Improving the profits and profitability of the funeral home. Opening procedure and planning

The field of ritual business is interesting to many. They will learn where to start, how to start from scratch and where to find a business plan. We have tried to answer all these questions.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage is the constant demand. All people are mortal, and their relatives try to send the deceased on their last journey as beautifully as possible. Therefore, they turn to ritual agencies that organize funerals.

It should also be noted and disadvantages:

  1. Specific work - not suitable for everyone due to its specifics. It is designed for people with strong nerves, not prone to melancholy.
  2. High competition - due to high profitability. This is especially noticeable in large cities, where there may be more than a dozen specialized agencies. Therefore, it is important to carefully analyze the situation in the region even before starting work.
  3. Serious investments - the sphere is not too liberal for beginners, as it implies serious initial investments.


Like any other business, the ritual business has its own characteristics:

  • Most of the time you will have to deal not with the dead, but with their relatives and friends who are heartbroken. That is why you need to communicate with them as delicately as possible.
  • The amount of revenue directly depends on the range of services provided by the enterprise. It makes sense to add to your price list proposals for the manufacture of ritual goods, musical accompaniment, work with documents, as well as the provision of transport for transporting the body. A complete set of services should cost a little less than the sum of the individual components.
  • Additional profit can be brought by non-standard services, for example, the manufacture of any things from the ashes. Surprisingly, such options are often in demand, and given the nature of the work, their prices can be set very high.
  • In some cases, you will have to deal with ritual burials of animals.
  • For those who want to save money at first, it makes sense to rent transport, agree with the owner of the restaurant where the commemoration will be held and send customers to him, receiving a percentage of the profits for this.
  • One of the main keys to success is the reputation of the enterprise. If you manage to show yourself as an honest and responsible businessman, if you wish, you can set prices even higher than those of competitors.

For funeral services, a business plan with calculations can be downloaded from.

Legal aspects

Previously, a special license was required to start working in this area, but in 2004 this practice was abolished. From now on, you only need to notify the state about the start of your business.

At the first stages, you will need to register an enterprise - LLC with the tax office. You can do it yourself or entrust it to special agencies. In the latter case, the cost of their services should be included in the business plan of the enterprise in advance.

It is recommended to immediately select a special taxation regime, since, otherwise, the general one is set by default, which will require careful bookkeeping and may create additional difficulties in calculating taxes and profits.

The simplified system implies the payment of only one tax: either 6% of income, or from 5 to 15% of income minus expenses. Tax payment is made quarterly, reporting - once a year. Another advantage of such a scheme is that it allows you to reduce the cost of insurance. To switch to this form of taxation, you will need to notify the tax service. This must be done before the expiration of a month from the date of opening.

The second idea for a successful business is a single tax on sane income, but it is not available in all regions. This system implies the payment of a fixed amount, depending on the scale of the business. For the transition, you will need to prepare documents for the tax office within 5 working days from the start of the business.


The first step is to choose a room. It should be located in such places that, if necessary, you can quickly get to anywhere in the city. The room should be spacious enough - in addition to the reception room for clients, there should be a hall showing coffins, various types of monuments, its own morgue and warehouse.

A separate place must be found for the hearse, if it is planned to be provided. It is important to remember that it is strictly forbidden to equip such halls in residential buildings and municipal government institutions. By law, farewell halls should be at least 50 meters away from buildings.

Important: to equip your own morgue, you will need a lot of additional permits, including papers from the Environmental Protection, the Fire Inspection and the Urban Development Committee. This is another aspect of how to open funeral services from scratch.


The volume and specific list of equipment depends on what additional services are planned to be provided. In addition, separate workshops will be required for their own production. For example: to work with photos after opening, you will need a printer, PC and frames.

In the case of the manufacture of monuments, everything is a little more complicated. They will require metal pins, crushed stone, mixtures, fittings, expanded clay and much more.

The equipped carpentry shop will be able to deal with the coffins, in which it is necessary to buy a set of tools for working with furniture and a special fabric. In some cases, it makes sense to prefer not a full production cycle, but only an assembly of components.

