Housing waiting lists - how to check the queue. Checking your waiting list for better housing How to find out your waiting list for service housing

According to Article 33 of the Housing Code, Russian citizens have the right to enter the list of waiting lists for housing and receive it from the state if they meet certain criteria and need to receive an apartment.

Providing housing for those in need takes place in a strict order of priority.

A citizen acquires the right to receive an apartment from the state from the moment the application is submitted. In case of violation of the order of the queue, you can write a statement of claim to the court.

It is noteworthy that the citizen himself cannot apply to the court. By law, this can be done by the authorities and legal institutions.

Who gets housing first?

The priority right to receive housing is determined by Article 36 of the Housing Code.

This right has:

  • invalids of the Great Patriotic War;
  • participants in military operations, employees of law enforcement agencies;
  • Heroes of Russia, awarded the Order of Glory, "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces", Heroes of Labor;
  • families of those who went missing during the war years or in other military operations on the territory of the Russian Federation or another state;
  • persons with severe chronic diseases (inscribed in the Housing Code of the Russian Federation). For example, psoriasis, severe mental illness, tuberculosis, severe forms of bronchial asthma;
  • police officers, customs officers;
  • family members of military personnel, if they died in the line of duty;
  • disabled people of groups 1, 2 who received disability as a result of military and civil operations or due to a congenital disease;
  • veterans of the housing and communal services sectors who have worked in one place for a long time;
  • doctors, teachers, other specialists who are invited by institutions of settlements;
  • mothers - heroines, single mothers, families with many children, at the birth of twins, triplets.

This list of priorities is far from complete. The law prescribes the possibility of transferring from the general queue to this list.

Who has the right to housing without a queue

In Russia, there is a single list of those in need of housing or improved living conditions.

It consists of three lists, completely unrelated to each other:

  • people with a priority right to receive housing;
  • out of turn;
  • waiting lists on a general basis.

This procedure for providing apartments is never violated. Even if someone has special achievements before the state or is in dire need of a roof over their heads.

Extraordinary rights may be claimed by:

  • in case of loss of any type of housing as a result of natural disasters;
  • graduates of orphanages, boarding schools who have reached the age of majority;
  • orphans who were in care when they reach the age of 18;
  • specialists working in a direction far from their place of residence;
  • judges, employees of the prosecutor's office, district inspectors are provided with comfortable housing no later than after 6 months;

Disabled people, pensioners discharged from medical institutions and having no shelter also have the right to get an apartment without a queue. Or you can return their former housing to them, if it meets the standards.

What is a general queue

The general queue includes a list of those persons who do not have priority among other waiting lists.

But still, it does not cover everyone who wants to join the queue for a municipal apartment.

Criteria for placing in the general queue:

  • residency requirement - 5 years;
  • lack of action to worsen their living, material conditions: sale, exchange, parasitism.
  • need is confirmed by documents from the Department of Social Protection;
  • families in need of social support, poor, large families;
  • disabled people who do not have their own living space.

The last items on the list are citizens whose living space does not meet the standards (6 m 2 per one).

Who can get housing

Citizens of Russia have the right to receive preferential housing and improve living conditions.

A foreigner cannot apply for a state-owned apartment, regardless of whether it is a single person or a family.

Persons without citizenship are also not entitled to housing from the state. If the family is mixed, then the application is considered in accordance with the norms adopted in the region of residence.

You can join the waiting list for housing:

  • persons recognized as poor by local social protection authorities;
  • families with insufficient square meters per person;
  • having a residence qualification (a residence qualification is a permanent registration on the territory of a given municipal body) for at least 5 years, in Moscow - 10 years.

Housing is provided by the state through in relation to socially unprotected categories of the population. This includes the poor and the needy.

Those who apply and meet the criteria for providing housing can get an apartment. You must prove your compliance by submitting documents. Each region has its own criteria, which are compiled on the basis of unified ones for the whole country.

Promotion in turn takes place under strict supervision of the financial situation of the family. Members of the commission should watch for changes in the family. In Moscow, the criteria are very compressed, while the authorities of St. Petersburg have expanded and added new categories.

How the waiting list is formed

Each municipal authority has a department of housing policy under the executive committee. This is where you need to go with the documents.

The employee must check the availability of all necessary documents, check their correctness, compliance with the standards. If necessary, a consultation is held.

An application is written and, together with the documents, is submitted to a member of the administrative commission authorized to check the possibility or impossibility of being included in the lists. The issue is considered within a month. The applicant receives the decision of the commission with consent or refusal.

