased in comparison with 2004 by 25,903 thousand rubles. or by 191.12%.

    As the calculations show, the profitability of sales of AvtoAlliance LLC reached its highest value in 2003 - 11.72%. In 2004, the return on sales decreased by 3.55%. This is due to the short period of existence of the company on the market and the still unoptimized structure of suppliers.

    In 2005, as compared to 2004, the sales profitability of AvtoAlliance LLC increased by 1.52%.

    In general, the activities of LLC "AvtoAlliance" for the period 2003 - 2005. characterized by an increase in sales proceeds, balance sheet profit, an increase in capital productivity, a decrease in the turnover period of the enterprise's working capital, and an increase in labor productivity. At the same time, over the analyzed period, the growth rate of wages outstrips the growth rate of labor productivity. Therefore, despite the positive trend in the change of individual indicators characterizing organizational and economic activity, it is impossible to draw an unambiguous conclusion about the increase or decrease in the efficiency of the enterprise.

    Analysis of indicators of the structure of liabilities shows that the company has increased its financial stability. The share of equity capital increased by 0.75 percentage points by the end of the year (from 53.79% to 54.54%). At the same time, the share of borrowed capital decreased by the same amount. The financial leverage has also decreased, thereby increasing the attractiveness of the enterprise for creditors.

    An analysis of the data of the enterprise shows that in recent years there has been an increase in the sources of formation of own funds due to an increase in the authorized capital (+50%) and additional capital (+25%).

    The analysis of the equity capital structure of AvtoAlliance LLC shows that the reserve capital has the largest share in the equity capital structure of AutoAlliance LLC – about half of the total equity capital. In second place in terms of share is additional capital. 12%-15% in the structure of equity capital in 2004 is occupied by the authorized capital and only 3% - retained earnings.

    In our case, there is a situation in which the growth rate of the authorized capital, the same as the growth rate of additional capital, is higher than the growth rate of retained earnings and reserve capital. What makes you think about the optimality of the structure of equity capital operating at the enterprise.

    In 2005, the cost of equity capital of AvtoAlliance LLC was 0.17, which is 0.03 points higher than in the previous period.

    In our case, there is a negative effect of financial leverage, as a result of which there is a “eating away” of equity capital. The enterprise should urgently increase its economic profitability, otherwise the consequences may be devastating for it.

    The share of net profit in the company's revenue has a steady positive trend. In 2005, the rate of growth of this indicator is 33% higher than in the previous year, but somewhat lower than the rate of growth in the dynamics of profit from sales in the company's proceeds of the same year. The latter fact can be explained by a slight increase in the level of non-operating expenses.

    The calculation results show that the profit target in 2005 was exceeded mainly due to an increase in sales by 2,080 thousand rubles and an increase in average sales prices by 1,000 thousand rubles.

    The change in the structure of marketable products contributed to a decrease in the amount of profit by 480 thousand rubles. In connection with the increase in the cost of production, the amount of profit decreased by 520 thousand rubles.

    Analyzing the distribution of profits over three years, we can talk about an increase in the distribution of net profit to the funds. Comparing 2005 with 2003, the amount of deductions to the funds increased by 8,219 thousand rubles. This is due to the growth in net profit.

    Return on equity increased by 6.21% compared to last year. Internal growth rates, i.e. the rate of increase in assets increased compared to 2004 by 0.03. Internal growth rates are increasing, albeit slightly, which means that the profit distribution policy at AvtoAlliance LLC has been chosen correctly.

    The evaluation of the effectiveness of the activities of LLC "AvtoAlliance" made it possible to draw the following conclusions:

    1. The balance sheet of the enterprise under study is absolutely liquid.

    2. The overall liquidity ratio in 2005 is 1.44, which is in line with the standards.

    3. The absolute liquidity ratio in 2005 is 1.04, which also corresponds to the normative values ​​of this ratio.

    4. The intermediate ratio of critical liquidity is 1.28.

    5. The current liquidity ratio of AvtoAlliance LLC corresponds to the normative value for the industry in question. A positive aspect is contained in the increase in the current liquidity ratio in 2005 compared to 2004 by 0.06 points.

    If we talk about the effectiveness of the equity management system at the enterprise under study, then in general, equity management at this enterprise can be considered effective, given the short period of the company's existence on the market. But the management of the enterprise needs to take a critical approach to assessing the optimality of the existing structure of equity capital and the problem of increasing the economic profitability of the enterprise.


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