Separately, it should be noted the moment of equipment for the farewell hall. It should have a coffin stand, a few armchairs or chairs. It is important to think over the design of the room in advance, it is recommended to put the reception desk, armchairs and chairs, a coffee table on which various magazines are laid out, as well as a price list.

So, to start the work of the funeral agency, you will need: a computer, tool kits for each workshop, a cash register, a scanner and a printer. Furniture is purchased without fail in an amount corresponding to the planned scale of work. If necessary, a car is bought or a lease agreement is concluded.


People who will work for you must be very tactful and polite in all circumstances.

Knowledge of psychology is very important, since they will have to communicate with inconsolable relatives, sometimes not quite adequately behaving because of the severity of the situation. Also, employees must be sellers, that is, they must be able to offer services. Today there is even a separate specialization - a funeral agent, which combines all of the above requirements.

The staff will not be limited to agents alone. You will need to hire consultants, administrators, drivers, salespeople, mortuary specialists, lawyers, make-up artists, balmists. At first, it makes sense to limit the needs and hire only the main specialists, and send all narrow tasks to third-party companies.

Depending on the mode of operation, the company may require two people for each position. Remember that in this area it is very important to hire only mentally stable employees.

Range of services

Among the main services it should be noted:

  1. Administration of funeral rites for representatives of various faiths (it is necessary to agree in advance with the relevant clergy).
  2. Storage and burial of the body.
  3. Search for a place and registration.
  4. Production of coffins and ritual paraphernalia.
  5. Provision of a car and an orchestra.
  6. Embalming and cremation.
  7. Sale of ritual products (ritual postcards, ritual wreaths, etc.).

Finding clients in this area is quite problematic. Judging by the reviews, many agencies spend a lot of money searching for information about the deceased. Very often, this involves the use of openly illegal activities and the leakage of secrets from state structures.

If you use only legal means of promotion, then you should immediately abandon the classic catchy posters and advertisements. Instead, you should give small notes in the relevant sections of the local media, create a website and arrange its promotion on the Internet from A to Z.

Video: funeral business.

Start-up costs and business plan

The main costs of starting a business can be summarized in the table:

Initial costs amount to several million rubles. A considerable amount of money will be spent on monthly expenses. That is why the business is not so in demand among newcomers.

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Business plan

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We offer a business plan for the funeral business, because sooner or later each of us is faced with the need to see off relatives and friends on their last journey, so the case is promising. At such moments, relatives want the appropriate companies to take care of their worries and troubles, ritual agencies that will help dress the deceased on their last journey, arrange a funeral dinner, be able to provide transport to go to the cemetery and take care of all the ritual chores.

In this document on the organization of funeral services, you will find calculations of the cost of funeral paraphernalia: coffins, monuments, clothes for the dead, and also read the section that indicates the cost of making monuments, engraving inscriptions, organizing funeral dinners and other services. For large cities, the services of a crematorium are in demand; this ceremony differs from the traditional one familiar to many residents. This business is stable, because almost always relatives and friends of the deceased want to pay respect to the dead, as well as commemorate them according to folk customs.

Having studied the information on starting a funeral home, you will be able to decide on certain points of this entrepreneurial business, understand the nuances, along with the costs. Such companies should employ sensitive people who continue to do their job professionally, despite the fact that every day they face human grief, they give a part of their soul to those who mourn for the dead. Therefore, you should think about the careful selection of personnel for your company, and then funeral services will be able to satisfy relatives and friends who are faced with an irretrievable loss.

People are born and die regardless of the state of the economy in the country, regardless of any political problems. And if the business is related to the provision of funeral services, you can be sure that these services will always be in demand. The profitability of this type of business is relatively low, and does not exceed 20%. But with a competent organization, it is quite possible to count on a stable income.

The opening of a funeral agency does not require licenses, which contributed to the active development of this business. Ritual firms have recently bred with great speed, but the quality of services in them does not always meet the client's expectations.