When forming the budget, funds are allocated, as well as a certain number of funds for each direction, taking into account the needs of each group of citizens. It is forbidden to mix funds in favor of one of the queues at the expense of another.

A citizen cannot get an apartment from another list if he is already in another queue.

Good to know: it is unacceptable to solve the housing issues of those who are out of turn at the expense of the general queue. If such violations are found, the order becomes invalid, the social contract of employment is recognized as void and canceled.

When are changes made?

Changes to the waiting lists are only possible for very good reasons. For example, if the applicant grossly violates his labor duties.

For this, you can shift the queue by several points, but no one has the right to cross out a person.

Even if he is seen in the commission of hooligan acts, drunkenness, violations of labor discipline, theft. The only exception is if he is prosecuted.

There may be a backward movement on the list. For example, a person on the waiting list transfers his housing to the municipality in order to get a new one. This procedure is carried out when this citizen submits an application.

The queue can be broken if there are very good reasons: for example, if there were natural disasters or man-made disasters that led to the destruction of houses. In this case, housing will be provided to the victims, even if they were not on the waiting list.

Getting an apartment from the state is considered troublesome and irrational. Many people believe that this is impossible and do not seek help, even if they formally meet the criteria. This should not be done.

On the one hand, the right to housing is spelled out in the Basic Law of Russia. Every citizen has the right to implement it. On the other hand, the fact of being on the waiting list can be useful for receiving subsidies when buying a home in the future.

Watch the video explaining how to get on the housing queue:

In the Russian Federation, there are many different social programs for the provision of apartments for different categories of the population, over time, the queue for housing on subsidies is moving forward, but how do you find out the queue number for improving your own living conditions?

Social support for the purchase of apartments is intended for the low-income category of the population. In order to receive such assistance, you must meet the following main conditions:

  • officially confirmed status of a poor family;
  • the family does not have its own living space or there is an area that is not suitable for normal living, that is, people have an urgent need to improve the quality of their living conditions.

In accordance with such requirements, the family can stand in line, after which they will be given a personal serial number that changes following the movement of families along the list. You can find out this number in various ways.

Each of the regions has its own queue, and it is possible to get into it by providing all the documentation and an application to the territorial administrative body.


The main legislative act, which is the basis for the provision of housing under the social program, is Chapter 7 of the Russian Housing Code.

It includes a significant list of sections, and a citizen who wants to queue for an apartment must carefully study them.

The issue of obtaining this type of state support is considered most accurately and thoroughly in Article 49 of this document. Here we study the issue of drawing up an agreement on social employment and other important points.

This regulatory document includes the most complete and accurate list of the main requirements for both borrowers and social employment agreements.

The process itself is already carried out in accordance with another regulatory document - Article 50, which defines the basic rules regarding the issuance and accounting of a specific number of residential areas. Based on this document, the number of square meters that should fall on one family member is calculated. If this number meets a certain norm, a citizen may qualify for support.

A wide list of reasons for the existence of which you can get real estate is reflected in Article 51 of this section of the Russian Housing Code.

Before you start receiving housing in this way, you need to carefully study all the requirements that the recipient must fulfill. Thus, control is exercised in this area. Registering people in need of improved living conditions is a standardized process. This moment is established in article 52 of the LCD. State departments must necessarily supervise the observance of priority.

People cannot artificially create conditions that will allow them to get registered. The consequences of such actions are reflected in article 53 of the LCD.

There is a basic list of reasons why government agencies may refuse to queue up. This point is covered in article 54.

If there were other grounds for refusal, the applicant has the right to apply to the judicial authorities.

Right to queue

For many families, this line is the only opportunity to buy their own home without huge expenses, which are often simply not available to such people.

It must be remembered that not every family has the right to register those who need to improve the quality of living conditions.

The list of citizens who are entitled to such support from the state includes:

  • families in which the age of the spouses is not more than thirty-four years;
  • families in which there are no foreign citizens. The possibility of issuing a subsidy is considered if you have Russian citizenship;
  • families with a large number of children also claim privileges when receiving subsidies.

State support is intended for any families that fall under the established list of requirements:

  • lack of ownership of housing;
  • there is housing, but it is not suitable for living;
  • the size of the apartment does not correspond to the number of family members;
  • the building she is in is dilapidated;
  • the family had not previously received subsidies and did not take part in real estate acquisition programs;
  • low-income people do not participate in all other social programs.