The chance to survive in the conditions of the highest competition is available only to businessmen who will be able to earn an impeccable reputation due to the high level of service. Moreover, the initial investment at the first stage is minimal: after all, transport, an orchestra, and even premises for a farewell hall - all this can be rented.

Having decided to open their own business - a funeral services agency - entrepreneurs sometimes do not imagine what difficulties they will have to face. And there are many of them, and, first of all, this is a lack of customers. And the problem is not that people began to die less often, there are simply so many funeral companies that the struggle for a client sometimes turns into a main task for an entrepreneur. But even if a person decides to contact your agency, there is no guarantee that the order is in your pocket. A potential client must be retained by offering him the most favorable conditions.

Despite the fact that people are interested in the quality organization of the funeral, few are willing to pay significant amounts for these services. Therefore, a businessman has to focus on an average check of 15-20 thousand rubles. But such a profit is unlikely to allow the entrepreneur to make ends meet. For this reason, many businessmen are trying to expand the range of services provided, develop their business, for example, they are thinking about how to establish the production of coffins, monuments, tombstones. As a rule, this pays off, as customers are attracted by the opportunity not to contact other companies.

The main difficulty in this type of business is the advertising of funeral services. By promoting their agency, using illegal methods of searching for information about the dead, entrepreneurs risk complicating relations with law enforcement agencies. The specifics of the funeral business is such that the owners of ritual agencies often walk on the edge of a knife, trying to survive in a highly competitive environment. And if you have a desire to avoid serious problems, you cannot do without a competent funeral services business plan, which describes in detail all the stages of creating your own funeral services company.

The topic of death is bypassed in conversation, spitting over the left shoulder and knocking on wood. And only in the book of records of acts of civil status, she rightfully takes her place. So, honestly and without emotions, he was born, married, died. A rare case when boring statistics are more eloquent than any words. For example, about 11,000 people were born in Moscow last year, 4,000 cells of society were formed, and about 9,000 deaths were registered. And that, for half a wedding, one funeral. Let's find out how much they cost now. And how much do those for whom death is work earn.

The question of how to start a funeral business is asked by many. This way of earning can bring a good and stable income. Such a business will always be in demand and relevant. Even despite the crisis, people are willing to pay big money for a place in a cemetery and a burial ceremony. This problem is especially acute in megacities, where you have to pay very expensive for burial.

Pros and cons of the funeral business

First of all, of course, I want to note the clear advantages of this field of activity.

Demand for services. The ritual business is a way of earning that will always be relevant. It is not regrettable, but all people are mortal, sooner or later the same thing awaits us all. Relatives always want to properly guide the deceased on their last journey. Therefore, there is a need for the existence of agencies that undertake the obligation to organize a funeral procession. It is always difficult for us to say goodbye to our loved ones, so on this mournful day we want to spend as much time with them as possible, and not fuss and be distracted by organizational moments.

Fixed salary. Despite the great competition, the ritual business brings entrepreneurs quite a lot of profit. Therefore, if you are looking for stability, then this area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity just guarantees it to you.

Cons of the funeral business

  • Specific work. Agree that the thought of death terrifies many and makes them involuntarily nervous. Therefore, this business should be built only by people with strong nerves and a clear mind, who are not prone to depression and melancholy.
  • Competition. In big cities, the competition in the funeral business is quite big. Therefore, before opening your own business, analyze the profitability of a business idea and only after that make decisions about organizing a business in the field of funeral services.
  • Big investment. This area of ​​activity involves a fairly large financial investment. Therefore, it will be difficult for newcomers to firmly gain a foothold in the market in a short time. You will have to work hard in order to succeed and get a good income.

Funeral services: business plan

Before you start implementing the idea, you must draw up a competent and clear business plan that will help you navigate and properly manage your start-up capital. The business plan should display such important points as the profitability of the idea, financial investments, payback periods and profit from the business.

How to open funeral services?

In order to start a funeral business, you need to take into account many nuances, prepare and execute the necessary package of documents, rent a room, develop an advertising concept to attract customers, etc.