People who meet the conditions listed above can join the waiting list for an apartment and wait for the day they get the opportunity to purchase housing at a low price. When registering for participation in the program, a certificate of income should be attached to all other papers so that social workers. services had the opportunity to study the solvency of the family.

Once a low-income family joins the queue for an apartment and receives a personal number, this number must be constantly monitored.

Important! In all regions the situation is different, it depends on the size of the population. There is no single principle for promoting numbers in the city queue, and, in addition to the number of applications submitted, the economic condition of the city or other locality, as well as the activities of municipal authorities, are important.

Since there are a lot of those who want to receive living space from the state, and the construction of social immovable facilities is frozen for today, the family can get an apartment, which for some reason will become free. That is why waiting in line can last for years.

Beneficiaries who move down the list of all other needy are entitled to accelerate the receipt of housing. Therefore, an individual number, information on which is regularly updated, can not only stand still, but also grow.

Getting Information

You can check the current number for a new living space in different ways:

  • filing an application in writing to the housing department (2 pieces);
  • sending a request through the post office to the address of the housing inspection. The answer will be provided within one month;
  • personal appeal to the territorial administration. Each family standing in line has the right to find out its current number;
  • online progress tracking. There is a separate information base for each region. It includes reliable information about those who participate in the program and their individual numbers.

In each of the regions, the procedure for obtaining this information is individual. For example, in St. Petersburg, such information is posted on the official portal of the St. Petersburg Mayor. In Moscow, data is received according to the same principle as in St. Petersburg.

Removal from the register

You need to know that any citizen or family can be removed from the queue without the right to receive an apartment. The reasons for this are established by the legislation of the Russian Federation:

  • self-deregistration after filing an application with the housing department;
  • loss of grounds for receiving support;
  • loss of low-income family status due to increased income;
  • change of place of residence;
  • receiving another type of state aid;
  • obtaining land for the construction of a residential building;
  • identification of false and erroneous information in the submitted documentation.

The procedure for finding out an individual number in the queue for housing from the state has some features that you need to familiarize yourself with in a timely manner, but in general it is quite simple.

Modern parents are well aware that it is not so easy to arrange a child in a kindergarten near the house today. There are many children, but places in preschool institutions, unfortunately, are limited.

Therefore, soon after the birth of the baby and receiving all the necessary documents, mom and dad put him on the waiting list for kindergarten.

How is the queue for kindergarten formed?

Today this can be done in three ways:

The application is assigned a serial number, which must be written down, because this data will be needed to track the progress of the queue.

How can I track the place in the queue for kindergarten?

This can be done in several ways:

  1. In the appropriate section on the website of the regional administration at the place of residence. Usually on such resources you can find out the queue for kindergarten by the application number.
  2. By the reference number of user support of the State Services website: 8-800-100-70-10 (round the clock). In this case, the request is made by the name of the baby or according to his data on the birth certificate (series and number).
  3. Actually, on the gosuslugi.ru portal. Here you will need to enter the number assigned to your application.

How to find out the queue number for kindergarten through the State Services website?

Before receiving this or any other information on public services, you will need to register on the site. If you left an application for a place in the kindergarten on the State Services portal, you just have to log in using your username and password.

Register on the e-portal

To do this, you will need to enter:

  • a series of personal data that the system will ask for,
  • passport ID,
  • SNILS.

Remember that after registration, it will take some time to confirm the information. After the data is confirmed, it will be necessary to complete the registration by personally visiting the nearest Multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services.

Find out the order in the garden

So, if you have an account on the State Services website, you can find out the queue number by following the sequence of actions:

  1. Log in to your personal account using your login (as a rule, this is the insurance number of an individual personal account) and password.

  1. Go to the "Electronic Services" page.

  1. In the "Services by Departments" section, select "Department of Education of the City Administration ... (your city)".
  2. In the list of services provided by the Department of Education, select the appropriate item - "Acceptance of applications, registration and enrollment of children in educational institutions of the city ... (your city)".

  1. Click on the inscription "Get a service."

  1. Click on the inscription "Go to the application", enter in the window that appears the number assigned to your application for enrollment in the garden.

  1. On the page with the subtitle "Admission to kindergarten" you should select the type of application in the drop-down list - about obtaining information about the status of the queue.

  1. After a short-term processing of the request, the system will provide information about the state of the queue at a given time.

In what order are applications placed in the queue?

Applications are placed in the queue according to the date of their submission, which is also the date of registration of the preschooler. The age of the children is also taken into account. Thus, children of the same age group are located in the order in which the applications were issued by the parents.