Renting a place to open a funeral services office

The room should be large enough and consist of at least two separate rooms. In one of the rooms it is necessary to equip a reception for clients and staff. In another room there will be a trading floor for displaying coffins, wreaths and other related products.

Location. It is best that the office is located in the city center or in a crowded part of it. The number of customers and, accordingly, the profit will depend on the placement.

Business registration

In addition to organizational issues, it is also worth considering legal aspects. Before you start your business, you must register as an LLC and register with the tax authorities.

Personnel search

You need to be very responsible in the search for personnel. Emotionally stable people should work in the ritual agency, because their main duties will be communication with the relatives of the deceased. The manifestation of tact, literacy and attention, the main criteria when communicating with customers. Your employees should be well versed in the range and list of services provided, as well as be called in the specifics of organizing a funeral procession.

List of services provided

The funeral home provides a variety of services. You can start to provide only the most popular of them or offer your customers a wide range of all kinds of additional features.

Popular services of funeral agencies

  • Search for a place in the cemetery for burial;
  • Grave digging services;
  • Realization and delivery of goods for funerals: coffins, wreaths, crosses;
  • Orchestra accompaniment;
  • Transport services for the transportation of the deceased and a cortege for the mourners.

In addition to the basic services, you can offer a number of additional ones. For example, you can engage in the manufacture of wreaths, crosses, coffins, provide sanitation services, cosmetology, selection of clothes for a deceased person, etc.

The cost of coffins and monuments is different. It all depends on the material and design:

  1. A coffin, upholstered with acetate fabric or chintz, in ritual stores usually costs from 1,500–3,000 rubles;
  2. Lacquer coffin of domestic production will cost from 6000-30000 rubles. For accessories from France or Italy, you will have to pay another 4 thousand rubles;
  3. Imported coffins made of precious woods cost from 50,000 rubles and more;
  4. Of all ritual purchases, a monument is not the most urgent. Usually it is done for two weeks;
  5. A rectangular marble monument will cost you about 4,000–15,000 rubles;
  6. Figured cross or carved plate - from 25 thousand rubles;
  7. Prices for complex sculptural compositions from 60,000 and more, depending on the complexity of the work.

Seeing the last journey can be inexpensive, but must be solemn, even if the hero of the occasion does not care anymore. The results of the mournful calculation are as follows: an average funeral in Moscow costs about 60,000 rubles. Thus, we can conclude that the funeral business is a fairly profitable area of ​​activity that will provide you with a stable income and high profits.

The funeral business is very unusual, and not every entrepreneur will undertake it. But if you take a philosophical approach to this issue and set yourself the goal of making money, there is every chance to start a ritual business from scratch.

Many try not to discuss the topic of death until a special occasion. When relatives, friends or acquaintances suffer such grief, they immediately turn to the right agency. For the owners of the funeral business, this procedure provides an opportunity to earn.

Before you open your agency, you need to draw up a complete funeral home business plan. It will provide an opportunity to quickly navigate the world of competition and take its place in the funeral services market.

Funeral business in Russia: market analysis, competition

After the abolition of licenses for the funeral business, competition in the Russian market has only increased. To receive your income, you need to have accurate data on the deceased. Such information is always under the strict control of competitors. It should be borne in mind that there are too many owners of the funeral business, and profitability leaves much to be desired. Therefore, many of them have to organize the production of ritual attributes.

The leaders of large structures are sure that the situation has reached a critical state. This is evidenced by the state of cemeteries, and the ritual business itself is in the shadow economy due to the lack of a proper state regulatory system and the necessary material base. Places in cemeteries are sold without hesitation, although the territory for burial is provided free of charge. Almost always, clients pay in cash, and these actions are not reflected in the financial report.

The market for similar services has long been controlled by a certain circle, and it is not happy with new opponents. There are some categories of funeral home that only sell specialty items. And it is almost impossible to calculate the difference between the purchase and sale of products.

Goals and objectives

The main moral goal of this business is to honorably, with all honors, see off the deceased person and take full responsibility to relatives for organizing the necessary ritual.

Business objectives include:

  • polite communication with relatives and friends of the deceased;
  • assistance in preparing for the farewell process;
  • providing the most favorable offers for burial.

coffin making

The cost of making coffins to order varies in different price categories. It depends on the chosen design and material. Therefore, each client must evaluate his solvency and choose a coffin in which he wants to take the deceased relative on his last journey.

  1. The coffin, upholstered with thick cotton fabric or special textiles, ritual stores offer at a price of about 3,000 - 4,000 rubles.
  2. The coffin of domestic production with a varnish coating looks solid, but it costs from 8,000 to 35,000 rubles and even higher. For separately provided Italian or French fittings, you will have to pay extra up to 6,000 rubles.
  3. Imported coffins made of noble woods have a cost from 60 000 rubles.

Ritual textiles

Many textile factories produce funeral textiles for funeral homes and agencies. The products are intended not only for upholstery of coffins, but also for sewing bedspreads, pillows and other accessories.

Also, according to individual orders, you can sew decorations in the coffin, clothes for the deceased, ritual tablecloths, and decorating elements for the hearse and the hall of farewells. A profitable franchise between manufacturers and buyers of mourning paraphernalia is the key to a successful business.

It is customary to bury a deceased person in new clothes. And if relatives did not prepare a robe for the deceased in advance for some reason, then there is not always time to go shopping and look for a suitable option.

In such cases, samples of clothing by gender, as well as ritual shoes, must be presented to the funeral home or agency. It is necessary to select clothes according to the age of the deceased, taking into account his complexion.


When preparing for the funeral process, do not forget about mourning ribbons. They are an important accessory on wreaths, baskets and flowers. Farewell words are written on the mourning ribbons, which emphasize the respectful attitude towards the deceased. The inscriptions are applied with a special paint and brush. The text of the inscription is recorded by the funeral home employee at the request of the customer or is compiled in advance.

Sale of ritual textiles wholesale

The purchase of ritual textiles by close relatives always carries a moral trauma for them. Funeral homes, taking care of the condition of their clients, pre-purchase all the necessary paraphernalia in bulk. Therefore, it is convenient to buy all the necessary kits, sets and single copies at the place of ritual services. The proposed type of marketing is very convenient between suppliers and buyers.

How to start a funeral business? Legal aspects

Future entrepreneurs always ask questions on the topic: how to organize a funeral business, where to start? So that the future owner does not have problems with the law, you need to start implementing your idea legally.

Important: Since 2004, there has been no mandatory requirement to obtain a state license in Russia. It was from that time that ritual agencies began to develop intensively, because a novice entrepreneur only needs to notify government agencies about the provision of these services to the population.

The owner of the establishment should register his funeral home as an LLC. You can perform this procedure yourself or entrust all the work to a legal entity that will represent your interests. The cost of this legal service should be included in the plan.

You will need to write and submit an application for one of the special systems for taxation. If the entrepreneur does not do this, he will automatically be transferred to the general system, and for the initial stage this is not entirely profitable. You will have to regularly provide a full accounting report on costs and profits, pay taxes on time and adjust monthly reporting.

For a small company that does not cooperate with large enterprises, you should pay attention to the simplest options. It is advantageous to choose a simplified taxation system in which you have to pay only one tax. The percentage ratio of income and expenses is taken into account. You need to pay from income of about 5% or up to 15%, comparing the difference in expenses and profits for the month.

Payment is made quarterly, reporting is provided at the end of each year. The benefit of the simplified taxation system is that the entrepreneur will be able to save about 3% of the amount on insurance. In order to properly plan your income, after registration within a month, you need to notify the tax system about the start of your activity.

Organizational moments

Anyone can start this type of business. Vehicles, a farewell cafeteria or wake-up restaurant can be rented, and staff vacancies can be replaced by specialists from other service providers to avoid additional costs. Therefore, every future owner of similar bureaus needs to know where to start.

Where to open a funeral home?