It should be borne in mind that this applies to babies entering kindergartens on a general basis, that is, without benefits.

A child's place in the queue indicates how many more children of the same age group are waiting for a place in kindergarten and apply for it before your baby.

How are preschoolers standing in line distributed to kindergartens?

Distribution to preschool educational institutions occurs automatically.

The system sorts applications, placing them in order, taking into account the following data:

  • serial number of the application;
  • the category of the population to which the future pupil of the kindergarten belongs: preferential or on a general basis, in turn, beneficiaries are also arranged in sequence corresponding to the level of benefits and the date of application;
  • age of children: in each group, applications are lined up according to numbers and taking into account applicants with benefits;
  • priority kindergarten (if there is no place in it, the system will consider the nearest ones, and only then the remote ones).

Thus, the system selects children of different age groups for each specific kindergarten, depending on their place in the queue and taking into account benefits.

This usually happens during the summer. However, you can also be in the kindergarten during the year, since once every three months the groups are replenished if there are free places in them.

It should be borne in mind that the distribution of places in any kindergarten may change after a while. This is due to the fact that the parents of the referred children do not plan to send them to a kindergarten in the upcoming academic year or have received a place in a kindergarten that is not suitable for them.

Taking into account this information, the lists are corrected and kindergartens are being staffed.

Why can the place in the queue for kindergarten shift?

The queue to the kindergarten can surprise the parents of the baby with pleasant surprises - in the form of a jump up, and not too joyful facts - a shift down. What are the reasons for these movements?

An application can move up the queue in the following cases:

  • if the child standing higher on the list has dropped out of the queue (the family has changed their place of residence, the parents have completely refused to visit the kindergarten for the child, the child will not go to kindergarten this academic year);
  • if the beneficiary standing above has lost his status and now takes a place in the list in the garden according to the date of enrollment (later than you);
  • if there are “transferrs” (that is, those who do not agree to a place in this garden) or “refuseniks” in the queue.

The queue can go down for the following reasons:

  • if a beneficiary appeared in it;
  • if the list includes “transferrs” (those who transferred from another kindergarten to yours, but submitted an application before yours).

An electronic queue for kindergarten is certainly a useful service. Today, parents do not need to visit the RONO several times a month with a bunch of documents and knock on the thresholds of gardens in search of a place.

It is also convenient that you can look at the queue at any time to find out if it is moving in the right direction. However, it is important to apply as early as possible so that your child can be in kindergarten at the scheduled time.

Residents of the Moscow Region of certain categories can receive housing under a social tenancy agreement free of charge. For information on what requirements must be met and how to register as a person in need of housing, read the material of the portal website.

Who has the right

Source: Main Department of State Construction Supervision of the Moscow Region

Citizens recognized as poor can register as those in need of residential premises provided under a social contract of employment. Citizens of the Moscow Region can be recognized as poor if the amount of average per capita income and the estimated value of property is lower than or equal to the threshold value of income and property value. Thresholds are set by municipal administrations.

In order to be registered as needing housing, a resident of the Moscow Region, recognized as poor, must meet a number of other requirements:

Do not own a dwelling or not be a tenant of a dwelling under a social tenancy agreement. The same requirements apply to members of his family;

If a citizen or members of his family owns housing or it is in use under a social tenancy agreement, then the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe residential premises per family member must be less than the accounting norm. The accounting norm is also set by the administration of the municipality. It is important to distinguish between the accounting rate and the provision rate. The provision rate refers to an apartment that must be provided to those on the waiting list for housing;

To live in a room that does not meet the requirements established for residential premises;

Own an apartment or be a tenant of residential premises under a social tenancy agreement and live in an apartment occupied by several families, if the family includes a patient with a severe form of a chronic disease, in which it is impossible to live together with him in the same apartment. The list of diseases is approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Required documents

Source: RIAMO, Alexander Kozhokhin

In order to register as a person in need of housing provided under a social tenancy agreement, you will need the following documents:

Financial personal account;

Medical report on a severe form of a chronic disease (if any);

Application for registration as a municipal housing stock in need of housing;

Documents proving the identity of the applicant and his family members;

Extract from the house book;

Technical passport for a dwelling (in the presence of a housing owned or rented under a social rental agreement);

Documents confirming the right to use the residential premises occupied by the applicant and members of his family;

Documents confirming the family relationship of the applicant;

An act of checking the applicant's housing conditions (confirming the non-compliance of the residential premises with the established sanitary and technical rules and regulations, other requirements of the law).

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