The rented premises must be located in a point accessible by car, so that any client can quickly find the necessary object and easily get to it. The basis is a large area. In this territory are located:

  • main agency office;
  • a hall for a demonstration display of wreaths, coffins, monuments and other ritual paraphernalia;
  • morgue;
  • warehouses;
  • hearses;
  • farewell hall.

Important: Never have a farewell hall in an apartment building. His place is no closer than 100 meters from residential buildings, cultural, children's and medical institutions.

To provide services in the mortuary at the agency, additional permission will be required. The location of this room should be coordinated with the relevant authorities: the architecture committee, the city's environmental department and the state fire service. Naturally, an additional building will entail certain costs.

Furniture and equipment

Workshops will be needed for own production. For example, to create a monument, you need not only a set of necessary tools, but also concrete, a special adhesive mixture, crushed stone, and sand.

For the production of coffins, a carpentry workshop and tools are needed. In addition to chipboard and metal, a special upholstery fabric should be available. You should also take into account the material for the manufacture of crosses and other ritual paraphernalia. Profitable franchising between customers and suppliers will help to purchase the right material and equipment.

The hall of farewell must have a complete set of equipment: supports for the coffin, armchairs and chairs. The design of the hall must be sustained in mourning colors.

In the ritual salon itself, in addition to the reception desk, there are seats for waiting, a small table with a list of services provided and prices.

All furniture, equipment and tools must be placed on the area of ​​the rented premises. This also applies to vehicles that will provide the necessary service for the transportation of passengers from the place of farewell to the cemetery area.


Persons with knowledge of human psychology and with a sense of tact should be chosen as the staff of the funeral home. They have to work with clients who are on the verge of a nervous breakdown because they have lost their loved one. Bureau employees should be able to unobtrusively offer the services of their institution, advise clients in various aspects and skillfully recommend the necessary rituals to them. The latest news in the funeral business suggests that funeral agents can receive special education in educational institutions.

In addition to customer service employees, you will need drivers, wreath makers, carpenters, consultants, mortuary workers, an accountant, carpenters, turners. Based on your capabilities, you can expand or reduce the staff. A good option is to hire the right people as needed.

If the owner is a sole proprietor, you must decide which service area you will need to hire more staff from. And do not forget that the service personnel should consist of morally stable specialists.

Funeral home services

The dividends received are completely dependent on the services provided and the range of ritual accessories. The addition of the nomenclature entails an increase in costs. It is very important to make a correct list of such services:

  • funeral rituals (in this case, a priest is involved in the process);
  • digging graves;
  • production of coffins, crosses, monuments and other ritual paraphernalia:
  • provision of transport;
  • search for a place to bury the deceased;
  • cremation, make-up, disinfection, embalming.

Customer acquisition

Competing services in the struggle for customers reach the point of absurdity. The illegal search for information about the whereabouts of the deceased even goes so far that deliberate data leakage is in demand. If you take the legal and human methods of advertising your agency, then advertising in public places, on the radio, bulletin boards, on the Internet or in print publications, is especially effective.

Funeral services business costs and profitability

At the initial stage of work, your costs and income will fluctuate. The basis is to take the initial investment at minimal cost from $8,000 to $80,000. The cost of acquiring equipment, hiring employees and purchasing ritual accessories will entail additional waste. Renting the premises will cost approximately 80 000 rubles.

The cheapest funeral cost about 18 000 rubles. But one-time orders will not help business development. Significant profit can be received only with constant orders and proper advertising of your company.

If we take into account the average order in an average business, its amount is about 20,000 - 50,000 rubles, then you can expect a monthly profit of up to 400 000 rubles.


The funeral business cannot be called simple, newcomers to it are usually poorly oriented in search of clients, which means they face certain problems. Given the serious competition, it is customary to talk about high profitability. But if a business plan is correctly drawn up, highly qualified specialists are selected, a range of goods and services is developed, then your diligence will not go unnoticed.

The ritual business is always relevant and profitable for their owners. The reason is simple - the number of people dying cannot be influenced in any way. It remains only to watch how some come and others go. And you can not watch, helping grief-stricken relatives to organize a farewell process.

Benefits of starting a funeral home

Compared to other types of business, a funeral home has a number of the following advantages:

  1. Stability. The death of people is registered almost daily. Accordingly, new customers are constantly appearing.
  2. Relatively low costs for organizing a business. All that is needed is to find the necessary premises, personnel and transport.
  3. Low cost to retain and grow the business. The owner must pay salaries, pay utilities, rent and other expenses.
  4. Undemanding in advertising. Since organizing a funeral forces people to look for a specialized company on their own, it is not at all necessary to impose your services - you can subtly hint at help.

How to open a funeral home, prerequisites

In order to open this business, you must first find a suitable premises. Its volume should contain at least two departments - a working office and a showroom for choosing goods. From a geographical point of view, the ideal option is a room located in the central quarter.

As the business develops, you can invite a lawyer to work with you. The range of his tasks will include the preparation of all papers for resolving legal issues of relatives, as well as resolving bureau issues. You can also engage in independent production of monuments, increasing the profitability of the business:

Estimated Cost Calculation

Practice shows that average bureaus spend up to 6 million rubles annually. The main costs are for:

  1. Room rental (from 25 tr. per month).
  2. Purchase of equipment (up to 1 million rubles).
  3. Purchase of computer equipment (up to 30 thousand rubles).
  4. Website creation (30 tr.).
  5. Advertising (72 tr.).
  6. Payment of wages (from 3 to 4 million rubles, depending on the average salary of city citizens).
  7. Taxes (from 100 tr per month).

At first, it is worth getting by with a small representation capable of meeting the simplest needs of citizens. Its maintenance will cost about two and a half million rubles.

When implementing a business, it is necessary to pay attention to the income component. For example, if there are 50 orders per month with a minimum cost of 6 thousand rubles for each, a businessman will be able to receive 300 thousand rubles (3.6 million rubles per year), which is enough to meet the needs of the loan, taxes and wages.

Where to start a business?

Initially, you need to register as an LLC. After registration, it is necessary to register with the tax service. If this item is completed, you can proceed to the loan. To do this, you need to contact the bank and submit a business plan for verification.

The client indicates the exact amount that he expects to receive, as well as the term for providing credit funds. It is important to convince representatives of a banking institution that the opening of a new funeral home is beneficial for both parties - both the future owner and the financial institution.

After receiving credit money, you must first purchase or rent a room, and then prepare it for work. Complete the purchase of all the necessary equipment for work and the first batch of goods. Only then find employees.

The standard list of funeral home employees usually includes an agent for communicating with people and accompanying the funeral processions, a sales consultant and an accountant.

If you plan to provide a wide range of services, you will additionally need the help of handymen, drivers, embalmers, make-up artists, loaders. It will not be superfluous to get 1-2 employees who will constantly be on duty near the morgue and lure potential customers to your side.

How cost effective can it be?

Having fulfilled all these requirements, you can start looking for clients. This requires a specific marketing strategy. You can create it yourself, but this will not guarantee a positive result in the future.

To accomplish this task, you need to use the support of professional advertising studios. They will independently develop all the necessary advertising, as well as ensure that it fully complies with the requirements set out in advance.

In order to actively receive additional income, it is necessary from time to time to expand the list of services and increase the range of the company as a whole. One of the most profitable activities of funeral homes is the production of funeral accessories on the basis of their own enterprise.

It is necessary to first find specialists to work with wood and other materials, purchase equipment and allocate funds for employees' salaries.

Profitability is achieved through potential customers who do not have to additionally run around looking for all the necessary goods, since you already have them in stock. As a rule, only those who have an existing business that has long been a “plus” decide to take such a step.

By following all the requirements outlined above, you can create a sustainable and efficient business that can consistently generate profits. The main thing is to constantly monitor its development, and, if necessary, make appropriate adjustments. An interesting solution would be opening, which does not require large investments if opened as a franchise.

Can a business by .